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Treaties in Force is prepared by the Department of State for the purpose of providing information on treaties and other international agreements to which the United States has become a party and which are carried on the records of the Department of State as being in force as of its stated publication date, January 1, 2016. Treaties in Force is arranged in two sections: Section 1 includes bilateral treaties and other international agreements listed by country or other international entity with subject headings under each entry. Arrangements with territorial possessions of a country appear at the end of the entry for that country. In some cases, treaties and international agreements applicable to a territory prior to its independence are included in the entry for that country on the basis of its assumption of treaty obligations upon becoming independent, as noted at the beginning of the entry for that country. For convenience, some treaties and agreements concluded with countries whose name or statehood status has changed continue to be listed under the name in use at the time the agreement was concluded, if the title of the treaty or agreement has not been formally amended. Section 2 lists multilateral treaties and other international agreements to which the United States is a party, arranged by subject. The depositary is the authoritative source for a current list of parties and information on other matters concerning the status of the agreement, and status information often changes. Information is provided on the depositary for the agreement in question, and contact information, including an Internet site is provided for the depositary where available. Related products: International & Foreign Affairs resources collection can be found here: https: //
A list of treaty collections published in and after the last two decades of the 18th century. The list is compiled in three sections: general collections including indexes and bibliographies, collections by subject, and collections of individual states.
The Secret Treaties of History is the first general index for locating the texts of agreements that nations entered into secretly. It lists and explains 593 secret treaties made from 1521 to 2000 among 110 nations and political entities. Each secret treaty entry in the list has the treaty's title, its contracting states, the city and date of signature, a citation to at least one source of text and/or credible information, and an annotation for its background or content. Most of these treaties were concluded for political or military ends. They are found among scores of treaty collections, in documentaries, in government reports, in research reports based on scholarly work in archives, in a small number of history books, and in articles in learned journals and articles by investigative journalists. The entire list, which makes up Chapter 1, is indexed by nation. It will be of direct use to professors and students of history, political science, and international law and, of course, to librarians and journalists. Chapter 2 is a guide to the many sources of secret treaty texts cited to in the first chapter. Chapter 3 is an annotated bibliography for the study of secret diplomacy and secret agreement making and for statements (including denials) made by American leaders on secrecy in diplomacy and treaty negotiations. Chapter 4 is an essay on the characteristics of secret treaties themselves and their signers. Chapter 5 explains the legal rules that the American President must abide by when he makes confidential, unpublished treaties with other world leaders. This chapter should interest foreign government officials, legal theorists, and international lawyers. Chapter 6 consists of an introduction to the Treaty of Crépi of 1544, four pages of photocopies of the original handwritten text of the secret articles to this treaty, and an English language translation of them. Neither the French nor the Spanish Ministries of Foreign Affairs have a copy of this treaty's secret articles, nor are they published in any other book or journal article. This text and translation will be useful to a historian or biographer who needs full information on Francis I of France or Charles V of Spain. The appendix is an alphabetized list of foreign and specialty words, abbreviations, acronyms, idioms, and phrases found particularly within treaties or used in the treaty making process. Following the appendix, are the two indexes, for Chapters 1 and 3. The Secret Treaties of History is meant for purchase by research libraries, law school libraries, historical archives, international affairs interest groups, lobby groups, and European ministries of foreign affairs.