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〔適用對象:國高中生~成人,一般生活英語會話、全民英檢中級程度〕 Live互動英語雜誌:教材貼近生活、流行,內容實用充滿趣味,附真人情境式主題會話,體驗如在國外環境學英語的驚人效果,讓你輕鬆開口說英語! ►購買完整紙本書請上: Gal Gadot: A Wonder of a Woman 蓋兒.加朵:令人驚豔的女超人 Wonder Woman is one of the strongest female characters in the superhero universe. To play that part, you need someone who is courageous, beautiful, and caring. Luckily, Gal Gadot matches that description perfectly. With her long brown hair and athletic build, she certainly looks the part. Born in Israel, Gadot achieved early success thanks to her looks, winning the Miss Israel competition when she was 18. This victory eventually led to a modeling career, but first she would have to complete her required two-year military service. She took on the challenge with grace, working as an instructor in the Israeli defense force. “You give two or three years, and it’s not about you,” she said in a 2016 interview. ‘You learn discipline and respect.” After beginning her acting career in an Israeli TV show, Gadot made her feature film debut in 2009’s Fast & Furious. She would later star in several entries of the popular franchise. But it was her performance as Wonder Woman in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice and the heroine’s eponymous film in 2017 that Gadot is best known for. This would turn out to be the role of a lifetime for the Israeli actress. 神力女超人是超級英雄宇宙中最強大的女性角色之一。要飾演那個角色,你需要一位勇敢、美麗和有愛心的人。幸運的是,蓋兒.加朵完全符合那個描述。 她有一頭棕色的長髮和健壯的體態,看起來確實很適合這個角色。加朵出生在以色列,由於外表的緣故很早就獲得成功,十八歲時就贏得以色列小姐選美比賽。這個勝利後來便開啟了她的模特兒生涯,但她得先完成必要的兩年兵役。她優雅地接受挑戰,在以色列國防軍團擔任教官。她在二○一六年的一次採訪中表示:「你付出兩年或三年,這跟你自己無關。你學會紀律和尊重。」 在以色列電視節目中開始她的演藝事業後,蓋兒.加朵在二○○九年的《玩命關頭》中首次演出電影長片。她之後在這個人氣系列作中演出了好幾次。不過,讓她最廣為人知的是她在《蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光》以及二○一七年神力女超人同名電影中的演出。結果,對這位以色列女星來說,這會是她一生中最重要的角色。 Wonder Woman broke box office records and turned Gadot into a household name. She became one of the highest-paid actresses globally and landed a spot on Time’s list of the world’s 100 most influential people. Gadot used her fame to work with Pencils of Promise, an organization promoting equal access to education for children. As a mother of two, it should come as no surprise that she is using her fame to raise funds to build schools in underprivileged areas around the world. Recently, Gadot reprised the role that made her famous in the latest Wonder Woman movie, Wonder Woman 1984. However, in addition to her superhero duties, she has started working as a producer with her own