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You Can Have the Power of the Holy Spirit The gifts of the Spirit can destroy any force the devil might use against Christians. You are a candidate for the gifts of revelation, power, and inspiration. They will function anywhere—right where you are now! Dr. Sumrall discusses subjects including: The charismatic renewal The weapons of our warfare How you can receive the gifts The devil's counterfeit The purpose of ministry gifts You can be included in the great outpouring of God's Spirit!
Usted puede tener el poder del Espíritu Santo Los dones del Espíritu pueden destruir cualquier fuerza que el enemigo quiera usar contra los cristianos. Usted es un candidato para recibir los dones de revelación, poder e inspiración. ¡Éstos funcionarán en cualquier lugar—en donde usted esté ahora mismo! El Dr. Sumrall discute temas que incluyen: La renovación carismática Las armas de nuestra guerra Cómo podemos recibir los dones La falsificación del diablo El propósito de los dones ministeriales ¡Usted puede ser incluido en el gran derramamiento del Espíritu de Dios! You Can Have the Power of the Holy Spirit The gifts of the Spirit can destroy any force the devil might use against Christians. You are a candidate for the gifts of revelation, power, and inspiration. They will function anywhere—right where you are now! Dr. Sumrall discusses subjects including: The charismatic renewal The weapons of our warfare How you can receive the gifts The devil's counterfeit The purpose of ministry gifts You can be included in the great outpouring of God's Spirit!
A "cada" creyente se le ha otorgado al menos un don del Espiritu Santo. Sabe usted cual tiene y como operar en el? El maestro de la Biblia internacionalmente reconocido Derek Prince explica como avivar el don que hay en su interior a fin de ministrar a otros. Una de nuestras mayores necesidades en la iglesia en la actualidad es demostrar mediante el poder del Espiritu que Jesus esta vivo y que su evangelio es verdad. El mundo necesita ver la manifestacion de la presencia de Dios. Los creyentes necesitan el ministerio del cuerpo de Cristo mediante los dones espirituales. "Los Dones del Espiritu" revela como podemos satisfacer ambas necesidades: "practicamente" y "poderosamente." "Every" believer has been given at least one supernatural gift of the Holy Spirit. Do you know which you have and how to operate in it? Internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince explains that any believer who is not manifesting gifts of the Spirit is living far below the level of God's provision for his life. One of our greatest necessities in the church today is to demonstrate through the power of the Spirit that Jesus is alive and that His gospel is true. The world needs to see the manifestation of the presence of God. Believers need the ministry of the body of Christ through spiritual gifts. "The Gifts of the Spirit" reveals how we can fulfill both of these needs: "practically" and "powerfully."
Dones y ministerios del Espíritu Santo, Serie Espíritu Santo, Libro 3, está diseñado para ayudarlo a comprender los nueve dones espirituales, los dones ministeriales quíntuples con testimonios de vida y ejemplos. Este libro también le ayudará a experimentar el poder, los dones y los milagros de Dios y del Espíritu Santo. Este libro creará una presencia divina espiritual, estimulará los dones y talentos en su vida cristiana diaria y en su vida cristiana. Consiga uno para sus amigos y pastor o maestro de escuela dominical.
Ayede a sus miembros que hablan Espanol a identificar sus dones dados por Dios Espirituales con el Inventario de Equipo de Pastoral, utilizado por mas de 5 millones de personas. La edicion actual en Espanol (punto 401x) esta ahora disponible .y una visita obligada para aquellos que hablan y leen Espanol como primer idioma. Muestra a sus miembros como Dios les ha regalado una vida cotidiana y de ministerio ..y van a estar entusiasmados y motivados para servir donde encajan mejor. With over 5 million used, The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory has helped Christians around the world identify their God-given spiritual gifts. The Spanish version is a must for those who speak and read Spanish as a first language. Administered in 20 minutes, it is fun and a valuable tool for the Christian walk. Learn how God has equipped you to minister in the local church and in daily life! Covers nine task-oriented team gifts used in daily life and ministry: Administration, Evangelism, Exhortation, Giving, Mercy-Showing, Pastoring/Shepherding, Prophecy, Serving Teaching. (For further explanation and study of spiritual gifts; different types of gifts; how gifts relate to other gifts, your daily life, etc. see the book How to Find Meaning and Fulfillment through Understanding the Spiritual Gift within You.) The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory includes questionnaire; 2-part, self-scoring answer sheet; and instructions."
