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E. Stanley Jones wrote Victorious Living in 1936 to respond to inquirers who had come to him morally and spiritually defeated. They were inwardly beaten, thus outwardly ineffective. The book responds with individual and social emphases, and goes step by step, as if on a ladder, to work through the pressing questions of the inner life and how it extends outward: How do we achieve a life evidencing the peace that passes understanding, even in ourselves, let alone passing it on? What makes the difference between ordinary living and extraordinary, victorious living? How can we build a new inner strength that shines through in our outward character and relationships? Our own efforts to rise above are ineffective but by applying the power of God’s Word we can close the gap between our reality and our beliefs. Each daily reading offers essential truths and eternal principles: keys to victorious living in the circumstances we encounter every day! Now this vibrant work is making a long deserved comeback, with a new foreword by Leonard Sweet.
STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF JOSHUA This guide to Victorious Christian Living is not about a theory to be admired but an experience to be enjoyed. The greatest need of the Christian Church is a revival of the New Testament standard of living. There seems to be a wide gulf between what we believe and how we live, a marked contrast between our position in Christ and our actual experience. Too often we claim to believe our Bible from cover to cover, but fail to live out its truths in daily conduct. The spiritual emphasis of the book of Joshua is to move the believer beyond conversion into the land of promise that awaits us here and now. This book is written with the fervent prayer that the Lord may use it for His glory to help many people face afresh the implications of the Cross and the pattern of God's redemption in personal life.
Without a doubt, the quest to attain sexual purity is the No. 1 battle Christian men face in the 21st Century. The message of Gallagher's timely book is that men need not settle for a fear-driven form of freedom. As children of God, the bountiful life of victory in Christ is theirs for the taking. Win the battle for sexual purity.
'Keys to Victorious Living' is a workbook that enables Believers to become mature Christians. This workbook is designed as a tool to equip Leaders to effectively disciple others. Discipleship must be about transformation of character and also the transference of ability. Jesus demonstrated this with His twelve Disciples; they were transformed by the teaching of Jesus concerning the Kingdom. Later on, these Disciples were designated as Apostles, who went on to transform cities and regions. 'Keys to Victorious Living' is the beginning of the journey that God intends for every Christian.
Is there a void in your life that cannot be filled? Do you feel that there is something more but you cannot pinpoint what it is? Do you want to be a part of something more fulfilling and purposeful? Do you want to indulge yourself into a deeper level of knowledge of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? If you have answered yes to any of these questions this book is for you. Jesus tells us in John 10:10 NKJV "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." To have a more abundant life is to live a Victorious Life. The Bible is full of resources and guidance for our daily lives, and this book addresses some targeted areas that if they are submitted to the will of the Almighty God, will put you on the path to living a victorious life. This is a guide to spiritual warfare; a war that we are all involved in whether we acknowledge its existence or not. This is a call to righteous living and saying "no more" to the devil that's been holding you back, and keeping you from living a fulfilling life. It's a call for a revolution to the Christians, and a wake-up call to the world. It does not matter what you call yourself, or what denomination you affiliate with. You have a destiny much bigger then yourself, your dreams, or anything you've ever imagined, and it starts by setting yourself on the path of the Victorious Life with GOD.
The victorious Christian life is not based on what you do for God, but what Christ has done for you. In Christ, you were ordained to conquer weaknesses, rise above failures, and inherit all of God's promises. Jesus said, it is the Father's good pleasure to give you His kingdom. God wants you to inherit everything reserved for the believer. In fact, the Bible says that we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness. This means that a life lived in Christ cannot fail. While Jesus promised freedom, many feel bound to their past, the requirements of religion, and the limitations of their abilities. This is because the promise isn't given to those who walk according to the flesh, but only to those who walk in the Spirit. So what does it mean to walk in the Spirit? How do you live according to the new creation and put the deeds of the old creation to death? Understanding these fundamental truths are essential for walking in victory. Victory has been given, but we must learn to live in the Spirit. Living by faith isn't complicated, but unless we know what has been given to us through Christ, the truth cannot set us free. Lay aside guilt, fear, and frustration. Take the hand of grace and enjoy your fellowship with God as you journey through a life of victory!
Great news! You can live a life of victory! In this 21-day devotional you will learn all about how to live a victorious life! Victory is not subtle. In fact, it is a violent proclamation that you can win against all odds! The reality is that most people will live a life of defeat because they are unaware that the mundane, lackluster life does not belong to those who have accepted Christ!Christ says, "I have come to give you life, and life more abundantly"! The abundant life or full life is the victorious life! All we have to do is accept this life and walk in it! It's time to walk in victory from this day forward.This book is broken into three unique sections to get you started on your journey! Section one will focus on victory, itself. What is victory? How can I get it! Section two points out victory blockers in your everyday life! Shame, unforgiveness, fear! There are many more but let's start there. The last section is all about how to "walk the walk" and "talk the talk". It's not good enough to learn about victory, yet have no tools to move forward! The last section is where things start moving and if you dig in, the results will be life changing!Grab your pencil and your Bible, and let's start walking the victory walk!
Complete edition of How to Live the Victorious Life by Unknown Christian, assumed today to be Albert Richardson and author of The Kneeling Christian. This classic Christian guide teaches how to live a Victorious Christian Life! "The Victorious Life! The words ring with hope. ... Can we ask for anything better? And Christ offers this." "The writer proposes to try to make it plain and clear to the simplest mind, what the Bible says about this Life. We shall ask: How can it be obtained and retained? What are its difficulties and its dangers? Can it be lost? If so, can it be regained? We shall speak of real Victory and false. We hope to tell of its Triumphs and its Testings." All students of thought should get this historic book. This 1921 edition is provided in a slim volume with full text at an affordable price. TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR'S PREFACE CHAPTER 1: IS IT POSSIBLE? CHAPTER TWO: CAN "LITTLE" SINS BE CONQUERED? CHAPTER THREE: GOD'S LOVE NEVER FAILETH CHAPTER FOUR: HOW SIN IS OVERCOME CHAPTER FIVE: NONE CAN IMITATE CHRIST CHAPTER SIX: HOW TO ENTER IN CHAPTER SEVEN: BURIED WITH CHRIST CHAPTER EIGHT: SURRENDER ALL TO CHRIST CHAPTER NINE: REAL VICTORY AND FALSE - REAL VICTORY AND ITS COUNTERFEIT CHAPTER TEN: THIS LIFE IS A GIFT CHAPTER ELEVEN: NOT SINLESS PERFECTION CHAPTER TWELVE: THE PERILS OF THIS LIFE CHAPTER THIRTEEN: OTHER PERILS CHAPTER FOURTEEN: "HIGHEST" CRITICISM CHAPTER FIFTEEN: DAYS OF HEAVEN ON EARTH