production company. Among other projects, the company is adapting the life stories of several strong women throughout history, such as Irena Sendler, a Polish social worker who saved dozens of Jewish children from the Holocaust. Gadot will perform in these projects to continue as an example for women and girls around the world. Gal Gadot didn’t start out trying to become a star, but it’s a good thing that she did. With her strength and kind heart, this wonder of a woman is just the kind of role model we need today. 《神力女超人》打破了票房紀錄,讓加朵成為家喻戶曉的明星。她成為全球片酬最高的女星之一,並登上《時代》雜誌全球百大最有影響力人物之列。加朵用她的名聲與Pencils of Promise(鉛筆的承諾)合作,這是一個提倡兒童平等受教育的組織。身為兩個孩子的母親,她利用自己的名氣在世界各地貧困地區募款蓋學校並不令人驚訝。 最近,加朵在最新的神力女超人電影《神力女超人1984》中再度飾演了這個讓她成名的角色。然而,除了她的超級英雄職責外,她還開始在自己的製片公司擔任製作人。除了別的計畫之外,該公司正在改編歷史上幾位堅強女性的生命故事,像是艾琳娜.森德勒,一位從大屠殺中拯救了數十名猶太兒童的波蘭社運人士。加朵將會在這些計畫中演出,繼續為世界各地的婦女和女孩樹立榜樣。 蓋兒.加朵一開始並沒有想要成為明星,但她成了明星是一件好事。憑著她的力量和善良的心,這名令人驚奇的女子正是我們今日所需要的模範。 Live Interactive English Live互動英語 NO. 229 May 2020年5月號 4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 焦點話題 10 大師名作選 The Man Who Would Be King 〈要做國王的人〉 魯德亞德.吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling)是第一位獲得諾貝爾文學獎的英國作家,由於童年在印度生活的緣故,他的作品常以印度為背景。本篇中的兩位主角就是從印度出發,想到阿富汗稱王,最後被權力沖昏了頭而下場淒涼。 14 焦點人物 Gal Gadot: A Wonder of a Woman 蓋兒.加朵:令人驚豔的女超人 以色列女演員蓋兒.加朵在超英電影《神力女超人》的演出,讓她成為最火紅的女性超級英雄演員,但選美小姐出身的她在銀幕外也運用她的正能量幫助弱勢、為女性發聲樹立榜樣。 18 日常好用句 I’m watching you like a hawk. 我會監視你的一舉一動。 19 主題式會話 Hunting for Mother’s Day Bargains 選購母親節特惠組 22 自然環保 Maqaw: Good for the Body, Good for the Earth 馬告:有益身體及環境的神奇植物 馬告又稱為「山胡椒」,是泰雅族重要的傳統食材。馬告由於容易栽種、需要的水較少、且不需要化學物質促進生長等特性,對人類和環境健康都有利,備受珍視。 27 旅遊好去處 Marvelous Mallorca 美哉!西班牙馬略卡島 馬略卡島位在西班牙地中海地區,有著迷人的海灘及自然美景,還有充滿魅力的修道院、中世紀城鎮以及傳統市集在在使它成為熱門的旅遊勝地之一。 32 克漏字 Apple Flour: The Flour of the Future 用蘋果做麵粉 未來新趨勢? 越來越多人注重健康並熱衷尋找高熱量食物的替代品,如今就出現了「蘋果麵粉」,其纖維含量約為中筋麵粉的四倍。對於想要減肥或想減少食物浪費的人來說可能將是一大福音! 34 職業大觀園 The Life of a Pro Gamer 職業電競選手的生活寫照 你知道有一群人的工作是每天盡情打電動嗎?將打電動變成全職工作聽起來像美夢一樣,但你知道職業玩家的真實生活寫照嗎?要成為一名專業玩家需要什麼樣的特質?每天的工作日程又是什麼樣子呢? 38 環保發明 Could Tofu Help Solve the Plastic Crisis? 豆腐有助於解決塑膠危機嗎? 我們常吃的豆腐、味噌和豆漿等食物會製造出大量的豆渣,多半被當成垃圾丟棄而廢棄。新加坡有一名科學家已用豆渣研發出一種新型的塑膠替代品來減少塑料和食品浪費。 40 生活情境對話 Taking Photos 來拍張美照吧! ? 英語聽力測驗 44 創意發明 The Teen That Beat the Blind Spot 解決汽車視線死角的創意發想 十四歲的美國學生艾蕾娜.蓋瑟勒發明一種可透視車內柱的方法來解決汽車死角的問題,未來有望能降低因死角發生的交通事故。 46 唱歌學英語 Studying English with Songs: Ghost 克里斯多福:〈過往記憶〉 47 閱讀策略 Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal? 早餐真的是最重要的一餐嗎? 從小到大,我們常被告知早餐的重要,但有些專家卻持不同看法。三餐要怎麼吃對健康最好呢?一起來一探究竟吧! 53 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 56 動物趣聞 Axolotls: The Amazing Mexican Walking Fish 會走路的魚——墨西哥六角恐龍 俗稱「六角恐龍」的墨西哥鈍口螈除了外型特殊之外,身體的任何部位幾乎都能夠再生,故科學家認為牠們可能會為醫學帶來重大突破,但目前牠們卻因汙染和棲息地破壞而面臨野外滅絕。 60 電影快報 62 Movie Trailer English 看預告片學英文 63 General English Proficiency Test 全民英檢中級模擬閱讀試題 65 Chinese Translation & Answer Key 中文翻譯與解答
