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A systemic problem plagues the local and global church: We habitually lose the gospel. In its place, we substitute personal prosperity, legalism, politics--and we end up paralyzing the mission of the church. Galatians contains Paul's passionate defense of the gospel. It shows us how to enjoy God's presence and everlasting peace, setting us free to love and be loved. In Live in Liberty, Daniel Bush and Noel Due help you apply the spiritual message of Galatians so that you may experience the liberating presence of God.
Barry C. Lynn, one of America's preeminent thinkers, provides the clearest statement yet on the nature and magnitude of the political and economic dangers posed by America’s new monopolies in Liberty from All Masters. "Very few thinkers in recent years have done more to shift the debate in Washington than Barry Lynn." —Franklin Foer Americans are obsessed with liberty, mad about liberty. On any day, we can tune into arguments about how much liberty we need to buy a gun or get an abortion, to marry who we want or adopt the gender we feel. We argue endlessly about liberty from regulation and observation by the state, and proudly rebel against the tyranny of course syllabi and Pandora playlists. Redesign the penny today and the motto would read “You ain’t the boss of me.” Yet Americans are only now awakening to what is perhaps the gravest domestic threat to our liberties in a century—in the form of an extreme and fast-growing concentration of economic power. Monopolists today control almost every corner of the American economy. The result is not only lower wages and higher prices, hence a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few. The result is also a stripping away of our liberty to work how and where we want, to launch and grow the businesses we want, to create the communities and families and lives we want. The rise of online monopolists such as Google and Amazon—designed to gather our most intimate secrets and use them to manipulate our personal and group actions—is making the problem only far worse fast. Not only have these giant corporations captured the ability to manage how we share news and ideas with one another, they increasingly enjoy the power to shape how we move and play and speak and think.
The ideas presented in this book are about an alternative view of politics: a politics, not of force, but of persuasion, of live-and-let-live, of rejecting both subjugation and domination. The essays are mainly written by younger people who are active in the Students For Liberty, a very dynamic and exciting international movement. They offer an introduction to the philosophy by which most human beings live their lives on a day-to-day basis. Being a libertarian means not only refraining from harming the rights of other people, namely, respecting the rules of justice with regards to other people, but also equipping yourself mentally to understand what it means for people to have rights, how rights create the foundation for peaceful social cooperation, and how voluntary societies work. It means standing up, not only for your own freedom, but for the freedom of other people.
EVERYONE FOR EVERYONEthe book (volumes I & II) by Samuel A. Nigro, M.D. The Everybody for Everybody Book is the accumulation of what was learned over 70 plus years of life, over 45 years of marriage, over 40 years as a psychiatrist, 3 years in the U.S. Navy Submarine Service, and as a first generation American with five children and ten grandchildren. The planet and mankind are amazing. To limit ourselves to behaviors as if there is nothing more, is contradicted by an accurate comprehensive understanding of the planet and the universe. Basically, love is superior to all and the universe is the entropy necessary for the expression of love. Love itself requires there to be more. Nothing more is a cruel joke that life and love are meaningless. All logic and reason demand there be more, and we should act as if there is even much more love in anticipation. And if there isnt, then there ought to be! Regardless, the world would be better by believing in such and acting as such. The book provides some articles but most of it is the way to live a transcendental life: organized matter sanctified and given a soul by identity, truth, oneness, good and beauty for everyones life, liberty, and pursuit of happinesspartially the subtitle of the book. You get substance and the transcendental principles for living that save by actuality for a change. This is in contrast to the virtual reality culture of the unreliable manipulating self-discrediting noisy glitzy press&media imposed substanceless non-being which, by suggestibility, turns us into choiceless aliens instead of free persons for the planet. By the self-worshiping self-discrediting press&media, we are on the madman road-rage race to the bottom culture of pollution, disgust, death, and decline. Not by this book. Against vulgar suggestibility and glitz caused gullibility, this book gives real being by teaching six analogous ways of living the wisdom-filled eight categories of metaphors of love in the cone of space-time: As a human particle by elementary physicsevent, spectrum, field, quantum, singularity, dimension, uncertainty, and force. As a human being by community universalsdignity, unity, integrity, identity, spirituality, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. As a C/catholic, Roman or otherwise, by the sacramentsBaptism, Penance, Holy Communion, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, Matrimony, and Grace. As a Christian by the virtuesfaith, hope, charity, prudence, justice, courage, temperance, and holiness. As a patient by the universal variables of all therapyliving things are precious, selective ignoring, subdued spontaneity non-self excluded, affect assistance, detached warmth & gentleness, non-reactive listening, C2CC centered candidness, and peace & mercy. And as sanctified by the last words of the crucified Christ. Take your pick or combine them all. Except for the quantity, it is simple. Thousands of aphorisms and concepts about every imaginable topic are offered to teach ancient secrets from nature and natures God (to quote the Founding Fathers of America). Interspersed in the book are the worlds first SEX SATIRES...fiery hilarious...which will help all cope with the prurience flooding the world as entertainment, advertisement and games. SEX SATIRE, properly applied to those exploiting sex, will free you from sex craziness and help keep societys prurience from disrupting your transcendental life. Read it through once; then a few pages or a chapter daily; and problem-solve as needed by index and perusal. You will be better. The world will be better. You will learn to be a real human being for everyone. And you will have your soul back by embracing the universal Mass mantra: life-sacrifice-virtue-lovehumanity- peace-freedom-death.
