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The Millennium Development Goals set by the United Nations were deliberately ambitious, and they've been the subject of much debate. Now, with the 2015 target date for many of the goals having passed, it's time to assess the goals and attempt to determine whether they were effective. Gathering leading scholars from a range of backgrounds and regions, this book offers an in-depth exploration of that question, with the aim of better understanding the effects of the Millennium Development Goals and learning from them for future policy decisions.
Fundamentos de los sistemas de implementación de protección social: Libro de referencia sintetiza las experiencias reales y las lecciones aprendidas de la aplicación de estos sistemas en todo el mundo mostrando una perspectiva amplia de la protección social sobre diversas poblaciones objetivo, como familias pobres o de bajos ingresos, trabajadores en situación de desempleo, personas en condición de discapacidad y personas en situación de riesgo social. El libro analiza diferentes tipos de intervenciones de los gobiernos para ayudar a las personas, familias u hogares mediante programas categóricos, programas contra la pobreza, programas y servicios laborales, prestaciones y servicios por discapacidad, y servicios sociales. El libro de referencia aborda preguntas concretas sobre procedimientos, el «cómo», entre las que se encuentran: ¿Cómo distribuyen los países los beneficios y servicios sociales? ¿Cómo logran hacerlo de forma eficaz y eficiente? ¿Cómo garantizan la inclusión dinámica, sobre todo para las personas más vulnerables y necesitadas? ¿Cómo promueven una mejor coordinación e integración, no sólo entre los programas de protección social, sino también entre programas de otros sectores del gobierno? ¿Cómo pueden responder a las necesidades de sus poblaciones objetivo y proporcionar una mejor experiencia al cliente? El marco de sistemas de implementación profundiza en los elementos clave de ese entorno operativo. Dicho marco se basa en fases esenciales a lo largo de la cadena de implementación. Los actores principales, como las personas y las instituciones, interactúan a lo largo de esta cadena a través de las comunicaciones, los sistemas de información y la tecnología. Este marco se puede aplicar a la implementación de uno o varios programas y a la implementación de la protección social adaptativa. El libro de referencia se estructura en torno a ocho principios que encuadran el concepto de los sistemas de implementación: 1. No hay un modelo único para los sistemas de implementación, pero existen puntos en común que constituyen el núcleo del marco de los sistemas de implementación. 2. La calidad de la implementación es importante: Las debilidades en alguno de los elementos principales afectarán negativamente a todo el sistema, lo que, a su vez, reducirá el impacto de los programas a los que dan apoyo. 3. Los sistemas de implementación evolucionan a lo largo del tiempo de forma no lineal, y los puntos de partida son fundamentales. 4. Es necesario buscar «la sencillez» y «hacer bien lo sencillo» desde el inicio. 5. La «primera milla» (la interfaz mediante la cual las personas interaccionan directamente con las funciones administrativas) suele ser el eslabón más débil en la cadena de implementación. Reformarlo puede requerir un cambio sistémico, pero mejorará considerablemente la eficacia general y mitigará el riesgo de fallos en la primera instancia. 6. Los programas de protección social no operan en un vacío, por lo que sus sistemas de implementación no deberían desarrollarse de forma aislada. Las sinergias entre distintas instituciones y sistemas de información son posibles y pueden mejorar los resultados de los programas. 7. Los sistemas de implementación de protección social contribuyen a la capacidad del gobierno de ayudar a otros sectores, por ejemplo, las subvenciones para seguros de salud, las becas, las tarifas energéticas sociales, las ayudas para la vivienda y los servicios legales. 8. Los desafíos asociados a la inclusión y a la coordinación son amplios y perennes, y motivan la mejora continua de los sistemas de implementación a través de un planteamiento dinámico, integrado y centrado en las personas.
