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Many satellites have recently been launched or are in preparation, which operate in the microwave to IR ranges, the main objective being to observe the earth's atmosphere or interstellar clouds. Analysis of the data they supply requires extensive laboratory work because we still only have sufficiently accurate data (line positions, intensities, and profiles) for only a few species. Furthermore, the observer community is making increasing calls for laboratory data, as new development open up new observational possibilities (such as submillimeter observation). Research on these subjects involves many different areas of specialisation in fields of research that generate a wealth of data. In Spectroscopy from Space the people responsible for field observations explain which results they are expecting from their measurements and how laboratory people can help them to analyse their satellite data. Laboratory spectroscopists explain why what they can do now, and what kinds of experiment and theoretical development that might undertake to meet the needs of the remote sensing community. The problems of distributing reliable laboratory data in a timely way are also addressed.
People in developed countries spend about 90% of their time indoors, so controlling in-door air quality (IAQ) is of primary importance for not harming public health. Airborne particu-late matter (PM) is one of the most problematic pollutants indoors, since exposure to particles with aerodynamic diameters smaller than 2.5 Îơm (i.e, PM2.5) is associated with respiratory dis-eases, as well as morbidity and mortality outcomes. Organic aerosol components, so called organic aerosol (OA), generally comprise the ma-jor portion of indoor PM, owing to its large indoor emission. One important component of OA indoors is secondary organic aerosol (SOA), which are condensed phase particles composed of semi- and low-volatility compounds. Most research has focused on SOA generated by terpene ozonolysis occurring in the gas phase. This work, however, explores a lesser researched for-mation mechanism, which is the possibility of airborne SOA generated by ozone surface reac-tions with sorbed squalene (C30H50), which is a nonvolatile constituent of skin oil. As such, thirteen steady state chamber experiments were performed to measure the SOA formation en-tirely initiated by ozone reactions with squalene sorbed to glass at two RH conditions of 21% and 51%, in the absence of seed particles. SOA was initiated from these surface reactions, and all experiments but one exhibited nucleation and mass formation. Mass formation increased with ozone concentration at RH = 51% while nucleation was more obvious at RH = 21%. Additionally, most indoor OA, either emitted or generated (i.e., not only SOA), is at composed of semivolatile compounds (SVOCs) in a state of dynamic equilibrium between gas and particle phases. Filters might have a reduced efficiency on removing these kinds of particles since they coexist in gas and condensed aerosol phases. The preferential filtration of particle phase material of the OA system could disrupt the equilibrium, and the removed aerosols might be enhanced by desorption from surfaces and repartitioning from gas phase. To explore this phenomenon, three types of particles, including non-volatile ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) aerosol, incense aerosol (which might be partly semi-volatile), and SOA derived from ozone + d-limonene reactions (the majority of which are SVOCs), were characterized and compared in terms of their effective removal by a portable air cleaner. For this comparison, the metric of the Clean Air Delivery Rate, CADR (m3/h), was used, which is the volumetric flow of pollutant-free air produced by an air cleaner. Results demonstrated that the lowest effective CADR was for SOA, followed by the incense, and then the ammonium sulfate particles, indicating a repar-titioning processes reduced the filter efficiency. Then a model based on the principles of desorp-tion and repartition process was developed, to quantify the reduced CADR as a function of par-ticle concentration and distribution, in terms of parameter ATSP, which is the ratio of particle surface area to mass. Finally, the influence of the above two parameters on amount of CADR reduction was discussed. Using some details gleaned from the above two experimental studies, a thermodynamic equilibrium model was developed using the volatile basis set (VBS), to predict indoor organic aerosol concentrations and behavior. The model outcomes are the total organic mass indoors (gas + condensed phase), and the fraction of it that partitions to the aerosol phase, including that existing as SOA formed by ozone + d-limonene reactions. With this model, the total OA concentration was simulated at key locations in an indoor environment, such as in the occupied space and different positions in a building mechanical system. The impacts of different condi-tions were compared, including commercial against residential buildings, surface against gas reactions, and winter against summer, within a Monte Carlo framework. Indoor OA concentra-tion indoors were higher when reactions were involved, and gas phase reactions had much more influence on SOA than surface reactions. Finally, the result dataset was used to evaluate the influence of key factors on the indoor OA concentrations, using multiple linear regression sen-sitivity methods. The most important factor that enhanced indoor particles was d-limonene emission rate with average SRC of 0.73, while the negative related factors were filtration effi-ciency with SRC of -0.33 for commercial and surface deposition rate with SRC of -0.22 for resi-dential buildings. Beyond the three SOA studies discussed above, humidifiers used indoors might be strong PM emitters. So, as a supplementary piece, this work also investigated the influence of three humidifier types (ultrasonic, evaporative, and steam humidifiers), and water type used (tap water, de-ionized (DI) water or distilled water), on indoor aerosol number/mass concentra-tions by performing 16 experiments. Particle size distribution during emission periods and size-resolved emission rates were explored to compare the emission ability of humidifiers. Two lung deposition models were also applied to simulate the deposition percentage of particles breathed in on three lung regions (HA, TB, and AL), and total percentage on varying age groups. Results showed that two year-old group was most vulnerable, with number deposition fractions of 0.36, compared with 0.25 for adults. Furthermore, roughly 70% of the total emitted particles pene-trates into the AL region of the lung.
