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Early modern European thought held that men and women were essentially the same. During the seventeenth century, medical and legal arguments began to turn against this ‘one-sex’ model, with hermaphroditism seen as a medieval superstition. This book traces this change in Iberia in comparison to the earlier shift in thought in northern Europe.
This is the first book in English to analyse the medical category of 'hermaphroditism' in Spain over the period 1850-1960. It attempts to show how the relationship between the male and female body, biological 'sex', gender and sexuality constantly changed in the light of emerging medical, legal and social influences. Tracing the evolution of the hermaphrodite from its association with the 'marvellous' to the association with intersexuality and transexuality, this book emphasizes how the frameworks employed by scientists and doctors reflected not only changing international paradigms with respect to 'hermaphrodite science' but also social anxieties about shifting gender roles, the evolving discourse on sexuality and, in particular, the increased visibility of the 'sexual deviancies' such as homosexuality and changing legislation on marriage and divorce. Finally, we hope to open a space whereby the voice of 'hermaphrodites' and 'intersexuals' themselves could be heard in the past as agents in the construction of their own destiny as figures deemed 'in-between' by medicine and society.
Aquest llibre és un estudi de la censura i recepció que les obres d’Ernest Hemingway van tenir a Espanya. En el primer capítol es demostra que quan el nord-americà va escriure «Per a qui toquen les campanes» defensava la política cultural de l’Aliança d'Intel·lectuals Antifeixistes per a la Defensa de la Cultura. A més, s’hi ofereix una anàlisi al·legòrica de la novel·la amb l’objectiu de demostrar com el text s’assembla a les al·legories d’Alberti. El segon capítol resumeix la crítica espanyola sobre les obres de Hemingway. Es fa atenció especial a les ressenyes anticipades que es publicaren a Espanya abans que els seus llibres apareguessen en el país. Cinc dels set capítols d’aquest llibre són resultat de la recerca que s’ha dut a terme en l’Arxiu General de l’Administració d’Alcalá de Henares. El tercer capítol és un resum dels expedients compilats pels censors espanyols sobre les obres de l’escriptor publicades a Espanya durant el règim de Franco. El quart comenta l’expedient que els censors franquistes van reunir sobre el llibre «Hemingway, entre la vida y la muerte», de l’autor espanyol José Luis Castillo-Puche. Aquest capítol demostra com els censors controlaren la crítica sobre Hemingway, a més de censurar els llibres de l’escriptor. El cinquè capítol reprodueix i comenta la correspondència sobre el film «Per a qui toquen les campanes» enviada entre l’ambaixador d’Espanya a Washington i els cònsols espanyols als Estats Units. El sisè capítol publica i comenta la correspondència sobre el film «Les neus del Kilimanjaro» enviada entre els diplomàtics espanyols destinats als Estats Units. El setè estudia l’expedient compilat sobre Gustavo Durán, amic de Hemingway durant la Guerra Civil i personatge de la novel·la «Per a qui toquen les campanes». Aquest expedient aporta una nova interpretació de les al·lusions al poble d’Usera en la novel·la de Hemingway.
Research into homosexuality in Spain is in its infancy. The last ten or fifteen years have seen a proliferation of studies on gender in Spain but much of this work has concentrated on women's history, literature and femininity. In contrast to existing research which concentrates on literature and literary figures, "Los Invisibles" focuses on the change in cultural representation of same-sex activity of through medicalisation, social and political anxieties about race and the late emergence of homosexual sub-cultures in the last quarter of the twentieth century. As such, this book constitutes an analysis of discourses and ideas from a social history and medical history position. Much of the research for the book was supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust to research the medicalisation of homosexuality in Spain.
Publicado anteriormente como Free Sex? la pregunta de hoy. Más de 50 000 libros vendidos. Temas: Cómo encontrar pareja Caricias Íntimas Romances rápidos Ligues por internet ¿Qué somos? ¿Novios o free? Embarazos no planeados Errores del noviazgo Bichos genitales Hablemos sobre NOVIAZGO Y SEXO. Analicemos los recovecos de un romance, un orgasmo, una fiesta swinger y todo lo relacionado con el tema de pareja; usaremos información objetiva con un solo hilo conductor: la dignidad sexual. Será divertido, y extremadamente útil. Te lo prometo. Podrás arrepentirte de muchas cosas en la vida, pero no de leer este libro. ¿Empezamos? Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez
Examining the social, medical and cultural history of male homosexuality in Spain, this book looks at it from the time homosexuality came to be an issue of medical, legal and cultural concern. Research into homosexuality in Spain is in its infancy. The last ten or fifteen years have seen a proliferation of studies on gender in Spain but much of this work has concentrated on women's history, literature and femininity. In contrast to existing research which concentrates on literature and literary figures, "Los Invisibles" focuses on the change in cultural representation of same-sex activity of through medicalisation, social and political anxieties about race and the late emergence of homosexual sub-cultures in the last quarter of the twentieth century. As such, this book constitutes an analysis of discourses and ideas from a social history and medical history position. Much of the research for the book was supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust to research the medicalisation of homosexuality in Spain.
A separate section of the journal, Molecular and developmental evolution, is devoted to experimental approaches to evolution and development.
Insurgent Skin: Body, Gender, and Sexuality in Latin American Cinema argues that twenty-first century Latin American cinema about lesbian, feminist, intersex, and transgender themes is revolutionary because it disrupts heteronormative and binary representation and explores new, queer signifying modes. Grounded in feminist and queer theory, Insurgent Skin conjugates film phenomenology and theories of affect and embodiment to analyze a spectrum of Latin American films. The first chapters explore queer signifying in Argentinean director Lucrecia Martel’s Salta trilogy and the lesbian utopia of Albertina Carri’s Las hijas del fuego (2018). Next, the book discusses the female body as uncanny absence in Tatiana Huezo’s documentary Tempestad (2016), a film about gendered violence in Mexico. Chapter Five focuses on intersex films and the establishing of queer solidarity and an intersex gaze. The last chapter examines transgender embodiment in the Chilean film Una mujer fantástica (2017) and Brazilian documentary Bixa Travesty (2018).
In Masculinity and Queer Desire in Spanish Enlightenment Literature, Mehl Allan Penrose examines three distinct male figures, each of which was represented as the Other in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Spanish literature. The most common configuration of non-normative men was the petimetre, an effeminate, Francophile male who figured a failed masculinity, a dubious sexuality, and an invasive French cultural presence. Also inscribed within cultural discourse were the bujarrón or ’sodomite,’ who participates in sexual relations with men, and the Arcadian shepherd, who expresses his desire for other males and who takes on agency as the voice of homoerotica. Analyzing journalistic essays, poetry, and drama, Penrose shows that Spanish authors employed queer images of men to engage debates about how males should appear, speak, and behave and whom they should love in order to be considered ’real’ Spaniards. Penrose interrogates works by a wide range of writers, including Luis Cañuelo, Ramón de la Cruz, and Félix María de Samaniego, arguing that the tropes created by these authors solidified the gender and sexual binary and defined and described what a ’queer’ man was in the Spanish collective imaginary. Masculinity and Queer Desire engages with current cultural, historical, and theoretical scholarship to propose the notion that the idea of queerness in gender and sexuality based on identifiable criteria started in Spain long before the medical concept of the ’homosexual’ was created around 1870.