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En este libro, el autor revela -con gran profundidad y detalle- las cualidades exactas que debemos meditar para lograr un éxito duradero. La prosperidad se apoya en ocho pilares: Energía, Economía, Integridad, Sistema, Simpatía, Sinceridad, Imparcialidad y Autosuficiencia. "Un negocio construido sobre la práctica impecable de todos estos principios", escribe Allen, "sería tan firme y duradero como invencible. Nada podría dañarlo; nada podría socavar su prosperidad, nada podría interrumpir su éxito". Este es un Libro de las Virtudes para adultos, que destila la sabiduría de los siglos en un volumen compacto.
Los Ocho Pilares de la Prosperidad es uno de los libros m�s profundos y reflexivos de James Allen, m�s conocido por su inmortal obra "As� como el Hombre Piensa" (As a Man Thinketh). En la obra Allen nos demuestra que la prosperidad es un Templo. Las virtudes morales son la base y el soporte de este templo, pues son el alma de la grandeza. Duran para siempre, y todas las obras humanas que perduran est�n construidas sobre ellas. Cuatro son los pilares principales: Energ�a, Econom�a, Integridad y Sistema. Los otro cuatro son tan profundos que quienes los dominan se convierten en seres �nicos y especiales: Simpat�a, Sinceridad, Imparcialidad y Confianza en Uno mismo.La pr�ctica perfecta de los primeros cuatro principios est� dentro del alcance de todos aquellos dispuestos a estudiarlos, ya que son tan simples y sencillos que un ni�o podr�a captar su significado, y su perfecci�n en la conducta no exige un grado inusual de auto sacrificio, aunque exige cierta abnegaci�n y disciplina personal sin las cuales no puede haber �xito en este mundo de acci�n. Los segundos cuatro pilares, sin embargo, son principios de una naturaleza m�s profunda, son m�s dif�ciles de entender y practicar, y se los llama desde el m�s alto grado de sacrificio y desprendimiento de s� mismo. James Allen fue parte del movimiento del nuevo pensamiento, y junto a William Walker Atkinson, Wallace Wattles, Orison Swett Marden, y otros, pusieron las bases de la literatura de Motivaci�n y Superaci�n, e inspiraron a todos los dem�s autores del siglo 20, y siguen inspirando a los del siglo 21, pues su sabidur�a simplemente no pasa de moda: su mensaje es a prueba del paso del tiempo.Esta versi�n del reconocido autor Mauricio Chaves Mes�n (llamado el traductor del �xito por sus decenas de extraordinarias traducciones) es parte de la siempre creciente Biblioteca del �xito, que compila los mejores libros sobre prosperidad y felicidad de todos los tiempos.
In Eight Pillars of Prosperity, James Allen outlines the exact qualities we need in order to achieve lasting success. According to Allen, prosperity rests on eight pillars: Energy, Economy, Integrity, System, Sympathy, Sincerity, Impartiality and Self-reliance. This short but powerful book is essential reading for fans of Allen's As a Man Thinketh.
In "Eight Pillars of Prosperity," James Allen reveals exact qualities we must meditate upon in order to achieve lasting success. Prosperity rests on eight pillars: Energy, Economy, Integrity, System, Sympathy, Sincerity, Impartiality, and Self-reliance. "A business built up on the faultless practice of all these principles," Allen writes, "would be so firm and enduring as to be invincible. Nothing could injure it; nothing could undermine its prosperity, nothing could interrupt its success." This is a "Book of Virtues" for adults, distilling the wisdom of the ages in one compact volume. The moral virtues are the foundation and support of prosperity as they are the soul of greatness. They endure for ever, and all the works of man which endure are built upon them. Without them there is neither strength, stability, nor substantial reality, but only ephemeral dreams. To find moral principles is to have found prosperity, greatness, truth, and is therefore to be strong, valiant, joyful and free.