This book highlights new cross-disciplinary advances in aerosol chemistry that involve more than one phase, for example, unique chemical processes occurring on gas-solid and liquid-solid interfaces.
Atmospheric Aerosols is a vital problem in current environmental research due to its importance in atmospheric optics, energetics, radiative transfer studies, chemistry, climate, biology and public health. Aerosols can influence the energy balance of the terrestrial atmosphere, the hydrological cycle, atmospheric dynamics and monsoon circulations. Because of the heterogeneous aerosol field with large spatial and temporal variability and reduction in uncertainties in aerosol quantification is a challenging task in atmospheric sciences. Keeping this in view the present study aims to assess the impact of aerosols on coastal Indian station Visakhapatnam and the adjoining Bay of Bengal. An aerosol is a colloid of fine solid particles or liquid droplets, in air or another gas. Aerosols can be natural or not. Examples of natural aerosols are fog, forest exudates and geyser steam.
Terpenoids play an important part in all our lives, from Vitamin A and hormones to perfumes and pharmaceuticals. This book provides an introduction to terpenoid chemistry, concentrating on the lower terpenoids, but the basic principles taught are also the foundation for the chemistry of the higher terpenoids. Coverage includes: the biogenesis of terpenoids; some of the history of the field; the principles of structural determination; and the importance of stereochemistry and stereoselective synthesis. Carbocation chemistry is introduced, as are the principles of total and partial synthesis. Finally, industrial chemistry (both discovery chemistry and chemical process development) is discussed, using the volatile terpenoids of perfumery to illustrate basic concepts. Ideal as both an introduction to terpenoid chemistry and as a refresher course, A Fragrant Introduction to Terpenoid Chemistry, with its real-life problems and appreciation of the relevance of chemistry to everyday life, will prove invaluable to students, lecturers and industrialists alike.
This text reviews many of the aspects of the chemistry of the aromatic hydrocarbons and a consensus evaluation of the data by seven of the leading atmospheric scientists. The book covers topics ranging from the relative importance of the compounds in ozone and haze development to methods of estimating elemantary rate coefficients based on structural features of the compounds to mechanisms of aerosol generation and atmostpheric reaction of the polycyclic compounds to photochemical processes. It identifies features of the aromatic hydrocarbons requiring further study and appendicies give the structural formulas and nomenclature of the compounds reviewed in the book.
Plants produce a huge array of natural products (secondary metabolites). These compounds have important ecological functions, providing protection against attack by herbivores and microbes and serving as attractants for pollinators and seed-dispersing agents. They may also contribute to competition and invasiveness by suppressing the growth of neighboring plant species (a phenomenon known as allelopathy). Humans exploit natural products as sources of drugs, flavoring agents, fragrances and for a wide range of other applications. Rapid progress has been made in recent years in understanding natural product synthesis, regulation and function and the evolution of metabolic diversity. It is timely to bring this information together with contemporary advances in chemistry, plant biology, ecology, agronomy and human health to provide a comprehensive guide to plant-derived natural products. Plant-derived natural products: synthesis, function and application provides an informative and accessible overview of the different facets of the field, ranging from an introduction to the different classes of natural products through developments in natural product chemistry and biology to ecological interactions and the significance of plant-derived natural products for humans. In the final section of the book a series of chapters on new trends covers metabolic engineering, genome-wide approaches, the metabolic consequences of genetic modification, developments in traditional medicines and nutraceuticals, natural products as leads for drug discovery and novel non-food crops.
A pioneering book highlighting the dynamic environmental dimensions of towns and villages and spatial connections with surrounding land.
Helping you better understand the processes, instruments, and methods of aerosol spectroscopy, Fundamentals and Applications in Aerosol Spectroscopy provides an overview of the state of the art in this rapidly developing field. It covers fundamental aspects of aerosol spectroscopy, applications to atmospherically and astronomically relevant problem