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Este libro precisa los contornos constitucionales del derecho de integración supranacional, define cuáles son los ordenamientos supranacionales europeos que, en el campo de los derechos fundamentales, inciden con este carácter en el nuestro, estudia su expansión y establece sus límites constitucionales. 15.
El libro se divide en dos partes. En la primera se ofrece una exégesis histórica de los conceptos de soberanía y legitimidad política en el marco en el que hasta ahora se han venido desarrollando: el Estado. El objetivo es sentar las bases para aplicar estos conceptos clásicos del constitucionalismo democrático y social en una crítica de la Unión Europea actualmente existente. Las tesis fundamentales que mantenemos es que la esencia de la soberanía popular está en preservar en última instancia el derecho del Pueblo a la revolución, para garantizar así que pueda vivir de acuerdo a su «espíritu general» (Montesquieu); y que aunque es jurídicamente legítimo y políticamente incluso recomendable ceder a instancias supranacionales el ejercicio de competencias estatales, porque además éstas surgieron precisamente para garantizar el ejercicio efectivo de la soberanía estatal (pues a veces los Estados aislados resultaban demasiado pequeños para ello), la deriva que ha tomado la globalización, especialmente por lo que respecta a la reducción de los espacios políticos, que supone el alejamiento de los ciudadanos de la toma de decisiones, cada vez más importantes para su vida cotidiana, supone una quiebra del principio democrático. En la segunda parte se diserta acerca del modo y manera en que la Unión Europea garantiza el ejercicio de la soberanía popular y, por lo tanto, qué legitimidad política puede arrogarse. Desde planteamientos post-modernos y kelsenianos la soberanía popular no se garantiza correctamente porque, de hecho, se rechaza la idea de soberanía (o lo que es lo mismo, se le niega su fundamento esencial de indivisibilidad y se propone sustituirla por el de competencia de la competencia), de manera que el Pueblo, como sujeto soberano que tiene siempre el derecho a decidir los modos y formas en las que quiere ser gobernado, queda difuminado. Por lo que respecta a la legitimidad, desde la distinción clásica entre «legitimidad democrática» de origen y «legitimidad por eficacia» de ejercicio, la idea principal es que la Unión Europea ha llegado al límite de las posibilidades de crecimiento desde parámetros funcionalistas, por lo que la disyuntiva para que el déficit democrático que arrastra de origen no afecte también a la legitimidad por ejercicio de la que hasta ahora gozaba, pasa por, o bien racionalizar y limitar sus competencias y campo de acción a lo que es propio de una unión de Estados de Derecho Internacional, o bien, resulta necesario, mediante la apertura a nivel europeo de un proceso constituyente, dotarla de una Constitución verdaderamente democrática que refleje la voluntad de un único demos europeo en constituirse como Estado.
Volume II: Special Workshops Initia Via Editora
The world has changed radically since 1989, when the General Assembly declared the period from 1990 to 1999 as the United Nations Decade of International Law. During that time, the international community claimed some major achievements as reflected by the adoption of conventions and treaties. This publication presents a collection of essays from legal advisers of States and international organizations, all of whom are among those committed to promoting respect for international law. Their contribution provides a practical perspective on international law, viewed from the standpoint of those involved in its formation, application and administration.
Publisher Description
At the beginning of the nineties, there was an expectation within the human rights community that the next decade would be a period of consolidation for the international human rights regime. This did not happen. In fact, the human rights regime underwent dramatic changes in response to new circumstances. We have tried to highlight both the achievements and the challenges ahead in this Manual, the result of a joint project under the auspices of HumanitarianNet, a Thematic Network on Humanitarian Development Studies leaded by the University of Deusto (Bilbao, the Basque Country, Spain), and the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC, Venice, Italy).
Governments, companies, environmental associations and citizens all over the European Union (EU) are struggling with large scale projects. On the one hand large scale projects can contribute to economic development, on the other hand they often also raise environmental concerns. Because of their size and potential impact, large scale projects usually lead to heavy debates and quickly become of great symbolic value. Consequently, large scale projects are excellent examples of the difficulty to balance economic development with environmental protection. The types of large scale projects, planned as well as 'under construction' in the EU, are very diverse. One can think of all kinds of infrastructure projects (motorways, railways, waterways, stations, ports, airports, ...), building projects (offices, housing projects, sports stadiums, redevelopment of brownfields, ...), waste projects (incineration, landfill, ...), energy projects (electricity and gas networks, wind farms, biogas installations, heat networks, extraction projects, ...), climate projects (CDM projects, ...), water projects, etc. In order to promote the legal thinking about all kinds of environmental and planning law aspects of large scale projects, Hasselt University and KU Leuven, Campus Brussels jointly hosted from 10 to 12 September 2014 the second European Environmental Law Forum (EELF) Conference, with as central topic Environmental and Planning Law Aspects of Large Scale Projects". The conference focused more specifically on the following aspects: -The role of spatial and environmental planning -Permitting and review procedures -Critical sectoral regimes -Horizontal measures. This book offers a selection of the contributions presented at the EELF Conference. They have all been submitted to two double-blind peer reviews. The book is subdivided into six main themes: 1. General 2. Public participation 3. Environmental impact assessment 4. Water 5. Nature 6. Land use."
The European Union is unique amongst international organisations in that it has a highly developed and coherent system of judicial protection. The rights derived from Union law can be enforced in court, as opposed to other international organisations whereby enforceability is often far less certain. At the heart of the system of judicial protection in the European Union is the core principle of upholding the rule of law. As such, the stakes are high in the sense that the system of the judicial protection in the European Union must live up to its promise in which individuals, Member States and Union institutions are all guaranteed a route by which to enforce Union law rights. This book provides a rigorously structured analysis of the EU system of judicial protection and procedure before the Union courts. It examines the role and the competences of the Union courts and the types of actions that may be brought before them, such as the actions for infringement, annulment, and failure to act, as well as special forms of procedure, for example interim relief, appeals, and staff cases. In doing so, special attention is given to the fields of EU competition law and State aid. In addition it evaluates the relationship between the Court of Justice and the national courts through the preliminary ruling procedure and the interplay between EU law and the national procedural frameworks generally. Throughout, it takes account of significant institutional developments, including the relevant changes brought by the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty and the amendments to the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice and the General Court.