世界好望角 Junk Art: Turning Trash into Works of Art 垃圾藝術:廢品的華麗變身 畫中有話 Going on a Picnic 一起去野餐 安妮信箱 Something I Will Never Forget 難忘的一件事 流行最前線 Fake Accounts on the Rise 日益嚴重的假帳號問題 克漏字測驗 A Brief History of Ballet 淺談芭蕾舞史 文法補給站 In My Family 家族二三事 World Records 世界紀錄 短篇故事集 The Friday Everything Changed 〈星期五,一切都改變了〉 悠遊文化 The Harmonica Makes the World Go Round 跟著口琴樂聲悠遊全世界 一本好書 Vincent and Theo: The Van Gogh Brothers 《梵谷兄弟》 ABC長知識 The Pomodoro Technique 效率十足的番茄鐘工作法 聽說圖寫 Running for Class President 競選學生會會長 本月之星 梁心頤
〔新聞:時事、新知〕 〔適合對象:準備出國、生活中需要大量使用英語、TOEIC ,TOEFL考試準備者〕 CNN互動英語是全國唯一CNN官方授權,最道地的英語教材,大專院校老師一致推薦。內容豐富含財經政治、文化旅遊、體育娛樂等,每月給提供最新的全球大事,和您一起開啟英語世界的大門! ►購買完整紙本書請上: 政治 Russia’s Resurgence 普丁鐵腕執政20年 俄國強權再起 Putin’s Efforts to Make Russia a Superpower Again 俄國總統普丁掌權20年,運用民族主義情結贏得民心,並多次出兵展現軍事實力,讓蘇聯解體後動盪破敗的俄羅斯重返強國之列。但俄國對他國的侵略與干預也引來西方世界的強烈撻伐。 人物 Hollywood’s Greatest Storyteller 史蒂芬.史匹柏 大導演的生涯心路歷程 Steven Spielberg Reveals His Inspirations for Making Movies 曾執導《E.T.外星人》、《侏儸紀公園》、《搶救雷恩大兵》等多部經典作品的好萊塢大導史蒂芬.史匹柏暢談他拍片的靈感來源,以及從影四十幾年的心境轉折。 政治 Inside the East Wing 美國第一夫人的工作日常 What Is It Like to Work for the First Lady? CNN記者走進白宮東廂,參觀美國第一夫人的辦公空間,並採訪梅蘭妮亞.川普的發言人,揭開這位行事低調的第一夫人鮮為人知的一面。 社會 Wild London 倫敦成為全球首座「國家公園城市」 The Campaign for Cities to Become National Parks 倫敦境內47%的土地是綠地,包含超過3,000個公園,可說是名符其實的綠色城市。在倡議人士的推動之下,倫敦成為全球第一座國家公園城市。 商業 Bye-Bye, Beetle 經典駛入歷史 再見!福斯金龜車 Volkswagen Ends Production of Its Iconic Beetle 擁有眾多車迷的福斯經典金龜車正式停產。這台有80年歷史的小車歷經二戰、走過嬉皮年代,還曾擔任多部電影的主角,具有舉足輕重的文化意義。 趣聞 Celestial Entertainment 太空人找樂子 阿波羅任務中的輕鬆時刻 Looking Back on the Fun Astronauts Had on the Moon Missions 阿波羅太空人在月球上除了執行各項探測任務,有時也會輕鬆一下。在回顧人類登月50週年之際,也來重溫一下這些讓人會心一笑的時刻。 政治 Britain’s New Era 鮑里斯.強生任英國首相 破釜沉舟拼脫歐 Boris Johnson Takes Over as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 鮑里斯.強生取代泰瑞莎.梅伊,成為新任英國首相。向來作風高調、特立獨行的他,會如何帶領英國走出脫歐泥淖,全世界都在關注。 體育 Basketball’s Lin-Spiration 走過巔峰與低谷 林書豪淚談NBA生涯 The Highs and Lows of Jeremy Lin’s NBA Career 台裔籃球員林書豪今年隨多倫多暴龍隊拿下NBA總冠軍,但他也在近日的一場活動中談及自己的生涯低潮,真情流露,令人不捨。 娛樂 Box Office Fury 《玩命關頭》橫掃全球票房的秘密 How the Fast and the Furious Conquered Hollywood and the World 《玩命關頭》系列電影自2001年來已推出9部相關作品,且人氣歷久不衰。CNN歸納出該系列的成功方程式。 旅遊 Tokyo 2020 Countdown 2020東京奧運倒數計時 場館搶先看 Exploring the Venues of the 2020 Olympics by Mario Kart 距離2020東京奧運開幕剩下不到一年,各個場館已陸續完工。