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Living in THE SUPERNATURAL DIMENSION A captivating and mind-stretching journey! Living in the Supernatural Dimension takes you on a journey with God. You will learn about his voice alerts, His “Global Positioning System,” and His forks in the road. He will take the willing traveler to His highest and richest plateau. YOU will be moved from where you are to where He would like you to be, as you listen and let God speak to you. YOU will learn about power—God’s power in you—to change you and your world. YOU will have a front row seat as God’s “mind-stretching” supernatural power is released to you and through you to a hurting world. YOU may experience anger, joy, fear, love, laughter, or tears. YOU are on a journey to an enriched life, bringing greater perspective and balance with sharper focus in God’s dimension of the supernatural. Follow the child preacher, now affectionately known around the world as the pastor’s pastor, from Russia to Africa, from Eastern Europe to Asia, who heard God’s call and—sixty years of global ministry later—tells it like it is. He tells what God alone has done in revolutionizing multitudes of lives, lives of people who now live in his victory. Fact can be stranger than fiction, stretching many and too much for some.
Romans 8 is a favourite of many Christians. Verse after verse is pure spiritual gold. It opens up to us the power of God's goodness. In this thoughtful and perceptive book Ray Ortlund delves deeply into Romans 8. Our appreciation and understanding of the chapter will be thoroughly revitalised.
Looking for Signs of Life Believers around the world are experiencing God's kingdom in a real and transformative way through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit working in and through their lives. Yet some are uncertain about the purpose of signs, wonders and miracles in our modern age of doubt. Living a Supernatural Life is a guide to understanding the Spirit's power in our time, and a handbook for participating in His work. This book is a challenge to all believers to become more like Jesus in character and action, totally dependent on the Holy Spirit. By living as Jesus did, you will witness the light of God's Spirit defeating the darkness, often in miraculous ways! Find out how to live in the reality of the supernatural realm, attuned in mind and heart to God's kingdom coming in power through the Holy Spirit living in you.
In this publication, Apostle Frequency Revelator explores the divine revelation of the 7 Universal dimensions of the supernatural realm which believers can progress through in their spiritual journey or voyage of exploration of the greater depths of the spirit realm. It is worth exploring the divine truth that Faith is the first dimension of the supernatural realm, the Anointing is the second dimension and the Mantle is the third dimension. So, in order to tap into the higher realms of supernatural, one has to step out or be catapulted from the realm of faith (first dimension) through the realm of the anointing (second dimension) into the realm of the mantle (third dimension). The grand entrance into the realm of the anointing is through faith. Faith is the ever empowering awareness of the invisible world and its realities. Faith is the currency of Heaven and functions as an antenna whose frequency is being tuned to the spiritual waves that come directly from the Throne room of Heaven. Although faith is a lower plane in the realm of God and a starting point for all humanity endeavouring to reach the realm of eternity, faith is what introduces you to the anointing and accentuates an avenue for the glory of God to be manifested. The anointing is the divine impartation of God's supernatural abilities and traits upon an available and yielded vessel in order to undertake delegated divine tasks efficiently and effectively. The solidification and build-up of the anointing will usher you into another higher dimension called the mantle, which is an emblem of God's manifest presence in the natural realm and functions as a spiritual covering that rests upon an individual in order to exercise a heightened degree of authority or dominion over a territory. The Presence is the fourth dimension of the supernatural, the Miraculous is the fifth dimension and the Glory is the sixth dimension while Love is the 7th and highest dimension, coined as the God Dimension. As we continue to progress heavenward in the spirit realm, you can be catapulted from the presence (Fourth Dimension), into the miraculous arena (fifth dimension) and from the miraculous domain into the Glory realm until you are thrust into the (Love) God dimension which is the 7th and highest Dimension of the supernatural. The presence represents a radiation or refection of God's glory. The presence is not the glory but the radiation or refection of that glory. It is a signal that God is in the house. On the other hand, the miraculous is an incredible happening, occurrence or unusual manifestation that takes place in the natural realm as a result of a sudden divine intervention of God in the affairs of humanity to the extent that it cannot be fathomed or comprehended by human reasoning and intellectual ability. The glory is a tangible and visible supernatural manifestation of the fullness or totality of God from the realm of the spirit into the realm of the physical. It is the intrinsic essence of who God is characterised or manifested by His nature, character, being, attributes or virtues. While the anointing is given to an individual for service to complete specific tasks, the glory is given for elevation or promotion in the spirit. The anointing is what breeds the glory because the anointing causes one to execute tasks and brings them to perfect completion which would then entitle one to be in a position to receive the glory. The anointing is given to bring the glory of God into manifestation. You get to see the glory of God through the anointing because the anointing is what connects you to the glory of God. In our journey in the spirit dimension, there is a realm which a man can be catapulted into which marks the highest level of spiritual contact with God. It is called the seventh dimension. That realm is the realm of love. It is a realm of perfection. It is a dimension in which God Himself lives, breathes and operates.