Rather than wield religion as a weapon or a ruse in irrational appeals, the book attempts to reimagine a shared American mythos and ethos, by reminding us of our shared stake in creating an America committed to the life of all peoples and species and to the full developments of our capabilities as an exercise of liberty.
A volume on the nature, ingredients, causes and consequences of human happiness by the father and son team of Anthony and Charles Kenny.
Writing in a highly readable style, independent of religious dogma, Robinson in Life, Liberty, and Happiness comprehensively tackles the big questions with the basic understanding that 'if you keep before you the core idea, live and let live, you will never go far wrong'...Robinson offers a coherent viewpoint on the big questions, a comprehensive optimist manifesto, not packed with bland bromides but thought-provoking ideas.-The Review of MetaphysicsThere's no shortage of gloom-and-doom viewpoints about humanity: our history of violence and war, environmental profligacy, economic and social injustice, etc. Frank S. Robinson has written this optimist manifesto as an antidote to such poisonous pessimism. Here you will find some radical and refreshing assertions: that most people are fundamentally good, that global society is getting better all the time, and that, in the big picture, humankind is not at the end of a brief, tragic existence but, rather, has just embarked on a long, bright future.What started as an extended letter to his daughter, one father's effort to leave an intellectual legacy, grew to comprehensively cover and tie together the big philosophical, political, social, and economic issues. Writing in a highly readable style, Robinson steadfastly emphasizes reason as our best tool for discovering truth and making objective decisions. It is through this consistently rational approach to life that he argues for a positive humanistic vision, based on people being left free to pursue their dreams.Celebrating our human character and achievement as well as American ideals of liberty and opportunity, this compelling work is packed with thought-provoking ideas that engage the mind. Good-humored and entertaining, yet intellectually rigorous, it has a positive, optimistic message: we can live good and happy lives; today's world is the best ever; and tomorrow's will be better still!Frank S. Robinson (Albany, NY) is a retired administrative law judge, an expert numismatist, and author of three previous books including Confessions of a Numismatic Fanatic.
The impassioned memoirs from one of America's leading civil liberties attorneys of the 20th century. After graduating from Harvard Law School in 1956, Temple worked for Thurgood Marshall at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund until he was drafted into the United States Army. A critical formative experience was Temple's August 1964 trip to St. Augustine, Florida with the New York City Lawyers Constitutional Defense Fund, where he worked with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others to ensure compliance with the newly enacted 1964 Civil Rights Act. He died in 2011 a national hero.
An informative overview of the American Revolution, this book covers pre-Revolution dissatisfaction, wartime struggles, and the aftermath and its special challenges. This volume helps readers understand the roots, results, and spirit of the American Revolution, but lets them make their own deductions about many lingering issues. Readers will also learn about some of the American Revolution's key players--the Founding Fathers--with a special section on the nation's first president, George Washington, and features on the likes of Abigail Adams, Mary Otis, and Thomas Paine. This resource satisfies the Common Core requirements for history, such as evaluating various explanations for actions or events.