跟著特派員跳上超級瑪利歐賽車,來場東京奧運場館巡禮。 CNN 全球瞭望 Global Economic Slowdown 美中貿易戰持續發酵 全球經濟走緩 Hundreds of Wildfires Rage in the Arctic 北極圈野火肆虐 加劇溫室效應 Fortnite World Cup 美國少年贏得《要塞英雄》世界冠軍 一夜成富翁 CNN主播教你唸 電影大導演 全方位搞懂CNN Mankind’s Giant Leap 歡慶人類登月五十週年 Basketball’s Lin-Spiration 走過巔峰與低谷 林書豪淚談NBA生涯 The Highs and Lows of Jeremy Lin’s NBA Career KATE RILEY, CNN ANCHOR Welcome back. Well, fans of basketball and the NBA may be wondering, “Whatever happened to Jeremy Lin?” Can you believe it was seven years ago when he burst onto the scene? Such a burst it was—given its own name, “Linsanity,” and a movie was even made about it. For those of you who may not be aware or need some refreshing, well, Lin’s rise- to-basketball story is nothing less than extraordinary. He went unnoticed in high school and, then again, after college, getting passed over in the NBA draft, and that’s where most NBA stars sign million-dollar contracts. But Lin never gave up, eventually signing with—but then released by—two NBA teams. [He] was on the cusp of being released again, but due to injury to a star player, Lin led the Knicks to victory with [over] New Jersey with 25 points, five rebounds and seven assists—all career highs. Then, the very next game: 28 points. A few days later: 23 points, 10 assists. And then, February 10, a career-high—yep, it was a new one for him—38 points. All wins for the Knicks, who needed them badly. Linsanity was born. Indeed, no player had ever scored more points in his first five starts than Jeremy Lin. In just 26 games with the New York Knicks—before ending the season early with a knee injury—he had captured global headlines. Quite simply, he was the story of the NBA. Well, Lin’s story has another level of uniqueness to it. He was the first American of Chinese or Taiwanese descent to play in the NBA and one of the few Asian-Americans to ever do so. But over the next nine NBA seasons and eight different teams, Lin was never able to match that Linsanity level. His scoring and assist numbers would pretty much be in steady decline. Just this past season, however, he was traded to the Toronto Raptors, where he would become the first Asian-American to win an NBA title. You’d think that winning that crown would be a boost for any player, but in a candid speech recently on [a] tour of Asia, the 30-year-old, who hardly had any court time with the Raptors, felt like he didn’t deserve a title. Now, he’s looking for a new team but