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Approach and landing performance of XB-70 aircraft.
The suitability of an aircraft with respect to human control is determined by its so-called handling qualities. In modern transport aircraft the handling qualities are determined to a high degree by the flight control system. An introduction to the following aspects of closed-loop flight control systems for modern transport aircraft is given: stabilization and manoeuvring functions, candidate implementation forms, (mini-size) manipulators for flight control, and mathematical representations of the airframe/flight control system combination required for prediction and evaluation purposes. Regarding criteria for good handling qualities of transport aircraft the 'terminal flight phases' (take-off, initial climb, final approach and landing) are of prime interest. A treatise on a number of promising quantitative criteria for transport aircraft equipped with advanced flight control systems is given. Two groups of criteria are distinguished: criteria based on the dynamic characteristics of the aircraft alone (six criteria) and criteria based on the dynamic characteristics of the pilot/aircraft closed-loop system (two criteria). In the latter case a quasi-linear describing function for the human controller behaviour is used. (SDW).
Four flights have been conducted using the Tu-144LL supersonic transport aircraft with the dedicated objective of collecting quantitative data and qualitative pilot comments. These data are compared with the following longitudinal flying qualities criteria: Neal-Smith, short-period damping, time delay, control anticipation parameter, phase delay [omitted], pitch bandwidth as a function of time delay, and flightpath as a function of pitch bandwidth. Determining the applicability of these criteria and gaining insight into the flying qualities of a large, supersonic aircraft are attempted. Where appropriate, YF-12, X-70, and SR-71 pilot ratings are compared with the Tu-144LL results to aid in the interpretation of the Tu-144LL data and to gain insight into the application of the criteria. The data show that approach and landing requirements appear to be applicable to the precision flightpath control required for up-and-away flight of large, supersonic aircraft. The Neal-Smith, control anticipation parameter, and pitch-bandwidth criteria tend to correlate with the pilot comments better than the phase delay criterion, [omitted]. The data indicate that the detrimental flying qualities implication of decoupled pitch-attitude and flightpath responses occurring for high-speed flight may be mitigated by requiring the pilot to close the loop on flightpath or vertical speed.
Four flights have been conducted using the Tu-144LL supersonic transport aircraft with the dedicated objective of collecting quantitative data and qualitative pilot comments. These data are compared with the following longitudinal flying qualities criteria: Neal-Smith, short-period damping, time delay, control anticipation parameter, phase delay (omega(sp)*T(theta(2))), pitch bandwidth as a function of time delay, and flight path as a function of pitch bandwidth. Determining the applicability of these criteria and gaining insight into the flying qualities of a large, supersonic aircraft are attempted. Where appropriate, YF-12, XB-70, and SR-71 pilot ratings are compared with the Tu-144LL results to aid in the interpretation of the Tu-144LL data and to gain insight into the application of criteria. The data show that approach and landing requirements appear to be applicable to the precision flightpath control required for up-and-away flight of large, supersonic aircraft. The Neal-Smith, control anticipation parameter, and pitch-bandwidth criteria tend to correlate with the pilot comments better than the phase delay criterion, omega(sp)*T(theta(2)). The data indicate that the detrimental flying qualities implication of decoupled pitch-attitude and flightpath responses occurring for high-speed flight may be mitigated by requiring the pilot to close the loop on flightpath or vertical speed.Cox, Timothy H. and Marshall, AlisaArmstrong Flight Research CenterSUPERSONIC AIRCRAFT; TU-144 AIRCRAFT; FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS; DATA ACQUISITION; CONTROLLABILITY; BANDWIDTH; PILOT RATINGS; AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE; SUPERSONIC TRANSPORTS; TRANSPORT AIRCRAFT; B-70 AIRCRAFT; SR-71 AIRCRAFT; FLIGHT PATHS; YF-12 AIRCRAFT
A fixed-base simulator study was conducted to determine the minimum acceptable level of longitudinal stability for a representative turbofan STOL (short take-off and landing) transport airplane during the landing approach. Real-time digital simulation techniques were used. The computer was programed with equations of motion for six degrees of freedom, and the aerodynamic inputs were based on measured wind-tunnel data. The primary piloting task was an instrument approach to a breakout at a 60-m (200-ft) ceiling.