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Lou Baldin quotes illustrated by Pablo Tisch picked from several of Lou's books
Random quotes by Lou Baldin. Illustrations by Pablo Tisch. Quotes are a sampling from books, blogs, and internet sites dating back to 1997 up to the present 2019.
Based on a true story. A man's encounter with an extraterrestrial being breaks down the illusions of life and the institutions that govern such illusions, such as religion, science, and governmental sovereignty. The information is eye and mind opening and filled with the realities that intelligent life on earth is simply one planet out of billions that exist in the Milky Way galaxy, which is teeming with similar and much more exotic, super being, type life forms. The earth is not flat, it is not the center of the universe, and certainly is not unique in any way, shape, or form.
An entity, a man, comes to earth from a higher dimension and experiences life as a human. He has a continuing relationship and contact with higher Alien beings throughout his childhood and again during his military years. Consequently, military coverts and black ops who know about this Alien intruder have an interest in him, and employ him in secret military and government projects.
Our solar system seems relatively peaceful from our perch here on Earth, however, that is far from reality. The star at the center of our existence has witnessed battles over planets and moons since the early stirrings of life on most of the planets in the system, countless millions of years in the past.
This book contains discussions, questions, and answers, from Message Board,, thread, "questions and comments for Lou/sleeper." from August 3, 2008 to September 5, 2008.
Alien Hybrids are the secret creations of nymphs and other Alien beings including humans, who labor in the forests of utopian colonies existing in star systems throughout the galaxies in the universe. Many species of Hybrids are in development on and in the orbits of planets such as Jupiter. Moons and space cities are where Hybrid colonies flourish and provide a utopian existence for the inhabitants, the Hybrids.
The New Testament tells us that "one" man named Jesus was crucified betrayed by "one" man named Judas Iscariot, history tells a different story. It was the nation of Judea that was crucified, betrayed by a small band of Jewish Zealots that engaged in all manner of rebellious terror and murder against Roman soldiers as well as against their own people in order to provoke war with Rome. Rome did not tolerate sedition and rooted it out wherever it found it, often with dire consequences for many that lived in the towns that the Zealots imbedded themselves. When Titus' (a future Roman Emperor) failed at his many attempts for a peace treaty between Rome and the Zealots, his tolerance for compromise ended; and he unleashed hell itself on the people of Jerusalem.
The Alien ship recovered in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, was filled with Alien gadgetry. The gadgetry or spawn, as some of the covert operators called the Alien things, infested the crashed flying saucer. The Alien spawn had magical and bizarre qualities with eVietnamesel tendencies. The gadgets served as tools and medical instruments and seemingly possessed personalities of their own. In their attempts to better understand the extraterrestrial menace Vietnamesesiting Earth, the covert committee performed extensive experiments on humans using the Alien gadgets.