has no offers. JEREMY LIN, BASKETBALL PLAYER In English, there’s a saying, and it says, “Once you hit rock bottom, the only way is up,” but rock bottom—[it] just seems to keep getting more and more rock bottom for me. And I came into the NBA—a young, brash kid who thought, “I was gonna take over the world.” Nowadays, I spend more time thinking about quitting. KATE RILEY, CNN ANCHOR And sure, you … he may have made millions of dollars, but you can’t help but feel for the guy. Kudos for revealing a side of a big-name athlete we rarely see. CNN主播 凱特.萊麗 歡迎回來。籃球和NBA的愛好者也許在納悶:「林書豪到底怎麼了?」你能相信他嶄露頭角是七年前的事了嗎?當時氣氛之火熱,還被取了個專有名稱「林來瘋」,甚至拍了一部關於這件事的電影。 各位如果有人不曉得,或是需要複習一下的話,林書豪在籃壇崛起的故事可是相當不簡單。他在高中沒受到注意,後來大學畢業後也是如此,在NBA選秀會中被忽視,而選秀會是多數NBA明星球員簽下百萬美元合約的機會。 但林書豪不曾放棄,終於陸續和兩支NBA球隊簽約,但接著也都被釋出。他原本又即將遭到釋出,但因為一位明星球員受傷,林書豪帶領尼克隊擊敗紐澤西隊,拿下二十五分、五個籃板和七次助攻——全都是生涯新高。緊接著下一場比賽:二十八分。幾天後:二十三分、十次助攻。接著,在二月十日又創下生涯最高的三十八分——沒錯,那是他的新高。這幾場比賽尼克隊都贏了,該隊正迫切需要這些勝場。林來瘋誕生了。 確實,沒有球員在頭五場先發比賽中的得分比林書豪多。代表紐約尼克隊僅出賽二十六場即因膝蓋受傷導致球季提早報銷的他,成了全球新聞頭條的焦點。很簡單,他成了NBA的代表故事。 林書豪的故事還有另一層面的獨特性。他是第一位進入NBA打球的中裔或台裔美國人,也是史上極少數做到這一點的亞裔美國人其中之一。但在接下來的九個NBA球季,歷經八支不同球隊,林書豪卻未能再達到林來瘋那時的水準。他的得分與助攻數可以說是每況愈下。 不過就在剛結束的這一季,他被交易到多倫多暴龍隊,在那裡成為首位贏得NBA總冠軍的亞裔美國人。你可能會認為贏得冠軍對於任何一名球員而言都會是一大助力,但最近在亞洲巡迴中一場開誠布公的演說上,這位在暴龍隊幾乎沒有獲得任何上場時間的三十歲球員卻覺得自己不配得到冠軍。現在,他在找新東家,卻沒有收到任何出價。 籃球員 林書豪 英語裡有一句俗語是這麼說的:「當你跌到谷底,唯一的路就是往上,」可是對我來說,谷底卻彷彿愈來愈深。 我當初進NBA時是個厚顏魯莽的年輕小子,想著:「我要稱霸世界。」現在,更多時候我心裡想的卻是放棄。 CNN主播 凱特.萊麗 當然,你……他也許賺了數百萬美元,但還是忍不住替他感到難過。值得讚許的是,他展露了一位大咖運動員我們極少看見的一面。
"A dauntingly ambitious, obsessively researched" (Los Angeles Times) global history of music that reveals how songs have shifted societies and sparked revolutions. Histories of music overwhelmingly suppress stories of the outsiders and rebels who created musical revolutions and instead celebrate the mainstream assimilators who borrowed innovations, diluted their impact, and disguised their sources. In Music: A Subversive History, Ted Gioia reclaims the story of music for the riffraff, insurgents, and provocateurs. Gioia tells a four-thousand-year history of music as a global source of power, change, and upheaval. He shows how outcasts, immigrants, slaves, and others at the margins of society have repeatedly served as trailblazers of musical expression, reinventing our most cherished songs from ancient times all the way to the jazz, reggae, and hip-hop sounds of the current day. Music: A Subversive History is essential reading for anyone interested in the meaning of music, from Sappho to the Sex Pistols to Spotify.
