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4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 Live讀門祕笈 10 焦點人物 Anya Taylor-Joy: Long Live the Queen 安雅.泰勒喬伊:棋后萬歲! 14 旅遊好去處 Malta: A Tiny Country with a Lot of History 馬爾他:歷史悠久的歐洲後花園 18 動物醫療 Heals on Wheels 澳洲移動式動物醫院上路 20 焦點話題 21 主題式對話 Building Confidence 建立自信心 24 大師名作選 The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire 〈薩塞克斯吸血鬼〉 28 食物趣聞 Knot to Be: Fun Facts about Pretzels 關於椒鹽卷餅的趣聞 32 克漏字 Swedish Pop-Up Supermarket Bases Prices on Carbon Footprint 瑞典快閃氣候超市,以碳排放計價 34 環保科技 High-Tech Food Labels Fighting Food Waste 高科技食品標籤,對抗食物浪費的良方 39 日常好用句 A leopard can't change its spots. 江山易改,本性難移。 40 生活情境對話 Exploring the Traditional Market 逛傳統市場 43 英語聽力測驗 1 圖片理解、對答和簡短對話 44 追本溯源 Q-tips: Quality Cleaners or Health Harm? 棉花棒:優質的清潔工具還是健康殺手? 48 生活科學 Kitchen Tips and the Science behind Them 廚房裡的科學 52 英語聽力測驗 2 短文聽解、長篇聽解 53 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 56 醫藥歷史 The History of Vaccines 淺談疫苗史 60 General English Proficiency Test 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題 62 唱歌學英語 Afterglow 紅髮艾德:〈美好回憶〉 63 Movie 電影快報 64 Movie Trailer English 看預告片學英文 65 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯 73 GEPT Answer Key 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題解答
ABC Interactive English No. 240 June, 2022 Contents 每日一句 Hotel English 飯店英語實用句 本月焦點 At a Supermarket 超級市場 Doing the Shopping 一起去採買 品格英語 The Dunning-Kruger Effect 達克效應:切勿掉入自以為是的陷阱 安妮信箱 The One Thing I Can't Live Without 生命中不可或缺的一樣東西 畫中有話 Renting a Car 租車 玩味生活 Bananas: The Happy Fruit 香蕉是最好的療癒食物 短篇故事集 The Riverman 《河工》 文法補給站 Figuring Out Who Is Who 確認對象 Comparing Notes 交流意見 流行最前線 Get Ready for Dragon Boat Festival 五月五日慶端午 世界好望角 Finland: The Happiest Country in the World 芬蘭:世界上最快樂的國家 活用 ABC Saying Goodbye 用英語說再見 克漏字測驗 How to Get Teenagers to Cut Social Media Use 如何讓青少年減少使用社群媒體 悠遊文化 The Rise of Korean Culture 韓國文化的崛起 一本好書 The Graveyard Riddle 《墓園女孩》 ABC 長知識 The Golden Circle—Your Key to Success 黃金圈法則——讓你成功的關鍵 聽說圖寫 Science Project 科學實作 本月之星 孫盛希
#符合教育部頒布108課綱 #基礎英語2000個單字 #圖解生活場景常用會話 適合以下讀者 ✔三年級到八年級的學生 ✔想要打好英語單字基礎 ✔希望學會簡單生活會話 從手繪圖解輕鬆學會大量單字 本書根據教育部頒定的108課綱國中小基礎英語2000字(基本1200字+常用800字)而規劃的英語圖解單字書,這2000字除了是國中英語的必背單字之外,也是國小生在學英語的過程中一定會陸續接觸到的基礎字彙。因此可以從國小中高年級開始閱讀本書,利用書中的圖像輕鬆認識大量字彙,之後面對國中英語就能較為從容不迫。 而上了國中的學生,也可以利用本書場景歸類的方式更有效率的背誦單字,並獨立閱讀會話單元以及完成拼字練習。因此本書除了是國小生必備的英語單字學習書之外,還能延續使用到國中階段,是實用的英語課外閱讀素材。 情境圖解☛輕鬆有效率的認識基礎單字 依照生活情境分成9大主題、82個圖解單元,包含食衣住行、學校生活、休閒娛樂、節慶文化等等各種面向,讓孩子以最生活化的方式學會基礎的2000個單字。 生活會話☛實際應用加強英語溝通力 本書共有53篇會話,運用到的多是範圍內的字,更容易了解單字實際用法。而會話內容圍繞著一家人的生活與朋友、老師間互動,都是日常生活會遇到的情境,幫助讀者在生活中運用。 單元練習☛測驗穩固孩子的應考能力 共有58篇練習,題型包含填字遊戲、連連看、圈圈看、配對等等,測試孩子們是否將課程內的單字認識清楚並能拼寫正確,這部分可能上國中的同學比較能夠掌握。 希望讀者能夠藉由圖像所呈現的生活情境,輕鬆地學會基礎英語的2000單字,若能在國小就開始以最有效的圖像學習法快速且大量地認識這些字,對於銜接國中、進階英語也會很有幫助。 目錄介紹 A人與人生People 1. 家人Family 2. 身體Body 3. 外觀特徵Appearance 4. 情緒感受Feelings 5. 日常活動Daily Activity 6. 動作Action 7. 對人的描述Describing People 8. 人People 9. 人生Life B 溫暖的家Home 1. 玄關Front Door 2. 客廳Living Room 3. 廚房Kitchen 4. 餐桌Dining Table 5. 臥室Bedroom 6. 兒童房Child’s Room 7. 書房Study 8. 浴室Bathroom 9. 洗臉台Bathroom Sink 10. 嬰兒房Nursery 11. 庭院Yard 12. 車庫Garage C 學校School 1. 教室Classroom 2. 描述事物Describing Things 3. 數字Numbers 4. 職業Types of Work 5. 故事角色Story Character 6. 文具Stationery 7. 校園School 8. 老師辦公室Teacher’s Office 9. 保健室Nurse’s Office D 城市生活City 1. 市中心Downtown 2. 超市Supermarket 3. 速食店Fast-food Restaurant 4. 餐廳Restaurant 5. 餐點Meal 6. 百貨公司Department Store 7. 服飾店Clothes Store 8. 郵局Post Office 9. 銀行Bank 10. 醫院Hospital 11. 生病Being Sick E 市區觀光Places 1. 道路Road 2. 位置方向Position and Direction 3. 公園Park 4. 動物園Zoo 5. 遊樂園Amusement Park 6. 電影院Movie Theater 7. 博物館Museum 8. 音樂廳Concert Hall 9. 演唱會Concert F 休閒嗜好Hobby 1. 牧場Farm 2. 露營Camping 3. 美術Art 4. 運動Sports 5. 寵物Pet 6. 烘焙Baking 7. 園藝Gardening 8. 裁縫Sewing G 遠地旅遊Travel 1. 各種地形Landscape 2. 各種建築Building 3. 天氣Weather 4. 海灘Beach 5. 泡溫泉Hot Spring 6. 滑雪Skiing 7. 打包行李Packing 8. 飯店Hotel H 交通Moving Around 1. 交通工具Transportation 2. 車子Car 3. 火車站Train Station 4. 飛機Airplane 5. 船Ship I 節慶活動Holiday 1. 時間(一)Time (I) 2. 時間(二)Time (II) 3. 生日Birthday 4. 農曆新年Chinese New Year 5. 傳統節慶Traditional Festivals 6. 母親節Mother’s Day 7. 父親節Father’s Day 8. 復活節Easter 9. 萬聖節Halloween 10. 感恩節Thanksgiving 11. 聖誕節Christmas
Spanish society values families and family life highly, but the way that families look and live has been changing drastically over the past decades. From being one of the countries with the highest fertility rates in Europe, Spain now has the lowest rate in the region and the legalisation of divorce and social acceptance of co-habitation has led to a decline in the traditional nuclear family model.