En su clásico libro Como un hombre piensa, así es su vida (Ediciones Obelisco), James Allen muestra cómo nuestros pensamientos y sueños determinan el tipo de persona en que nos convertimos. En Las 8 columnas de la prosperidad, el autor nos revela con gran profundidad y detalle las cualidades precisas que es necesario cultivar para conseguir un éxito duradero y completo en la vida. Allen afirma que la prosperidad se apoya en 8 pilares: energía, economía, integridad, método, simpatía, sinceridad, imparcialidad y autoconfianza.
Prosperity rests upon a moral foundation. It is popularly supposed to rest upon an immoral foundation - that is, upon trickery, sharp practice, deception and greed. One commonly hears even an otherwise intelligent man declare that "No man can be successful in business unless he is dishonest," thus regarding business prosperity - a good thing - as the effect of dishonesty - a bad thing. Such a statement is superficial and thoughtless, and reveals a total lack of knowledge of moral causation, as well as a very limited grasp of the facts of life. It is as though one should sow henbane and reap spinach, or erect a brick house on a quagmire - things impossible in the natural order of causation, and therefore not to be attempted. The spiritual or moral order of causation is not different in principle, but only in nature. The same law obtains in things unseen - in thoughts and deeds - as in things seen - in natural phenomena. Man sees the processes in natural objects, and acts in accordance with them, but not seeing the spiritual processes, he imagines that they do not obtain, and so he does not act in harmony with them. Yet these spiritual processes are just as simple and just as sure as the natural processes. They are indeed the same natural modes manifesting in the world of mind. All the parables and a large number of the sayings of the Great Teachers are designed to illustrate this fact. The natural world is the mental world made visible. The seen is the mirror of the unseen. The upper half of a circle is in no way different from the lower half, but its sphericity is reversed. The material and the mental are not two detached arcs in the universe, they are the two halves of a complete circle. The natural and the spiritual are not at eternal enmity, but in the true order of the universe are eternally at one. It is in the unnatural - in the abuse of function and faculty - where division arises, and where main is wrested back, with repeated sufferings, from the perfect circle from which he has tried to depart. Every process in matter is also a process in mind. Every natural law has its spiritual counterpart.
Prosperity rests upon a moral foundation. It is popularly supposed to rest upon an immoral foundation - that is, upon trickery, sharp practice, deception and greed. One commonly hears even an otherwise intelligent man declare that “No man can be successful in business unless he is dishonest,” thus regarding business prosperity – a good thing – as the effect of dishonesty – a bad thing. Such a statement is superficial and thoughtless, and reveals a total lack of knowledge of moral causation, as well as a very limited grasp of the facts of life. It is as though one should sow henbane and reap spinach, or erect a brick house on a quagmire - things impossible in the natural order of causation, and therefore not to be attempted. The spiritual or moral order of causation is not different in principle, but only in nature. The same law obtains in things unseen – in thoughts and deeds - as in things seen – in natural phenomena. Man sees the processes in natural objects, and acts in accordance with them, but not seeing the spiritual processes, he imagines that they do not obtain, and so he does not act in harmony with them.
In "Eight Pillars of Prosperity," James Allen reveals exact qualities we must meditate upon in order to achieve lasting success. Prosperity rests on eight pillars: Energy, Economy, Integrity, System, Sympathy, Sincerity, Impartiality, and Self-reliance. "A business built up on the faultless practice of all these principles," Allen writes, "would be so firm and enduring as to be invincible. Nothing could injure it; nothing could undermine its prosperity, nothing could interrupt its success." This is a "Book of Virtues" for adults, distilling the wisdom of the ages in one compact volume. The moral virtues are the foundation and support of prosperity as they are the soul of greatness. They endure for ever, and all the works of man which endure are built upon them. Without them there is neither strength, stability, nor substantial reality, but only ephemeral dreams. To find moral principles is to have found prosperity, greatness, truth, and is therefore to be strong, valiant, joyful and free.