Making the Most of Your Days Starts with Hearing God at Night We all have dreams. But many of us have no clue what they mean--or that God is speaking, even imparting matchless wisdom, to us through them. Cutting through the confusion and unbiblical teachings on dreams, prophetic leader Demontae Edmonds offers a hands-on guide to this supernatural realm grounded in biblical truth. You'll discover how God uses dreams to heal, give direction and answers, expose the enemy, give warnings, reveal mysteries--and more. You'll come away equipped to · discern the source of your dreams · perceive direction and solutions · unpack biblical dream language and symbols · unlock hidden potential in your life · prevent demonic dreams from becoming reality · remember and archive your dreams · receive supernatural impartations Here is everything you need to step into a greater dimension of God's prophetic dream realm each night--so you can make an eternal impact each day.
New edition include a Personal and Group Study Guide.Checking into Faith removes the vagueness of faith. It takes you on a journey real life stories, biblical narratives and fundamental mindsets and actions to see faith's objectives realised. You will discover: 'Faith is the currency of heaven. This is not optional extra. 'Without it no one can please God' 'Faith gives you the ability to live beyond the natural and to move into the supernatural. It the door way into a much larger life.' Faith has a definition: 'It is the inner conviction, God will do it.' `Its the title deed for what your are believing for.' 'Faith breaks open brand new worlds, that you can explore and enjoy.' It lets you experience the the 'God' dimension.' Life and revelation emanates from this book. You will experience the infusion of faith into your inner world. Checking into Faith is for those who want to live in the supernatural dimension they were created for.
God is a supernatural God of Peace. The peace of God is supernatural, it is a place of rest, a place of refuge and an abiding place in God where there is perfect stillness, calmness, undisturbed strength and freedom. Wherever God is, His supernatural peace is also present. Therefore, His peace is the proof of His presence and His presence is His peace.
Learn the life-transforming qualities God wants to cultivate inside you, and discover the supernatural Agent who empowers you to attain them. 6 SESSIONS
Every journey is best pursued by having an authentically wise guidebook to aid us in our understanding of (our ULR) how to wisely journey through life and reality. An authentically wise understanding (ULR understanding of life and reality) is informed both about how and why to travel, journey wisely. It is self-evident that truth and love matter to a life wisely lived, but it is not plainly evident whose explanation of life and reality (ELR) contains the very best explanation of constitutes enduring truth and authentic love. The God of the Bible said if left to ourselves, collectively we would be plagued by wars and rumors of wars, that famine and pestilent would plague our days. And we would also individually and in our intimate relationships as couples and families would find loving oneness much longed for but difficult to find and even more challengingly to sustain. Our much self-heralded humanly constructed ELRs, have not resulted in an enlightenment informed, progressively enriched existence but a reality persistently plagued by unity/chaos, clarity/confusion, peace/despair, and all life still finally ends in death. We were warned by the God of the Bible, we would come to suffer from a mind and heart condition similar to snow blindness termed reality blindness: better equipped to see analytically but yet persistently, congenitally spiritually blinded. Reality blindness is a congenital condition of humanity, a manifestation of being spiritually stillborn, if we elect to exist outside of a right standing with God. When all things are relative being equally true and false at the same time in the same relationship nothing is relevant: real gold is equal to fool’s gold, momentary lust and enduring love are equally valid emotional expressions. Humanly sourced understanding results in a form of mental, emotional hypothermia: reality began at my birth, all meaning is temporary, and in death we return to nothingness. In our various hypothermic states of existence, we numb our inevitable despair by self-medications found in drugs, sex, achievement, entertainment, etc. or some lash out with a coping strategy of hurting themselves or others. But wait! All is not lost. Our existence failure is not new nor unexpected nor unexplained. God created us with love hungry hearts only He can satisfy. God is both the great physician and ultimate parent who can both heal us spiritual today and gift us with an eternal relationship for all our tomorrows including a post-physical-death forever home. But you have to respond with a yes and to His offer of the Live Wise Solution: forgiveness and adoption. As directed by God, Live Wise is a Jesus sourced how-to guidebook for facing life and reality’s complexities and messiness with the singularly valuable wisdom and love of God only found in God’s ELRs: Jesus and the Bible. Initially God’s offer is a gift of forgiveness of our sins and an outpouring of love and peace that only need be accepted. Stop. Think. Believe. You make the call. Live Wise.