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Scientific and spiritual, Animal Wisdom thoughtfully explores “the ways in which animals, if we will but watch them and listen to them, can help us to live our lives more fully”—Jane Goodall How is it that pets are able to travel thousands of miles through unknown territory to reunite with their beloved humans? How can dogs detect cancer with up to a 98 percent accuracy rate, and foresee epileptic or diabetic seizures in their owners? How do animals seem to know an earthquake is coming long before the world's best seismologists? In Animal Wisdom, veterinarian and animal advocate Linda Bender offers a wealth of amazing stories and research-based evidence indicating animals have deeply perceptive—even extrasensory—abilities. She shows us that animals are extremely perceptive, intuitive, and psychic and provides step-by-step practices for honing your natural ability to communicate with them, so that you too can learn to understand their urgent messages about peace, happiness, and the future of the planet. Animal Wisdom is for animal lovers and anyone who seeks a deeper, more spiritual connection to these beautiful creatures.
Kim was born with the amazing ability to communicate and connect with all the sentient beings in our lives. You will surely marvel and delight to know what they have to tell us and teach us. This experience can and will, truly connect you and your animal friends at a mcuh deeper level! Kim has put together a thought-provoking compilation of amazing journeys with our precious animal friends.
"What is your pet trying to tell you?" Through Kim Malonie’s exceptional and rare gift, we are drawn into and can experience our pet’s emotions, feelings, and thoughts, but most of all, their unconditional love for us—their care givers. Reading this book will change your life and that of your pets forever! It is a gift you cannot afford to miss out on. Perfect for you or anybody that loves and cares for animals. Let us as peoples wake up! Change the plight of animals around the globe and in the process, learn to give unconditional love! Be assured, you will laugh at the amazing sense of humor animals have. This book is a most compelling read, a book that will be a "must" in your library. We most heartily recommend. Keywords: Animal Whisperer, Animal Communication, Spiritual, Animal Behavior, Animal Psychology, Animal Companions, Pets, Dogs, Cats, Birds, Monkeys, Horses
Animals’ love and acceptance for humans is well-documented, as is the joy and stress relief they bring to our lives. But, until now, the inherent wisdom animals possess has been locked inside of them, unable to be understood by most people. Fortunately, author Dawn Hayman is here to help. Dawn’s experience as one of the early pioneers in interspecies communication lent her the knowledge and understanding necessary to effectively communicate with tens of thousands of animals, culminating in her co-founding Spring Farm CARES, an animal and nature sanctuary. She serves as its vice president, overseeing the care of hundreds of small and large domestic animals. Dawn’s ability to communicate with animals led her to put to paper the knowledge they possess, knowledge that can benefit all humans, whether they’re animal lovers or not. Animal Wisdom for Mankind is a fascinating look into the minds of animals, led by the loquacious Amber, a donkey with insight into the lives of humans and animals that she’s only too happy to share. Amber and her friends at Spring Farm CARES are willing to give humans answers to the questions that haunt them, but are the humans willing to listen?
Anita Curtis' book offers heartwarming true stories of human contact with animals, as well as teaching readers how to communicate with their own pets.
"Animals are a joy and a delight to communicate with,” states author Anita Curtis. “They are so open and honest, willing to freely give unconditional love and ask for so little in return. In Animal Wisdom: How To Hear the Animals, she relates wonderful tales gathered from years in private practice as an animal communicator. In this book is a moving story about a horse who longed to have a baby, a dog that helped solve a crime, and a cat who sent a comforting message beyond the grave to its human companions. In the last section are easy-to-follow exercises that will help readers develop the skills to communicate with their pets. The health benefits of human/animal relationships are well known. This unique, funny and useful book helps ignorant humans to better understand the remarkable creatures that enrich our lives so much.
In this insightful book, Dawn Brunke reveals how animals can help us to uncover the wisdom we have forgotten. In Animal Teachings, she groups 60 species by their specific teaching - from how to find balance and be a better communicator to being more intuitive and living a joyous life. For example, Fox, Swan and Zebra are united through the teaching of Integration. All three species can help us learn to welcome diversity, reconcile opposites and maintain individuality. Meanwhile, the teaching of Healing unites Dog, Frog and Gorilla, who teach us love and loyalty, gentleness and how to connect to our deeper self. Every entry explores the presence of that species in the natural world and its traditional teaching as it is known through myth and legend or by indigenous peoples. In addition, each group presents a personalised message for humans today: encouragement, suggestions and guidance to help us become more conscious and whole. By opening to animal wisdom, we begin to find ways to reconnect, to deepen, to communicate, to love and to more joyfully participate in the dance of life. With the help of animals, we begin to remember who we really are.
Are you an animal lover who shares the belief your animal is inyour life for a special reason? Do you wonder what this reasonmay be? In this book you will experience 30 Animal Wisdom Messages from pets to their people. Each one is unique, compassionate, and honest. If you are a person who wants support, guidance, and inspiration on how your animal can help you heal your blocks and discover your life purpose, the 30 Animal Wisdom Messages in this book will inspire you to consider the human-animal bond in a different way. You will experience respect,seriousness, fairness, humor, compassion, and even moments ofsilliness in the insights the beloved pets deliver to their people.When you read these Animal Wisdom Messages, you, the reader,will gain compassion and support with your own journey, and youwill begin to listen to your beloved companion in a new way.