Comprender cómo obra el Espíritu Santo por medio de los dones espirituales Muchas personas se preguntan cómo obra el Espíritu Santo en sus vidas. Como parte de la serie Fundamentos sobre el Espíritu Santo, este libro explica los dones espirituales como un elemento fundamental del sistema de creencias de la comunidad llena del Espíritu. Provee fundamento bíblico y apoyo por la experiencia y explica por qué la obra del Espíritu Santo es relevante y activa en el Cuerpo de Cristo en esta época, como lo ha sido desde el día de Pentecostés. Los lectores aprenderán... - ¿Qué significa tener un don del Espíritu? - ¿Qué dice la Biblia al respecto? - ¿Cómo puedo experimentarlo por mí mismo? El Espíritu Santo que llenó a Jesús, que invistió de poder su ministerio, que lo resucitó de los muertos, que dio vida a la Iglesia en el día de Pentecostés, y realizó milagros en la Iglesia Primitiva es el mismo Espíritu Santo que hoy capacita a los creyentes por medio de los dones del Espíritu. Este libro examina cuidadosamente los dones del Espíritu y su necesidad y propósito en la vida de los creyentes de hoy. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION What are spiritual gifts? What does the Bible say about them? How do I experience them for myself? In An Essential Guide to Spiritual Gifts, Ron Phillips explains the gifts of the Spirit--including the five leadership gifts, the seven service gifts, and the eight sign gifts--and provides clear biblical background and support for them. As a Spirit-filled Southern Baptist pastor, Phillips brings a welcome balance to the topic. Offering clear support from Scripture along with dynamic illustrations from his own life and the lives of others, he demonstrates the importance and operation of each of the gifts. The Holy Spirit who filled Jesus, empowered His ministry, raised Him from the dead, and performed miracles in the early church is the same Holy Spirit who equips believers today. Discover how you can activate these amazing gifts in your life.
Dones Espirituales explica este tema de la Biblia e incluye un test para que los cristianos descubran qué dones tienen. Este folleto a todo color explica cada uno de los dones que da el Espíritu Santo y señala qué significan. Cuando una persona se convierte, el Espíritu Santo le otorga dones para edificar a los creyentes, tanto en la iglesia local como en la iglesia universal. Este folleto describe los distintos dones espirituales, explica cómo usarlos, y ayuda a determinar qué dones tienen los cristianos. El folleto consta de 14 paneles, cabe en la mayoría de las Biblias, su tamaño es 8.5 x 8.5 pulgadas, y al desdoblarlo mide 38 pulgadas (casi un metro). The Spiritual Gifts pamphlet explains the spiritual gifts in the Bible and includes a Spiritual Gifts Quiz to help people know their gifts. Full color pamphlet explains each of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and what they mean. When you became a Christian, the Holy Spirit gave you spiritual gifts to build up fellow believers both in your own church and worldwide. This pamphlet describes the different biblical gifts, explains what they are for, and the Spiritual Gifts Test helps you determine which of them you may have. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.
