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The author develops the limit relations between the errors of polynomial approximation in weighted metrics and apply them to various problems in approximation theory such as asymptotically best constants, convergence of polynomials, approximation of individual functions, and multidimensional limit theorems of polynomial approximation.
The author develops the limit relations between the errors of polynomial approximation in weighted metrics and apply them to various problems in approximation theory such as asymptotically best constants, convergence of polynomials, approximation of individual functions, and multidimensional limit theorems of polynomial approximation.
"January 2009, volume 197, number 922 (Fourth of five numbers)."
The author defines the correlation of holes on the triangular lattice under periodic boundary conditions and studies its asymptotics as the distances between the holes grow to infinity. He proves that the joint correlation of an arbitrary collection of triangular holes of even side-lengths (in lattice spacing units) satisfies, for large separations between the holes, a Coulomb law and a superposition principle that perfectly parallel the laws of two dimensional electrostatics, with physical charges corresponding to holes, and their magnitude to the difference between the number of right-pointing and left-pointing unit triangles in each hole. The author details this parallel by indicating that, as a consequence of the results, the relative probabilities of finding a fixed collection of holes at given mutual distances (when sampling uniformly at random over all unit rhombus tilings of the complement of the holes) approach, for large separations between the holes, the relative probabilities of finding the corresponding two dimensional physical system of charges at given mutual distances. Physical temperature corresponds to a parameter refining the background triangular lattice. He also gives an equivalent phrasing of the results in terms of covering surfaces of given holonomy. From this perspective, two dimensional electrostatic potential energy arises by averaging over all possible discrete geometries of the covering surfaces.
The author introduces the notion of a Galois extension of commutative $S$-algebras ($E_\infty$ ring spectra), often localized with respect to a fixed homology theory. There are numerous examples, including some involving Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectra of commutative rings, real and complex topological $K$-theory, Lubin-Tate spectra and cochain $S$-algebras. He establishes the main theorem of Galois theory in this generality. Its proof involves the notions of separable and etale extensions of commutative $S$-algebras, and the Goerss-Hopkins-Miller theory for $E_\infty$ mapping spaces. He shows that the global sphere spectrum $S$ is separably closed, using Minkowski's discriminant theorem, and he estimates the separable closure of its localization with respect to each of the Morava $K$-theories. He also defines Hopf-Galois extensions of commutative $S$-algebras and studies the complex cobordism spectrum $MU$ as a common integral model for all of the local Lubin-Tate Galois extensions. The author extends the duality theory for topological groups from the classical theory for compact Lie groups, via the topological study by J. R. Klein and the $p$-complete study for $p$-compact groups by T. Bauer, to a general duality theory for stably dualizable groups in the $E$-local stable homotopy category, for any spectrum $E$.
In this paper the authors apply their results on the geometry of polygons in infinitesimal symmetric spaces and symmetric spaces and buildings to four problems in algebraic group theory. Two of these problems are generalizations of the problems of finding the constraints on the eigenvalues (resp. singular values) of a sum (resp. product) when the eigenvalues (singular values) of each summand (factor) are fixed. The other two problems are related to the nonvanishing of the structure constants of the (spherical) Hecke and representation rings associated with a split reductive algebraic group over $\mathbb{Q}$ and its complex Langlands' dual. The authors give a new proof of the Saturation Conjecture for $GL(\ell)$ as a consequence of their solution of the corresponding saturation problem for the Hecke structure constants for all split reductive algebraic groups over $\mathbb{Q}$.
The authors study Sobolev classes of weakly differentiable mappings $f: {\mathbb X}\rightarrow {\mathbb Y}$ between compact Riemannian manifolds without boundary. These mappings need not be continuous. They actually possess less regularity than the mappings in ${\mathcal W}{1, n}({\mathbb X}\, \, {\mathbb Y})\, $, $n=\mbox{dim}\, {\mathbb X}$. The central themes being discussed a
The aim of this work is to lay the foundations of differential geometry and Lie theory over the general class of topological base fields and -rings for which a differential calculus has been developed, without any restriction on the dimension or on the characteristic. Two basic features distinguish the author's approach from the classical real (finite or infinite dimensional) theory, namely the interpretation of tangent- and jet functors as functors of scalar extensions and the introduction of multilinear bundles and multilinear connections which generalize the concept of vector bundles and linear connections.
The minimal polynomials of the images of unipotent elements in irreducible rational representations of the classical algebraic groups over fields of odd characteristic are found. These polynomials have the form $(t-1)^d$ and hence are completely determined by their degrees. In positive characteristic the degree of such polynomial cannot exceed the order of a relevant element. It occurs that for each unipotent element the degree of its minimal polynomial in an irreducible representation is equal to the order of this element provided the highest weight of the representation is large enough with respect to the ground field characteristic. On the other hand, classes of unipotent elements for which in every nontrivial representation the degree of the minimal polynomial is equal to the order of the element are indicated. In the general case the problem of computing the minimal polynomial of the image of a given element of order $p^s$ in a fixed irreducible representation of a classical group over a field of characteristic $p>2$ can be reduced to a similar problem for certain $s$ unipotent elements and a certain irreducible representation of some semisimple group over the field of complex numbers. For the latter problem an explicit algorithm is given. Results of explicit computations for groups of small ranks are contained in Tables I-XII. The article may be regarded as a contribution to the programme of extending the fundamental results of Hall and Higman (1956) on the minimal polynomials from $p$-solvable linear groups to semisimple groups.
"Volume 197, number 920 (second of 5 numbers)."