El Programa de Formación e Innovación para Atender a la Primera Infancia desde la Universidad Pública es el resultado de una iniciativa encabezada por el Dr. Luciano Concheiro Bórquez, Subsecretario de Educación Superior, quien, a partir de una visión de educación compartida, convocó a diversos actores a unir esfuerzos en la reorganización de nuestro sistema educativo y sus políticas públicas y así contribuir a la gran transformación nacional desde sus cimientos. Este llamado tuvo eco en 16 IES afiliadas a la ANUIES, siendo la UATx la encargada de coordinar los trabajos bajo el liderazgo del Dr. Luis Armando González Placencia y del Dr. Serafín Ortiz Ortiz. Caminando Juntos, Volumen 1 es uno de los primeros resultados del Programa y en éste se presentan algunos de los productos de investigación elaborados por los Cuerpos Académicos Interinstitucionales, los cuales fueron constituidos para atender las diversas problemáticas relacionadas con las primeras infancias en México. En sus páginas, el lector encontrará las realidades cotidianas que las niñas y los niños, sus comunidades y los profesionales que los atienden, deben sortear a base de creatividad, perseverancia y un alto nivel de compromiso en el logro de su desarrollo integral. Esta obra nos llevará a un recorrido que inicia en la zona costera de Chiapas y pasa por los estados del centro hasta llegar a la zona Yaqui de Sonora, exponiendo situaciones de rezago social y académico al tiempo que propone algunas alternativas innovadoras para enfrentar las situaciones de vulnerabilidad, violencia y exclusión sistemática de las que son objeto las infancias mexicanas. Sirva este primer volumen como un paso firme en el trayecto que habremos de caminar juntos para lograr que las primeras infancias mexicanas se desarrollen en plenitud, procurando espacios para que su voz sea escuchada y donde reciban un cuidado amoroso y sensible.
The inspiration for this book arose out of a large international conference: the ninth World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) organized under the theme of Culture/Environment. Similarly, the theme for this book focuses on the Culture/Environment nexus. The book is divided into two parts: Part 1 consists of a series of research studies from an eclectic selection of researchers from all corners of the globe. Part 2 consists of a series of case studies of practice selected from a wide diversity of K-Postsecondary educators. The intent behind these selections is to augment and highlight the diversity of both cultural method and cultural voice in our descriptions of environmental education practice. The chapters focus on a multi-disciplinary view of Environmental Education with a developing view that Culture and Environment may be inseparable and arise from and within each other. Cultural change is also a necessary condition, and a requirement, to rebuild and reinvent our relationship with nature and to live more sustainably. The chapters address the spirit of supporting our praxis, and are therefore directed towards both an educator and researcher audience. Each chapter describes original research or curriculum development work.
Cuban Studies has been published annually by the University of Pittsburgh Press since 1985. Founded in 1970, it is the preeminent journal for scholarly work on Cuba. Each volume includes articles in both English and Spanish, a large book review section, and an exhaustive compilation of recent works in the field.
In response to highly publicized incidents of school violence, educators across the United States and in many other nations are seeking effective ways to prevent and modify aggressive and anti-social behaviors in students. One of the major recommendations of the research is that efforts to prevent cruelty need to begin early, during the early childhood years of birth through age eight. The focus of Teaching Compassion: Humane Education in Early Childhood is guiding young children to accept responsibility for and to be kind in their interactions with fellow human beings, animals and the environment. Although humane education is a relatively new concept in the field of early childhood education, professionals in the field are very familiar with many of the related concepts, including: promoting positive interpersonal interactions, teaching children the skills of self-regulation, giving children experience in caring for living things and protecting the environment. This edited volume is an interdisciplinary compendium of professional wisdom gathered from experts in the fields of education, child development, science, psychology, sociology and humane organizations. As the book amply documents, the concept of humane education is powerful, integrative, timely and appropriate in work with young children. Teaching Compassion: Humane Education in Early Childhood shows how it is possible for adults dedicated to the care and education of young children to balance attention to the cognitive and affective realms and, in so doing, to elevate the overall quality of early childhood programs for children, families and communities.