Perhaps one of the most misunderstood things in the Bible if the Holy Spirit. Most people know that it is a part of the Holy trinity, some may even know about the baptism of the Holy Spirit; however most people rarely go beyond that. The Holy Spirit is significantly more important than most Christians understand. It's not only important to us but the Church as well. Today more than ever we need to understand the Holy Spirit, as well as the gifting of the Spirit. We read in Ephesians 4:11 that the Lord gave us gifts to be used. These gifts are known as ministry gifts they are to be used to prefect the church. They were all but forgotten however, they were restored to the church by the reawakening of the charismatic movement. Like all things of God the Devil has a counterfeit which had led to much confusion and misunderstanding, it has also led to much abuse. Today, He is restoring a biblical understanding of what these roles and callings mean. The church has come a long way, even though there is still a lot of wrong conceptions and rejection due to the abuse prevalent in His body. However, when the gifts are recognized and they start taking their rightful places, the Church can come into its maturity. Having all five offices in place in the church does not mean it is free from all work and responsibilities, on the contrary. It will find itself in a place of growth and equipping that nobody has ever dreamed possible. Only when the church becomes what God meant it to be, with all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as the five-fold ministry gifts, in place, will we truly come into full maturity and have the ability to fulfill the commission our Master Jesus gave us, to make disciples of all nations, doing the same works He did, and even greater. That is why now more then ever their is a need to understand the Gifts of the Spirit more than ever. Over the years, there have been volumes written on the subject of spiritual gifts. Lists have been compiled, and test written and administered with various degrees of success and understanding. Even with all the differing opinions from various people, the study and application of knowing one's spiritual gift can have the greatest of impacts on the character of the church and its membership. Once you understand what your gifting is, it will bring a greater sense of pleasure, purpose and security. In today's Church the gifts of ministry are needed more than ever, however we don't see them in action very often, some people may even have gone their entire life and not see the gifts working. Some may have a general idea of what they are while others may not know what they are. Most who do know of the Gifts of the Spirit are often confused about them. How often does someone misunderstand how they work, and confuse the use of them? Such as the prophet, and the gift of Prophecy, both are gifts of the Spirit but each is different in how they are used. For example all prophets have the gift of prophecy and can use the gift of prophecy, but not all people who can prophecy are prophets. With the reawakening of the charismatic movement the gifts of the spirit (Spiritual gifts) has been reawakened and brought back into the church. It is sad to say that in today's church the use of Spiritual gifts are the source of much controversy and confusion among believers. Some churches and or their demotions won't allow them because they don't know them are they fear them. This is interesting and something of a sad commentary, since these gifts are meant to be graces from God for the edification of the church. Even today, as in the early church, the misuse and misunderstanding of spiritual gifts have brought division--splitting up, rather than building up--in the church. Here in this book I seek to avoid the controversies by simply exploring what the Bible says about spiritual gifts, and help you to understand what the gifts are and how they can benefit the Church.
The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, dwells among us and showers us with spiritual gifts. Here Stephen Binz has chosen key biblical texts to help readers discover how to rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit and allow Gods Spirit to manifest these divine graces and spiritual gifts more richly within them. He shows how the same Spirit who inspired the prophets and evangelists and who filled the life of Jesus now blows within and among all Gods people.
Entiende el poder milagroso de Dios. Alcanza la plenitud del Espíritu Santo En el primer capítulo del primer libro de la Biblia, vemos a Dios, al Espíritu de Dios y a la Palabra de Dios. Más adelante observamos que Jesucristo es conocido como la Palabra de Dios. Son tres seres distintos: Dios, el Espíritu de Dios y la Palabra de Dios. La Mente Creadora (el Padre) se expresa a través de la Palabra (el Hijo), por el poder activo del Padre, que es el Espíritu Santo de Dios. Esta obra trata acerca del Espíritu Santo, a quien vemos --a lo largo de la Biblia-- como el poder que activa la voluntad y la Palabra de Dios a lo largo de su creación, a favor de aquellos de nosotros creados a su imagen. ¿Quién es esa misteriosa Tercera Persona de la Trinidad? ¿Quién es el Espíritu Santo y por qué lo necesitas en tu vida? ¿Cómo lo tenemos y qué debemos hacer con él cuando lo recibimos? Pat Robertson, aborda esas preguntas en este libro escrito en su décima década de vida. Trazando el camino del Espíritu Santo a través del Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento, Pat revela las historias de muchos de los espectadores de El Club 700, y de su propia vida, para mostrarnos la manera en que el Espíritu Santo sana y libera milagrosamente a las personas todos los días. Si deseas entender mejor al Espíritu Santo y ansías saber más del poder que él tiene para cada seguidor de Jesucristo, este libro es para ti.