It's another new year celebrating everything under the Sun, including the Moon, with The Old Farmer's Almanac, America's oldest continuously published periodical! Always timely, topical, and distinctively "useful, with a pleasant degree of humor," the Almanac has been beloved for centuries by people from all walks of life. As the nation's iconic calendar, the 2020 edition will forecast cultural, culinary, and other life-changing trends; preview notable astronomical events; provide time- and money-saving tips for gardeners of all varieties; set the hook for best fishing days; forecast traditionally 80 percent-accurate weather; and cover a range of related topics, including anniversaries, folklore, husbandry, home remedies, recipes, amusement, contests, and more--too much more to mention--all in the inimitable way it has done since 1792.
〔新聞:時事、新知〕 〔適合對象:準備出國、生活中需要大量使用英語、TOEIC ,TOEFL考試準備者〕 CNN互動英語是全國唯一CNN官方授權,最道地的英語教材,大專院校老師一致推薦。內容豐富含財經政治、文化旅遊、體育娛樂等,每月給提供最新的全球大事,和您一起開啟英語世界的大門! ►購買完整紙本書請上: 專題報導 A Costly Network 5G 世代來臨 引領物聯網革命 America Prepares to Introduce 5G Countrywide in 2020 隨著5G無線通訊技術漸漸邁向商用,相關的應用範疇也愈加廣泛,如自駕汽車、智慧城市、物聯網住宅,加速驅動第四次工業革命。 專題報導 Huawei’s Counterstrike 中美貿易戰升溫 華為對美的逆襲 CEO of the Chinese Tech Giant Speaks on Cybersecurity Concerns 5G技術掀起全球競賽,也挑起美國與5G重要推手華為之間的大戰。川普政府以華為產品有安全疑慮為由發起抵制,華為執行長任正非則在接受CNN訪談時公開反擊。 社會 The Ever-Changing City 紐約濱水區——不斷蛻變重生的都市綠洲 How New York City Expanded Using Landfill and Garbage 紐約市許多舊時的工業區及軍事用地經都市更新及填海造地後,變身為綠意盎然的河濱公園,讓紐約客隨時能遠離喧囂,享受片刻悠閒。 旅遊 The Edge of Imagination 原力與你同在!全球首座星際大戰主題樂園揭幕! Disney Brings Star Wars to Life with New Themed Land Galaxy’s Edge 美國加州迪士尼樂園的星際大戰:銀河邊緣主題園區盛大開幕,遊客將能走進星際大戰的世界,寫出屬於自己的星戰故事。 文化 The City under God 跟隨耶穌腳步 踏上耶路撒冷聖經考古巡禮 Following the Footsteps of Jesus in Jerusalem 千百年來,無數虔誠的基督教徒循耶穌的腳步來到耶路撒冷,在朝聖過程中見證此地所承載的文化與歷史。 社會 The Price of Inequality 難以跨越的男女薪資鴻溝 What Difference Does the Gender Wage Gap Make? 提倡職場兩性平權的聲浪越來越不容忽視,但就實際數據來看,男女同工不同酬的情況仍十分常見。本文回顧美國數十年來在公平薪酬方面的變化,以及為何男女薪資還是有著難以跨越的鴻溝。 保健 Pills in the Cloud 藥物配方雲端化 客製化3D列印藥品打破時空藩籬 Making Medicine More Accessible with 3D Printing 英國格拉斯哥大學團隊研發雲端藥品資料庫,概念是讓有需要的人隨時隨地訂製所需的藥品——只需從雲端下載藥物成分,再透過3D列印技術輸出,即可取得。 環境 Clear the Air 氣候變遷的迷思與真相 Investigating the Facts and Myths about Climate Change 關於氣候變遷,各界眾說紛紜。本則報導要來破解幾個常見的氣候變遷迷思,並用實際數據,提醒大家必須面對這些「不願面對的真相」。 體育 The Duke Skywalker NBA 超級新秀——錫安.威廉森 The Height and Hype around US Collegiate Basketball Star Zion Williamson 在美國籃壇刮起一陣旋風的杜克大學球員錫安.威廉森宣布投入美國職籃選秀,讓新一季的NBA賽事未開打先轟動! 生活 May the Horse Be with You 週三賽馬夜 一探香港人百年賽馬文化 Discovering one of Hong Kong’s Most Popular Pastimes 每逢週三晚上,許多香港人必前往賽馬場報到,買張馬票試試手氣。CNN主播奎斯特跟著在地嚮導,實地體驗令人血脈賁張的香港賽馬文化。 