Open, distance, and blended learning environments have increased globally in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stakeholders in the educational sector are facing new challenges on how to take advantage of the knowledge, skills, and experiences gained during the pandemic and, more importantly, how to move forward towards digitally transforming education. Emerging Trends and Historical Perspectives Surrounding Digital Transformation in Education: Achieving Open and Blended Learning Environments identifies cases, best practices, and experiences that highlight digital transformation via online, blended, and open learning environments at all levels and discusses how digital transformation can be achieved. The book also examines the influence of leadership, human resources, knowledge, skills, processes, and technologies in promoting digital transformation. Covering topics such as open learning, digital learning, online teaching, and learner support, this reference work is ideal for teachers, instructional designers, curriculum developers, IT consultants, educational software developers, policymakers, industry professionals, researchers, academicians, practitioners, and students.
Since the mid-1990s, Indian thinking on national security has been based on the assumption that the country would progress on a growth trajectory sufficient to modernise its defence capacities and thereby enable some form of parity with a rising China. The reality has been otherwise. China's spectacular growth – and accompanying military modernisation – has hugely outpaced that of India while the Indian military modernisation has moved fitfully. In the past several years, budgets have committed less than 2 per cent of GDP –the lowest levels since the war of 1962 – for the military. Even if spending were to rise to 3 per cent, little funding would be available for modernisation after allowing for rising pensions, salaries and other components of the budget. Put simply, the authors state, India needs a national security strategy for hard times. It would be a strategy grounded in reality – India's priority has to be the raising of vast numbers of its people out of abject poverty, even if the strategies of countries like China and the United States, economically more developed, can aim at being global powers. In Hard Times is an important collection that highlights the major challenges India confronts and the ways they can be tackled, especially in the light of the upheavals caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Its contributors include former military officers, including Admiral Arun Prakash and Lt Gen. D.S. Hooda, whose views have helped shape discussions on strategy, as well as commentators such as Dr Sanjaya Baru. Experience tells us that in war it's often the smarter side that wins, not the stronger one. These essays point us in that direction.
To design, implement and monitor effective child well-being policies, policy-makers need data that better capture children’s lives, measure what is important to them and detect emerging problems and vulnerabilities early on. Despite improvements in recent decades, there are still important gaps in both national and cross-national child data. Countries can achieve progress if the right actions are taken.
The Australian economy rebounded robustly in the wake of the pandemic. However, inflation has risen and fiscal pressures are on the horizon due to population ageing and climate change.
The Anthropocene and the Undead describes how our experience of an increasingly erratic environment and the idea of the undead are more closely linked than the obvious zombie horde signaling the end of the world. In fact, as described here, much of how we understand the anthropocene both conceptually and in practice involves undead entities from the past that will not die, undead traumas that rise up and consume the world, and undead temporalities that can never end. Fifteen original essays by cultural and anthropological experts such as Kyle William Bishop, Nils Bubandt, Johan Höglund, and Steffen Hantke, among others, study the nature of humanity’s ongoing complicated relationship to the environment via the concept of the undead. In doing so, The Anthropocene and the Undead sheds invaluable light on adjacent concepts such as the Capitalocene, Necrocene, Disanthropocene, Post-anthropocene, and the Symbiocene to trace real and imagined trajectories of our more-than-human selves into undead and undying futures.