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Early lectures and private lessons from celebrated spiritual teacher Ernest Holmes, illustrating the key concepts behind his influential ideas. Ernest Holmes was a beloved teacher and philosopher with a disarmingly simple message: Change your thinking, and you will change your life. There is a creative law in the universe, Holmes reasoned, and it is available to each of us right now through our thought patterns. We can, quite literally, think our way to happiness and contentment. Love and Law is a collection of carefully selected lectures and private lessons that have never before been in print. It is a splendid testament to the living philosophy of this remarkable guide and thinker.
The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Love offers a wide array of original essays from leading philosophers on the nature and value of love.
The content of this book is a message of love for you. My wish is that it serves you to know better your feelings, allowing you to distinguish the feelings of true love from those forms of selfishness which imitate love but are not really. So seek to feed the first ones and remove the second ones, because this is the only way to become happy. I hope that after reading this book it is clear to you that you have a fundamental right that you must not let anyone violate, and this is the right to the freedom of feeling. With all my love, for you. Official web page http: //
For the first time in print, the early lectures and private lessons from celebrated spiritual teacher Ernest Holmes, author of the landmark work "The Science of Mind", are collected, illustrating the key concepts behind his influential ideas.
Did you know there are two laws of God? Both laws have a priesthood and a high priest. Both laws tell us how to live, how to treat each other, and how to relate to God. But... One law leads to judgment, curse, and death. The other law leads to forgiveness, grace, peace, and eternal life. The Lord has revealed in the Scriptures the law of the priesthood of Melchizedek, of which Jesus is high priest. It is the law by which the Lord is calling all believers to live. It is the oldest and the highest law of God and is in fact the law of heaven. It is beautifully simple and easy to understand because it is the only law that has no exceptions. It is the law referred to in Jeremiah 31 that God writes on our hearts and minds. It is the law of love.
Picking up this book is one of the most important things you have ever done in your life because true love power will be revealed to you like you have never known or understood before. This kind of love power will keep God's promises to deliver and release you from a broken heart, abusive relationship, battered life, and any violation of your love. This book is a spiritual mirror that reveals love truths about you and your relationships. This book has the ability to transform one's natural understanding of love to the supernatural power of love. I promise you that this book will take you on a true love journey into the unknown, and making true love known to you in power. Just remember that this book will be one of the greatest spiritual investments with interest that you have ever sowed and planted in yourself, your spouse, family, friends and associates. This book is a combination of three books in one to make you spiritually rich with information on love for the price of one. This book is God's gift of love to you that is extraordinarily motivational and inspirational at first sight.
Everybody needs Love. If you look around in your life - past and present - you'll see Love's presence in varying degrees. It's subtle in certain areas, and readily evident in others. Generally, Love is abundant and available to everyone. And in relationships it must be made welcome, and reciprocated. Knowing how to give it, get it, and keep Love are the next steps after recognizing its potential to be more present in our lives. In Love, there are certain 'Relationship Laws' to abide by, in order to love 'successfully'. There are 38 of them to be exact. That's what this book endeavors to quickly cover. The 38 Laws of Love are offered here for your quick reference to seriously help you gain and maintain any loving relationship you may desire to apply its rules to. These 38 Laws can be applied to mostly any close relationship or partnership. And definitely, these laws can make any romantic relationship thrive, when applied. It is my hope that through your reading and practicing the 38 Love Laws in this book, that you enjoy more love, joy, and expansion in your life. To Love, And...To You and Your Beloved! _______________________________ T A B L E OF CONTENTS P R E F A C E page viii L A W 1 page 11 PROMOTE THEIR GOOD HEALTH Nurture your beloved with healthy foods and massage. Promote rest and recuperation. Do all of this and more to help them live long...So you can love them longer. :) L A W 2 page 12 FIND OUT WHAT THEIR FAVORITE THINGS ARE, AND SURPRISE OR REWARD THEM WITH THEM Nothing's better than being surprised with your favorite thing, by your favorite person. L A W 3 page 14 STUDY THEIR MOODS AND GET IN TUNE WITH THEM WHEN THEY'RE IN THEIR VARIOUS STATES OF EMOTION; SO YOU CAN SUPPORT THEM, BE THERE FOR THEM, GIVE THEM SPACE, OR HELP THEM ADDRESS WHATEVER THE ISSUE IS Often times the expression of your beloved's feelings are not always verbal. L A W 4 page 16 AGREE ON AND ACTIVELY BE WORKING TOWARD A COMMON GOAL WITH YOUR BELOVED When relationships go through difficulties - and they all do, to varying degrees - one thing that helps ensure a degree of longevity through the difficulties, is the establishment of a common goal that you both are working toward...together. L A W 5 page 18 DURING DISAGREEMENTS, SAY WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY TRUTHFULLY, BUT ALWAYS BRING THE DISAGREEMENT BACK TO THE LOVE...MAKE NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE LOVE Admittedly this rule is the most difficult, because disagreements can get heated. L A W 6 page 20 HELP THEM PROCESS AND HEAL FROM PAST PAINS, IN A SAFE SPACE It is an important fact that many of us, if not most, have had some kind of past pain, heartache, or emotional wound that we are all healing from. L A W 7 page 22 KNOW THAT EVERY MESSAGE YOU'RE SENDING TO THEM IS SUBLIMINAL...TOO This law informs us that just as much as every action, word spoken, and deed done (or not done) for our beloved sends conscious messages of how you value them, to them, they too communicate subliminal messages to them as well. L A W 8 page 24 PROMOTE THEIR INDEPENDENCE As the two of you grow together in whatever kind of relationship you're in, always look to establish one another's independence through the empowerment of the other as an individual. L A W 9 page 26 SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH THEM This law comes naturally for many of us, but must be stated nonetheless. ...(Please see 'See Inside This Book', or the book sample for a full preview of the TABLE OF CONTENTS. This is a partial TABLE OF CONTENTS due to the Description character limit)... TOTAL PAGES: 100
"Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law." (Romans 13:10) This work Love: Fulfillment of the Law will be teaching us about the spiritual love. In Part 1 "Significance of Love", it looks into various forms of love that are found between husband and wife, parents and children, and among friends and neighbors, thereby giving us an idea of the difference between fleshly love and spiritual love. Part 2 "Love as in the Love Chapter", categorizes 1 Corinthians 13 into three parts. The first part, 'The Kind of Love that God Desires' (1 Corinthians 13:1-3), is the introduction to the chapter that puts an emphasis on importance of spiritual love. The second part, 'Characteristics of Love' (1 Corinthians 13:4-7), is the main part of Love Chapter, and it tells us the 15 characteristics of spiritual love. The third part, 'Perfect Love', is the conclusion of the Love Chapter, which lets us know that faith and hope are needed temporarily while we are marching towards the kingdom of heaven during our lives on this earth, while love lasts eternally even in the kingdom of heaven. Part 3, 'Love is Fulfillment of the Law', explains what it is to fulfill the Law with love.