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¡Cantemos! Ha sido creado por la pasión del canto congregacional de Keith y Kristyn Getty y ha sido formado a través de viajes y presentaciones al escuchar, discutir, aprender y enseñar a través de todo el mundo. Con la creación de este material ellos tienen cinco objetivos clave: Descubrir por qué cantamos y la abrumadora dicha y el santo privilegio que proviene de cantar. Considerar que cantar impacta nuestras vidas, corazones y mentes. Cultivar una cultura de familia que canta, en nuestra vida familiar diaria. Equipar a nuestras iglesias para cantar con sinceridad al Señor y a los demás en una expresión de unidad. Inspirarnos para ver el canto congregacional como un testigo radical para el mundo. También se han incluido «pistas adicionales» al final, con sugerencias prácticas para usarlas con grupos que están más profundamente relacionados con el canto en la iglesia. El propósito de Dios a través de esta irresistible visión de ver a Su pueblo cantando (personas que alegremente se unen a cantar, hermanos y hermanas alrededor del mundo y alrededor de Su trono) es incluirte. Él quiere que todos nosotros cantemos. Sing! has grown from Keith and Kristyn Getty’s passion for congregational singing; it’s been formed by their traveling and playing and listening and discussing and learning and teaching all over the world. And in writing it, they have five key aims: • to discover why we sing and the overwhelming joy and holy privilege that comes with singing • to consider how singing impacts our hearts and minds and all of our lives • to cultivate a culture of family singing in our daily home life • to equip our churches for wholeheartedly singing to the Lord and one another as an expression of unity • to inspire us to see congregational singing as a radical witness to the world They have also added a few “bonus tracks” at the end with some more practical suggestions for different groups who are more deeply involved with church singing. God intends for this compelling vision of His people singing—a people joyfully joining together in song with brothers and sisters around the world and around His heavenly throne—to include you. He wants you, He wants us, to sing.
This critical study of the group of remarkably talented poets who flourished in Spain between the First World War and the Spanish Civil War includes copious quotations accompanied by English prose translations. Mr Morris treats his poets as a group, showing how they shared certain themes and attitudes. He begins with a general study of the generation as a whole and then examines the use of tradition; the zest and levity of the Jazz Age; the exaltation of life as a shared attitude; then its converse; the escape from life; and finally the expression in complex imagery of personal tensions and disturbances. These are often 'difficult' poets, but become less so when they are sympathetically examined in this way and in relation to earlier literary traditions. Mr Morris enables the reader to take bearings and establish relationships which are enhanced by reproductions of photographs of the poets.
Introduction to Worship (Spanish)
Health and sickness are mystifying processes full of meaning and challenges. They are embedded in social and cultural environments that benefit some more than others and thus need us all to hone our social awareness and skills. They are also dreaming processes that require a new process-oriented intelligence and practice. Communal Medicine is about exploring the many intertwined experiences we have when we are getting sick or are facing illness. It is about understanding the lived experience of disease and the objective realities of medicine within their individual, social, cultural, dreaming, and spiritual contexts. Understanding the complex layers of a person’s and community’s health care experience will help health care providers and participants alike improve their own and their patients’/clients’ physical, emotional, and social health.