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"Rudolf Steiner presents the human soul dilemma, split into male and female attributes...but offers a path of development that will eventually lead to overcoming these--what Jung called 'individuation, ' a merging with the true self or true ego of the human being" (from the introduction). We live in a sexualized society, surrounded by sexual imagery and content in almost every area of life. This condition presents us with many challenges. These include decreased clarity and increasing confusion about the distinction between love and sex; strife between men and women over their roles in society; and a persistent assault on childhood innocence. Despite the sensibilities of his time, Steiner made a huge contribution to our understanding of the complex theme of sexuality. In this freshly compiled anthology, Steiner describes the point in evolution at which human beings split from being androgynous, single-sexed beings to becoming beings of male and female genders. He traces the changing roles of the sexes in society, from the matriarchal past to today's patriarchal dominance. The division of the sexes brings suffering, but also the possibility of achieving higher stages of love. In the distant future, humanity can evolve sexuality into a new form, with the possibility that even the process of reproduction will be transformed. Steiner is refreshingly nonjudgmental and does not preach asceticism. He recognizes the all-too-human frailty with which people confront their personal lives, even in the case of such a great individual as Goethe. Sex is a necessary stage of human evolution, and the split nature of the human being is a fact of our time. Its healing will be gradual, but like Amfortas in the Grail story--whose wounded groin was a metaphor for amorous misadventure--we can all be healed through love and compassion.
Rudolf Steiner presents the human soul dilemma, split into male and female attributes... but offers a path of development which will eventually lead to overcoming these - what Jung called 'individuation', a merging with the true self or true ego of the human being.' - from the IntroductionWe live in a sexualised society, surrounded by sexual imagery and content in almost every area of life. This presents us with many challenges, including an increasing blurring and confusion between love and sex; strife between men and women over their roles in society; and a consistent assault on the innocence of childhood. Despite the sensibilities of his time, Rudolf Steiner made a huge contribution to our understanding of the complex theme of sexuality. In this freshly-compiled anthology, Steiner describes the point in evolution at which human beings split from being androgynous and single-sexed to becoming male or female. He traces the changing roles of the sexes in society, from the matriarchal past to today's patriarchal dominance. The division of the sexes brings suffering, but also the possibility of achieving higher stages of love. In the distant future, humanity can evolve sexuality into a new form, with even the possibility of reproduction being metamorphosed. Refreshingly, Steiner is not judgmental and does not preach asceticism. He recognises the 'all-too-human' frailty people confront in their personal lives, even in the case of great individuals such as Goethe. Sex is a necessary stage of human evolution, and the split nature of the human being is a fact of our age. Its healing will be gradual but, like Amfortas in the Grail story - whose wounded groin was a metaphor for amorous misadventure - we can all be healed through love and compassion.
Storyteller and ceremonialist Linda Sussman explores how to speak in a new way that is one that heals and transforms. She takes the epic story of the grail, as told by Wolfram von Eschenbach in "Parzival", as her guide. This tale weaves together Celtic, Oriental, Christian, Arthurian and alchemical sources. Linda Sussman sees "Parzival" as depicting the path of initiation to healing speech, to doing the truth in word and deed. First, she tells the story in a beautiful way, allowing the reader to reproduce within themselves the potent inner pictures of the text. Then she shows that it is not so much a path toward perfection, as the recovery of a right relationship to our imperfections. She shows, too that it is a path in which male and female aspects work together in the overcoming of evil.
Human love relationships are one of the most fertile grounds for growth and transformation. Also fraught with difficulty, frustration and pain, they dramatize for us our projections, addictions and wounds. Yet conscious use of relationships can be a fast track to spiritual and psychological transformation. In The Marriage of Sex and Spirit, thirty five of the most provocative and fresh voices of our generation give us the keys to transforming relationships from a source of grief and bondage to a celebration of self and other. Drawing together the most powerful wisdom of spiritual teachers, psychiatrists, anthropologists, educators, therapists, coaches, writers, artists, this ground breaking anthology presents the visions and ideas that form the gateway to transforming both spirituality and sexuality. This powerful collection of practical techniques and breakthrough insights offers the potential to utterly transform your experience of relationships into a source of joy, inspiration and fuel for your spiritual and emotional journey.
I am afflicted by an uncommon ailment - I let my heart decide what to love, and only then does my mind follow. - Love, Sex & Transcendence Romantic relationships are a vast source for spiritual growth but are often the first areas of our lives that succumb to deeply entrenched egoic beliefs. These false beliefs which we developed in childhood for the purpose of our physical survival - become the basis for how we view ourselves and our partners, keeping us stuck in repetitive patterns that prevent our ability to truly thrive, no matter how much effort we devote to other spiritual pursuits. In Love, Sex & Transcendence, Dr. Alam utilizes poetry coupled with short essays to help you re-connect to the ultimate source of love your inner self. Building on this connection, she guides you through the intensity of eroticism by exploring both the masculine and feminine aspects of sexuality. Finally, she takes you to the peak of transcendence itself, tying it all together to expose who you truly are: an exquisite spiritual being endowed with the potential to create a romantic partnership that is equally loving, passionate, and transformational.
1926 Contents: Love's Unfoldment & Fulfillment; Evolution Involution Christ; Holy Family & Racial Progression; Creative Trees; Mystery of Sex in Racial Progression; Sex Consciousness the Cross; Four Characteristics of the Cross of Sex; Generative.
The sacrament of marriage is an ever-evolving relationship that will grow as long as you nourish it and understand it-and knowing the ways spiritual spectrums overlap is critical. For the authors, there was no better way to explore this idea than by approaching it using the scientific method. This helped create a formulaic life-formation process and ministry that mirrors a real-life marriage. The collective experience of thousands of couples has validated the assumption that individual spirituality is enhanced as a marriage is enriched. A stirring and inspirational self-help book for married couples, Science and Spirituality of Marriage provides a unique approach to understanding marriage. This groundbreaking book is the first of its kind-a book that explores the ways science and spirituality overlap in a marriage. Organized in six sections, this book clearly outlines the interface between science and spirituality, describes the way "light" is a perfect metaphor for spirituality, and then applies these concepts to marriage and ministry. When approaching your marriage, journeying along with God is paramount. Luckily, Science and Spirituality of Marriage is an uplifting guidebook that will help you create in-depth connections in both the spiritual and physical sides of your marriage.
Using scripture, medical science and psychology, readers will discover how choosing purity -- in hundreds of everyday decisions -- protects, and enhances married sexual pleasure while enriching married relationship.
"This is a love story. It is the story of sexual love, the love of man and woman united in the mystery of a sacrament which joins them in one flesh." On this compelling note, Joseph and Lois Bird begin a detailed and sympathetic treatment of the Christian concept of sexuality in marriage. The authors examine--candidly and explicitly--the physical, psychological, and spiritual dimension of the marital union as well as the responsibilities of marriage. A mature, comprehensive guide to the subject of human sexuality, The Freedom of Sexual Love covers all aspects of love-making with wholesomeness and reverence. The authors emphasize the inseparability of spirit and flesh in Christian marriage, stressing the involvement of the total personality. Thus, they consider fully the psychological and spiritual meaning found in sexual relations and the nature of man and woman as they interact as husband and wife. Throughout the book the authors stress that sexuality permeates every aspect of the human relationship in marriage and there is a need for the marriage partners to understand this fully. Drawing upon the countless experiences of the many couples they have counseled, and especially upon their own marriage, the authors have succeeded in portraying the marital union as a commitment in love. The Freedom of Sexual Love is an invaluable reading experience for anyone married, about to be married, or contemplating the sacrament of marriage.