全球瞭望 The Economic Impact of the Trade War 中美貿易戰升溫 衝擊全球市場 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Introduce Baby Boy 哈利、梅根升格為父母 英國皇室再添新成員 Trash Found in Mariana Trench 全球最深馬里亞納海溝底驚見塑膠垃圾 CNN主播教你唸 紐約熱門景點 聽懂CNN 報導 人體疼痛機制大揭密 A Costly Network 5G 世代來臨 引領物聯網革命 America Prepares to Introduce 5G Countrywide in 2020 CARL AZUZ, “CNN 10” Motorola offers a modification that makes one of its phones 5G-compatible, and Samsung plans to release a new 5G phone this summer. How big is the network they have to run on? Well, it’s not. Verizon has 5G available in several U.S. cities, and AT&T, which owns CNN’s parent company WarnerMedia, says it’s launched 5G in more than a dozen places. Industry analysts expect 5G to be available in 92 American cities by the end of the year. And as far as 5G readiness goes, a group that represents the American wireless industry says the U.S. and China are now tied for first place, and services are also available in several South Korean cities. But why are tech enthusiasts so excited about this? Why does it matter? According to the [a] cellular technology industry association, 5G is gonna be a major factor in the U.S. economy— changing education, robotics and medicine. CNN NARRATOR Self-driving cars, smart cities, fully-connected homes [and] robots—this is the future, and it’ll be powered by 5G. The G stands for generation as in next-generation wireless network, and it’s going to be fast—about 10 times faster than the 4G network on your phone right now. Today, it takes about six minutes to download a 3D movie in [with] 4G. With 5G, it’ll be 30 seconds, but 5G is about more than just superfast downloads and fewer dropped calls. [It’s] really about connecting the internet of things—all those sensors, thermostats, cars [and] robots. Right now, 4G just doesn’t have the bandwidth for all those devices, but 5G will. That’s why it’s a game changer. Imagine self-driving cars instantly communicating with traffic lights and other cars, or a surgeon with VR equipment and special gloves operating remotely on a patient thousands of miles away. 5G will make that possible, but when? 2020 is a working date for most of the wireless industry. Four nationwide carriers are already testing the technology. Chipmakers are building processors and radios for 5G communication, and network equipment companies are building the backbone. But the future won’t come cheap. 5G signals are powerful, but they don’t reach as far. Making it work will require thousands, maybe even millions, of mini cell phone towers, pretty much everywhere you can imagine: lampposts, the side of every building, maybe even in every room of your home. That’s why rolling out 5G to the entire United States could cost $300 billion. 《CNN十分鐘新聞》 卡爾.阿祖茲 摩托羅拉提供了一項修改,讓該公司的其中一款手機具有5G相容性,而三星也計畫在今年夏季推出一款新的5G手機。這些手機必須使用的網路涵蓋範圍有多大呢?這個嘛,不怎麼大。Verizon在美國幾座城市推出了5G網路,而擁有CNN母公司華納媒體的AT&T表示,他們已在超過十二個地方啟用5G了。 產業分析師預期在今年年底前,5G就會在美國九十二座城市上線。就5G的就緒程度而言,一個代表美國無線通訊產業的團體指出,美國與中國目前並列第一,南韓有幾座城市也已有5G服務。 不過,為什麼科技狂人對這件事這麼興奮呢?這件事為什麼重要?根據一個行動通訊技術產業協會的說法,5G將會是美國經濟中一項重要的因子──為教育、機器人技術與醫學帶來改變。 CNN旁白 自動駕駛汽車、智慧城市、全面連線的住宅以及機器人──這就是未來,而這都將由5G驅動。G指的是次世代無線網路中的「世代」,而且5G的速度將會非常快──比你的手機目前使用的4G網路快上約十倍。 現今用4G網路下載一部3D電影需要六分鐘左右的時間。有了5G,將會是三十秒,不過5G的重點不只在於超快的下載速度與減少電話斷訊。5G真正的重點在於連接物聯網──那所有的感應器、恆溫器、汽車以及機器人。目前的4G頻寬不夠供那所有裝置使用,但5G會夠。那就是為什麼這是一項改變遊戲規則的技術。 想像自動駕駛車輛能即時與交通號誌和其他車輛溝通,或是外科醫師利用虛擬實境設備及特殊手套對人在數千英里以外的病患進行遠距手術。5G將可使那得以實現,但什麼時候呢? 二○二○年是多數無線通訊業者暫定的時間。四家全國性的電信業者已在測試這項科技。晶片製造商正在打造用於5G通訊的處理器與無線電設備,而網路設備公司則是在建設骨幹。 不過,這個未來可不便宜。5G訊號很強,但傳播距離沒那麼遠。要讓5G運作將會需要數以千計,或許甚至數以百萬計的迷你手機基地台,幾乎遍布於你想像得到的所有地方:路燈、每一棟建築的側牆,甚至可能是你家裡的每個房間。這就是為什麼在全美推出5G的成本可能要三千億美元。
