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La historia se da en el año 2002, con una joven llamada Ariana; su aventura atraviesa gran des riesgos a lo largo de la historia. Desde que Ariana conoce a sus grandes amigos, se entera de una supuesta epidemia que, ataca primeramente a jóvenes de dieciséis años. Conforme pasa el tiempo, están jugando a contra reloj, para salvar la vida de sus amigas y demás jóvenes; con la ayuda de sus amigos, familiares, un padre y, variación de personajes. Tendrán que encontrar una cura o, mejor dicho una solución, en contra de este mal; pero antes de poder ayudarse a si misma y, a las otras jóvenes, debe de arreglar problemas, para lograr convencer a la gente de su alrededor, que piensan que no es una maldición, si no, una enfermedad, por eso debe de ir convenciendo a sus amigos. Su amiga Alejandra padece este mal de varios meses antes, será clave importante así como Dinamarca y varias jóvenes más; antes de todo deben de informarse sobre los misterios del parque, donde comienza la supuesta maldición, esperando encontrar respuestas a su camino; cada uno de los personajes tienes su forma de ver el problema, así como en burla o en ayuda y, la personalidad de cada personaje para la historia. El morbo de la información puede matar, como la ignorancia del miedo, a no, querer ayudarse a si mismo y pensar que todo es parte de la mente...
"He is the invisible oxygen of our poetry."--Octavio Paz
"Large anthology includes work by 58 poets. Extensive, but general, introduction. Poets arranged chronologically from Josâe Martâi to Marjorie Agosâin. Volume includes few surprises and relatively few women. Bilingual format. Many translators; great fluctuation in quality. For detailed discussion of translations, see Charles Tomlinson in Times Literary Supplement, May 9, 1997; and Eliot Weinberger in Sulfur, 40, Spring 1997"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.
Nine-year-old Zulema, the meanest girl in school, decides to change her wicked ways after receiving a visit from the witch owl.
Six eerie tales featuring owls, told in English and Spanish, reveal superstitions about these unusual birds, as well as the culture of the barrio and Mexican Americans who live there.
Creer o no creer. Paralelismo entre nacimiento y muerte. Buscar el principe azul y no verlo cuando se tiene al lado, pero se toma como tal a quien no es. Descubrir el mundo, la vida; pasando por todos los signos zodiacales, por el deseo de poder, por el fracaso, por el triunfo.
In a study published in the mid-twentieth century, French historian Robert Ricard postulated that the evangelization and conversion of the native populations of Mexico had been rapid and relatively easy. However, different forms of evidence show that the so-called “spiritual conquest” was anything but easy or rapid, and, in fact, natives continued to practice their traditional beliefs alongside Catholicism. Within several decades of initiating the so-called “spiritual conquest,” the campaign to evangelize and convert the native populations, the missionaries faced growing evidence of idolatry or the persistence of traditional religious practices and apostasy, straying from Church teachings. The evidence includes written documents such as inquisition investigations that resulted, for example, in the execution of don Carlos, the native ruler of Tezcoco, on December 1, 1539, or that uncovered evidence of systematic organized resistance to Dominican missionaries in the Sierra Mixteca of Oaxaca. Other forms of evidence include pre-Hispanic religious iconography incorporated into what ostensibly were Christian murals, and pre-Hispanic stones embedded in the churches and convents the missionaries had built. One example of this was the stone with the face of Tláloc at the rear of the Franciscan church Santiago Tlatelolco in Distrito Federal. During the course of some three centuries, missionaries from different Catholic religious orders attempted to convert the native populations of colonial Mexico, with mixed results. Native groups throughout colonial Mexico resisted the imposition of the new religion in overt and covert forms, and incorporated Catholicism into their worldview on their own terms. Native cultural and religious traditions were more flexible than the Iberian Catholic norms introduced by the missionaries. The so-called “spiritual conquest,” a term coined by Ricard, evolved as a cultural war set against the backdrop of the imposition of a foreign colonial regime. The 11 essays in this volume examine the efforts to evangelize the native populations of Mexico, the approaches taken by the missionaries, and native responses. The contributions investigate the interplay between natives and missionaries in central Mexico, and on the southern and northern frontiers of New Spain, and among sedentary and non-sedentary natives. In the end, many natives found little in the new faith to attract them, and resisted the imposition of new religious norms and way of life.
BROTHERS GRIMM (GREEN BOOK): Spanish & English BRIEF SYNOPSIS: This book contains a selection of eleven stories from Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s collection of German folk tales, originally published from 1812 -1815. The stories include: Cinderella (La Cenicienta) Rapunzel (Rapunzel) Sleeping Beauty (La Bella Durmiente) Little Red-Cap (Caperucita Roja) Hansel and Grethel (Hansel and Gretel) The Frog Prince (El Príncipe Rana) The Bremen Town Musicians (Los Músicos de Brema) Snow-White and Rose-Red (Blancanieve y Rojarosa) The Fisherman and his Wife (El Pescador y su Mujer) The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs (Los Tres Pelos de Oro del Diablo) The Young Giant (El Joven Gigante) 2LANGUAGE BOOKS: The dual-language text has been arranged into sentences, sub-paragraphs, and paragraphs, for quick and easy cross-referencing. You can also read the entire book in English or Spanish. The text has been modernised and amended to suit this dual language project. The emphasis is on attaining a high correlation between each set of text fragments. The original fables are in German. The Spanish text has been partly translated anew from the English. The English text has been in large part translated anew from Spanish. The reader can choose between four formats: Section 1: English to Spanish Section 2: Spanish to English Section 3: English Section 4: Spanish