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The Myth of the Twelve Tribes of Israel is the first study to treat the history of claims to an Israelite identity as an ongoing historical phenomenon from biblical times to the present. By treating the Hebrew Bible's accounts of Israel as one of many efforts to construct an Israelite history, rather than source material for later legends, Andrew Tobolowsky brings a long-term comparative approach to biblical and nonbiblical “Israelite” histories. In the process, he sheds new light on how the structure of the twelve tribes tradition enables the creation of so many different visions of Israel, and generates new questions: How can we explain the enduring power of the myth of the twelve tribes of Israel? How does “becoming Israel” work, why has it proven so popular, and how did it change over time? Finally, what can the changing shape of Israel itself reveal about those who claimed it?
Tudor Parfitt examines a myth which is based on one of the world's oldest mysteries - what happened to the lost tribes of Israel? Christians and Jews alike have attached great importance to the legendary fate of these tribes which has had a remarkable impact on their ideologies throughout history. Each tribe of Israel claimed descent from one of the twelve sons of Jacob and the land of Israel was eventually divided up between them. Following a schism which formed after the death of Solomon, ten of the tribes set up an independent northern kingdom, whilst those of Judah and Levi set up a separate southern kingdom. In 721BC the ten northern tribes were ethnically cleansed by the Assyrians and the Bible states they were placed: in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan and in the city of Medes. The Bible also foretold that one day they would be reunited with the southern tribes in the final redemption of the people of Israel. Their subsequent history became a tapestry of legend and hearsay. The belief persisted that they had been lost in some remote part of the world and there were countless suggestions and claims as to where.
In The Ten Lost Tribes, Zvi Ben-Dor Benite shows for the first time the extent to which the search for the lost tribes of Israel became, over two millennia, an engine for global exploration and a key mechanism for understanding the world.
In 722 BCE, the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel were taken into captivity by the Assyrians--territory now comprising the current nations of Syria, Lebanon and Iran. In 612 BCE, Assyria fell to the conquering Babylonians and Assyria's citizens are scattered along with the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Prophecy states that all of Israel will be restored to their land before the Messiah returns, but where are the Lost Tribes? Is there any way to find them today? In 2001, two scholars, Jacob Levi and Hannah Sanders, have inherited a manuscript written by a scribe at Qumran that outlines markers for finding the Lost Tribes of Israel. Problems arise for Jacob and Hannah as others in Israel and America covet the manuscript for conflicting reasons involving copyrights, patents, and the emerging DNA industry of 2001.
Thinking is a wonderful tool if it is used the right way. That is to say to imagine or to recollect what is stored up in your top storehouse, or even to form an opinion by having your mind occupied on a certain subject combined with the information to your disposal and then conceive what is possible.
This book details the scriptures that apply to the "Lost Tribes of Israel." It shows how many of them went to Ireland, England, and other European regions. It also covers the great pyramid, Bible prophecy, and the throne of David. A great resource for learning about the British-Israel connection.
Who are the Jews--a race, a people, a religious group? For over a century, non-Jews and Jews alike have tried to identify who they were--first applying the methods of physical anthropology and more recently of population genetics. In Legacy, Harry Ostrer, a medical geneticist and authority on the genetics of the Jewish people, explores not only the history of these efforts, but also the insights that genetics has provided about the histories of contemporary Jewish people. Much of the book is told through the lives of scientific pioneers. We meet Russian immigrant Maurice Fishberg; Australian Joseph Jacobs, the leading Jewish anthropologist in fin-de-siècle Europe; Chaim Sheba, a colorful Israeli geneticist and surgeon general of the Israeli Army; and Arthur Mourant, one of the foremost cataloguers of blood groups in the 20th century. As Ostrer describes their work and the work of others, he shows that to look over the genetics of Jewish groups, and to see the history of the Diaspora woven there, is truly a marvel. Here is what happened as the Jews migrated to new places and saw their numbers wax and wane, as they gained and lost adherents and thrived or were buffeted by famine, disease, wars, and persecution. Many of these groups--from North Africa, the Middle East, India--are little-known, and by telling their stories, Ostrer brings them to the forefront at a time when assimilation is literally changing the face of world Jewry. A fascinating blend of history, science, and biography, Legacy offers readers an entirely fresh perspective on the Jewish people and their history. It is as well a cutting-edge portrait of population genetics, a field which may soon take its place as a pillar of group identity alongside shared spirituality, shared social values, and a shared cultural legacy.
There have been many legends and traditions regarding the ten lost tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. This book draws upon extensive discoveries and information published regarding the movement of the People of Israel and Judah from Davidic times to the dawn of the Hellenistic period. The author has tested the biblical records against archaeological evidence, testimony and inscriptions found in Syria, Assyria, Babylon and Persia. In very many cases, the inscriptions excavated in these places coincide almost word for word with the biblical record. The early chapters also investigate evidence of migrations and movement by people to neighbouring countries by reason of seeking sanctuary, trade, marriage or in times of famine. Evidence has been found supporting the theory that many of the Northern Captives joined the tribes of the South who continued to live independently until the destruction of the First Temple. Hence it is not just a matter of investigating the transfer of captives out of Judah and the Northern Kingdom but also additional evidence found in the Bible or documents that bear evidence to Jewish people who lived, traded or served in various capacities in other lands. There is also some clear indication that many of the later captives joined their brethren who had been exiled to other lands earlier. The later chapters mention some traditions and legends that exist among many tribes that to this day trace their origins to the Exiles who belonged to the twelve tribes of Israel and Judah.
This famous book by preacher and theologian Ethan Smith puts forth the notion that the Native American tribes are descended from the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. The idea that the distant forebears of the Native American tribes had somehow arrived in North America long ago from Israel, perhaps during the Great Flood described in the Biblical Old Testament, was a popular belief in the USA during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Lacking an alternative explanation for the tribal peoples, the preachers of the era advanced this Israelite theory, which gained currency especially among pious Christians in the fledgling United States. Concepts that Ethan Smith and others advanced were later discredited by anthropologists, who determined that ancestors of the Native American peoples had in fact migrated across the frozen plains of Alaska. Despite being disproven by later research, View of the Hebrews remains interesting for insights into popular beliefs and suppositions of religious scholars at the time.