The 7th Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar (MSCEIS) was held by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) and the collaboration with 12 University associated in Asosiasi MIPA LPTK Indonesia (AMLI) consisting of Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Universitas Negeri Malang (UM), Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED), Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP), Universitas Negeri Manado (UNIMA), Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM), Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (UNDHIKSA), Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG), and Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA). In this year, MSCEIS 2019 takes the following theme: "Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education for Addressing Challenges and Implementations of Revolution-Industry 4.0" held on October 12, 2019 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
Skills are the key to shaping a better future and central to the capacity of countries and people to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and rapidly changing world. This report, OECD Skills Strategy Bulgaria: Assessment and Recommendations, identifies opportunities and makes recommendations to improve youth skills, improve adult skills, use skills effectively in the labour market and at work, and improve the governance of the skills system in Bulgaria.
This book considers the nature, causes, and consequences of extreme pro- and anti-sustainability rhetoric, exploring how and why the expressions of radical views on sustainability-related themes may prevent real sustainable development. Following a thorough introduction on sustainability rhetoric, on dialogue, and on the role played by ideologies in the building of environmental beliefs, Fracarolli Nunes and Lee Park examine positions and statements expressed or made by individuals, companies, governments, and NGOs in the last decades. The outcomes of these considerations lead to the classification of expressions in different categories of sustainability rhetoric, laying the groundwork for the development of a ‘sustainability spectrum’: a metric for the level of radicalization of sustainability positions, which ranges from apocalyptic views to ultimate denial. Through the combination of historical perspectives, theoretical frameworks, and conceptual developments, this book provides a foundation for a more informed and productive dialogue between radically opposing views on sustainability issues. This volume will be of great interest to students, scholars, and practitioners researching and working in the areas of environmental communication and media, environmental politics, and sustainable development.