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Four indices of lipid peroxidation were studied in rat brain, lung, and plasma to determine if these would be useful markers of progressive oxidative damage. Conjugated dienes, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and water and lipid soluble fluorescent products were measured following IN vitro and in vivo O2 exposures. For in vitro studies, homogenized tissues were oxidized non-enzymatically in increasing amounts of O2. For in vivo studies, rats were exposed to normobaric or hyperbaric O2 for a range of times and pressures. In vitro, all 4 indices increased with PO2 of exposure: brain> lung> plasma. In vivo exposures resulted in lower levels than those achieved in vitro. Hyperbaric exposure produced higher levels than normobaric exposures, but fairly long duration and/or high P02 exposures were required for increases in tissues. On the other hand, plasma thiobarbituric acid reactive substances increased after only 6 h of normobaric 02 exposure and remained elevated. Brain lipid peroxidation was detected following normobaric 02, giving evidence of non-pulmonary oxidation. These results show that there is a relationship between severity of O2 exposure and level of lipid peroxidation, but suggest that other markers should also be investigated for earlier changes.
This book is based on the papers presented at the "Fourth International Congress on Oxygen Radicals (4-ICOR)," held June 27 - July 3, 1987, at the University of California, La Jolla. The chapters deal with the phenomena associated with highly reactive oxygen species (hydroxy, peroxy, alkoxy, aroxy, and superoxide radicals, as well as singlet oxygen) and their peroxidation products (hydrogen peroxide, hydroperoxides, peroxides, and epoxides) as they relate to the fields of chemistry, food technology, nutrition, biology, pharmacology, and medicine. The kinetics, energetics, and mechanistic aspects of the reactions of these species and the interrelationship of oxygen radicals (or any other free radicals) and peroxidized products have been emphasized. Special attention is focused on the mechanisms of the generation of free radicals and peroxy products in biosystems and on the adverse effects of these radicals and products in humans. The topics span the continuum from the simple chemistry of model systems to the complex considerations of clinical medicine. The book also explores the mechanisms of agents that protect against free radicals and peroxy products in vitro and in vivo. These agents include antioxidants used in materials, food antioxidants, physiological antioxidants, and antioxienzymes (SOD, glutathione peroxidase, and catalases). The use of these inhibitors to prevent damage to organs being prepared for transplantation, thereby maintaining the quality of transplanted organs and/or extending their "shelf-life," also is examined.
This volume follows and updates AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON DIVING AND SUBMARINE MEDICINE published by Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Inc., in 1971. The time period covered is primarily the calendar years 1970 and 1971. Also included, however, is much material from the calendar years 1968 and 1969 not in the previous publication. A brief analysis of the sources of material precedes the citations and abstracts, which comprise the main section of the volume. The bibliography is followed by a permuted subject index and an author index. Also included, following the indexes, is a micro thesaurus. Although no attempt has been made to do a critical subject analysis, such an analysis could be accomplished through selecting a particular subject, looking up the appropriate key works in the rotated index, identifying the abstracts, analyzing them, obtaining complete copy as desired, and completing the critical review. David C. Weeks, Ph.D. Director, BSCP Washington, D.C.
This volume is the third annotated bibliography on this subject area to be compiled by these authors. The first, published by Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, in 1971, was entitled AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON DIVING AND SUBMARINE MEDICINE. It covered material published during the 1960's. The second volume, entitled UNDERWATER MEDICINE AND RELATED SCIENCES: A GUIDE TO THE LITERATURE, published in 1973 by Plenum Press, covered primarily material published during 1970 and 1971, with some material from 1968 and 1969. The present volume covers material published during 1972 and 1973, but here again some earlier material has been included. The purpose of these annotated bibliographies is to make available a large proportion of the published material, in abstract form, indexed in such a manner as to make it possible to compile a reasonably complete annotated bibliography on any specific subject area in the field. It is possible thus to learn where the work is being done, by whom, and how extensively. Also, it becomes obvious what areas of research are lacking or inadequate. These specific searches can also form a background of reference material on which to base further research, or from which to write monographs or state-of-the-art surveys. Papers, articles and reports listed here are in most cases readily available.