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In your need, discover God as a Friend. In your weakness, discover God’s Strength and Power. In your loneliness, discover God as your Companion. In your pain, discover God as your Comforter. In your confusion, discover God as your Stability and Truth. In your loss, discover God’s intimate Love. In your feelings of unworthiness, feel God’s complete Acceptance. In your fear and devastation, discover God’s Comfort and Security. In your feelings of shame, discover God’s Forgiveness. Take God’s hand in yours as you read these powerful, inspiring, heart touching pages. You will never be the same again.
When Paul and Silas taught the gospel in Thessalonica, they were accused of having "turned the world upside down" (Acts 17:6, KJV). In reality, sin has turned our world upside down, and only the power of the gospel can turn it right-side up again. As Christians, we are constantly faced with teachings, policies, and behaviors that clearly contradict God's Word; even from within the church. Through spiritual training and discernment, we recognize that God has it right, and the world is subverting the message. David Gibson skillfully stacks the upside-down lies of the world against God's truth for us to examine. His conclusions provide us with the solid ground needed for building a right-side up life in Christ.
Although hopelessness surfaces from every area of our world, governments and their leaders would have you believe they are adept at crisis management. They would have you think they possess the ability to get everything under control, solve the world’s problems and manage chaos. However, the evidence of their failure expands. Everything around the globe is shifting positions, dismantling law and order. Anyone can search the daily news and see for themselves mankind’s foolishness. Our sin is not hidden. The church must wake up, repent and use the spiritual authority Jesus Christ invested to believers (Matthew 28:18-20). Right-Side-Up in an Upside-Down World imparts practical wisdom and offers hope through God’s Word. This daily journal will help the reader use their God-given authority in their daily lives. This work stresses the importance of seeking the Word of God and prayer in every situation. Christians can view the world’s calamities with the peace of God that is beyond understanding. Anxiety will not overcome us nor have place in our lives if we seek God and His wisdom in prayer (Philippians 4:6-7). We live in uncertain times. Right-Side-Up supplies insight from God’s Word to direct us through the dark maze the world creates. Without true light, mankind will continue to stumble and fail. As believers, our hope springs from our assurance that nothing takes God by surprise (Romans 8:28). We know He is in control of all things. God ordains individuals in leadership roles for good or for bad to accomplish His plan (2 Chronicles 7:14; 1 Timothy 2:1-4). Nothing happens without His knowledge. In a world inundated with information and change, only the Bible, the inerrant Word of God, contains God’s wisdom that can offer mankind true hope for a better tomorrow (Colossians 2:2-3).
In our age when the church can too often seem like a poor copy of the world, Chad Bird challenges us to reclaim the astounding originality of our ancient, backward faith. Where the world stresses the importance of success, Bird invites readers to embrace nine specific failures in the areas of our personal lives, our relationships, and the church. Why? Because what human wisdom deems indispensable is so often an impediment to our spiritual growth, and what it deems insignificant is so often essential to it. With compelling examples from the Bible and today, Bird paints an enticing picture of the counterintuitive, countercultural life that God wants for us. He helps readers delight in all of the ways that Jesus turned the world upside-down, allowing us to experience true freedom, not from our weaknesses but in the midst of them.
Collection of 52 devotional stories to help Chrisitans walk in faith.
Jesus changes everything. His life, message, death, and resurrection are game changers for all humanity. In the only sermon Jesus ever preached He reveals a new way to live. It's a way that seems upside down from our natural way of thinking but all the evidence confirms that Jesus is right. In a world that constantly chases fulfillment without finding it, Jesus reveals that life to the fullest is closer than we think. Upside Down Crown unpacks the brilliance of the right-side-up way of Jesus.
What Does a Right Side Up Life Look Like? Jesus can take your upside down world and make it right side up. But what does He have to say about moving on, being better, living His kind of life? That's the big question, because each of us were accustomed to upside down living before we met Christ. What is this new life after Jesus? "Living Right Side Up: Jesus' Guidelines For A New Life" offers us guidance, a pathway, a vision, for living the kind of life God intended, told to us by His only Son. In the greatest sermon ever preached, by the greatest preacher who ever preached, we discover exactly what it means to live right side up, the kind of life Jesus wants us to live.
Following Jesus is not a safe course of action, it can upset your life and others. How does He do that? Through random acts of kindness, unexpected encounters, or a friendly stranger. Upsetting people can break down barriers and build relationships. Pastor Ross teaches you how to: Create a new ordinary of relating to others Practice listening to and obeying the Holy Spirit's voice Learn how to do everyday evangelism Love everybody (even people who disagree with you) Change the way people think about Christianity Upset the world with the message of hope and the love of Jesus Christ.
No longer can Acts be seen as a simple apologia that articulates Christianity's harmlessness vis-à-vis Rome. Rather, in its attempt to form communities that witness to God's apocalypse, author Kavin Rowe argues that Luke's second volume is a highly charged and theologically sophisticated political document. Luke aims at nothing less than the construction of a new culture - a total pattern of life - that inherently runs counter to the constitutive aspects of Graeco-Roman society.