This book contains everything a parent needs to know to design an optimal diet for the healthy child from infancy through the teenage years. It addresses the need for a practical nutrition book that contains evidence based information rather than "faith based" reasoning passed off as "science." It addresses the daily nutritional health issues of children in a specific, truthful, and friendly way. In addition to parents, this book will be of special interest to nursery schools, elementary and high school teachers, coaches, all health care providers, family physicians, pediatricians, and nurses who work with children, including pediatric and family nurse practitioners. At the turn of the previous century, malnutritionthe lack of certain nutrients, vitamins and mineralswas a problem second only to infection in this country. Today malnutrition is more likely to be a case of overconsumption of certain nutrients. Too much has replaced too little: too much fat, too much salt, too much sugar, and too much ultra-processed food. The author reveals the solution to the problem of overconsumption in this book, which is peppered throughout with helpful, nutritious recipes, as well as examples of the food labels of many popular products, with notes on what to look out for when reading the packages of your favorite foods. Although most of Dr. Goldberg's suggestions and anecdotes come from his years of nurturing thousands of children (and their parents), he has recruited the experience of many other experts in nutrition. For the past twenty five years the author has worked in countries such as Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Nepal, Philippines, Peru, Venezuela, and Vietnam, where poverty, ignorance, social disintegration and war have contributed to nutritional diseases, and he has brought back with him a keen understanding of the multi-cultural effects upon diet. In 2001 Doctor Goldberg was selected as one of fifty "Unsung Heroes of Compassion"from around the world and was acknowledged personally by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama.
In 1999, Venezuela became the first country in the world to constitutionally recognize the socioeconomic value of housework and enshrine homemakers’ social security. This landmark provision was part of a larger project to transform the state and expand social inclusion during Hugo Chávez’s presidency. The Bolivarian revolution opened new opportunities for poor and working-class—or popular—women’s organizing. The state recognized their unpaid labor and maternal gender role as central to the revolution. Yet even as state recognition enabled some popular women to receive public assistance, it also made their unpaid labor and organizing vulnerable to state appropriation. Offering the first comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon, Engendering Revolution demonstrates that the Bolivarian revolution cannot be understood without comprehending the gendered nature of its state-society relations. Showcasing field research that comprises archival analysis, observation, and extensive interviews, these thought-provoking findings underscore the ways in which popular women sustained a movement purported to exalt them, even while many could not access social security and remained socially, economically, and politically vulnerable.
Seeking Rights from the Left offers a unique comparative assessment of left-leaning Latin American governments by examining their engagement with feminist, women's, and LGBT movements and issues. Focusing on the “Pink Tide” in eight national cases—Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, and Venezuela—the contributors evaluate how the Left addressed gender- and sexuality-based rights through the state. Most of these governments improved the basic conditions of poor women and their families. Many significantly advanced women's representation in national legislatures. Some legalized same-sex relationships and enabled their citizens to claim their own gender identity. They also opened opportunities for feminist and LGBT movements to press forward their demands. But at the same time, these governments have largely relied on heteropatriarchal relations of power, ignoring or rejecting the more challenging elements of a social agenda and engaging in strategic trade-offs among gender and sexual rights. Moreover, the comparative examination of such rights arenas reveals that the Left's more general political and economic projects have been profoundly, if at times unintentionally, informed by traditional understandings of gender and sexuality. Contributors: Sonia E. Alvarez, María Constanza Diaz, Rachel Elfenbein, Elisabeth Jay Friedman, Niki Johnson, Victoria Keller, Edurne Larracoechea Bohigas, Amy Lind, Marlise Matos, Shawnna Mullenax, Ana Laura Rodríguez Gustá, Diego Sempol, Constanza Tabbush, Gwynn Thomas, Catalina Trebisacce, Annie Wilkinson