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Photographs and simple text introduce the planets in our solar system.
Five and counting! So far, astronomers have discovered five dwarf planets in our solar system. Pluto, which was once thought of as the ninth planet, is today classified as a dwarf planet. This book looks at the current dwarf planets, characteristics, size, and orbital patterns, as well as the three rules scientists follow to characterize these tiny, round space objects. Every day new discoveries are being made. Who knows how many dwarf planets we will find in the future! This book will allow students to understand that patterns in the natural world can be observed, used to describe phenomena, and used as evidence.
Presents an introduction to the Solar System and the physical features of the eight planets that revolve around the Sun, in a text that includes learning activities.
In typical Seymour Simon fashion, this SeeMore Reader employs clear, evocative language and stunning visuals to create a compelling, introductory overview of our solar system for the very youngest of readers. Newly Updated 2012.
Our solar system is made up of the millions of objects in the sky above us, including the Sun, moon, stars, and planets. This book examines the four planets closest to the Sun, known as the rocky planets. All four planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are described with information about their atmosphere, landscape, orbits, and Fun Facts that give additional information about each of these rocky planets! This book will allow students to use observations of the Sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted.
The Alfonsine Tables of Toledo is for historians working in the fields of astronomy, science, the Middle Ages, Spanish and other Romance languages. It is also of interest to scholars interested in the history of Castile, in Castilian-French relations in the Middle Ages and in the history of patronage. It explores the Castilian canons of the Alfonsine Tables and offers a study of their context, language, astronomical content, and diffusion. The Alfonsine Tables of Toledo is unique in that it: includes an edition of a crucial text in history of science; provides an explanation of astronomy as it was practiced in the Middle Ages; presents abundant material on early scientific language in Castilian; presents new material on the diffusion of Alfonsine astronomy in Europe; describes the role of royal patronage of science in a medieval context.
Este libro es básicamente una novela de aventuras que narra una historia de amor imposible ambientada en el antiguo Egipto desde la perspectiva que contempla el mundo de los primeros dioses Annunaki en la mitología egipcia, los Annu-na-Ki, "aquellos que vinieron de Annu (Nibiru) a Ki (La Tierra)". Ésta es una historia plena de actualidad entroncada en las leyendas milenaristas de la apocalíptica nueva visita del planeta Nibiru (Ajenjo) a nuestro sistema solar según las controvertidas profecías Mayas y Cristiano judías. La narrativa se integra con airoso equilibrio entre la mitología y la fantasía combinando los datos históricos que obtenemos de los documentos arcanos que se han podido conservar hasta nuestros días, cómo es el caso de la Aigyptíaka de Manetón. Los términos empleados en esta novela, al igual que los nombres, localizaciones, conjuros, rituales, etc. han sido sacados de la relación de libros más antiguos conservados como: El Libro de los Muertos (Peri Em Heru), El Libro de las Puertas (Am-Tuat), El Libro de Enoc, El Papiro de Ani, El Papiro de Hunefer, La Biblia, La Epopeya de Erra y La Epopeya de Gilgamesh. No falta en la novela el misterio y el esoterismo arcano inspirados en obras maestras inmortales como: El "Corpus Hermeticum" o La Tabla Esmeralda de Hermes Trimegisto. Estos libros se han conservado con mayor o menor integridad en sus traducciones y versiones. Sin embargo, a pesar de todo, aún continúan mostrando el sabor de la magia antigua que llega hasta nuestros días con un halo de insondable misterio.