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We consider a simple one-dimensional random dynamical system with two driving vector fields and random switchings between them. We show that this system satisfies a one force - one solution principle and compute its unique invariant density explicitly. We study the limiting behavior of the invariant density as the switching rate approaches zero and infinity and derive analogues of classical probabilistic results such as the central limit theorem and large deviations principle.
This book illustrates a number of asymptotic and analytic approaches applied for the study of random evolutionary systems, and considers typical problems for specific examples. In this case, constructive mathematical models of natural processes are used, which more realistically describe the trajectories of diffusion-type processes, rather than those of the Wiener process. We examine models where particles have some free distance between two consecutive collisions. At the same time, we investigate two cases: the Markov evolutionary system, where the time during which the particle moves towards some direction is distributed exponentially with intensity parameter λ; and the semi-Markov evolutionary system, with arbitrary distribution of the switching process. Thus, the models investigated here describe the motion of particles with a finite speed and the proposed random evolutionary process with characteristics of a natural physical process: free run and finite propagation speed. In the proposed models, the number of possible directions of evolution can be finite or infinite.
Markov Random Flights is the first systematic presentation of the theory of Markov random flights in the Euclidean spaces of different dimensions. Markov random flights is a stochastic dynamic system subject to the control of an external Poisson process and represented by the stochastic motion of a particle that moves at constant finite speed and changes its direction at random Poisson time instants. The initial (and each new) direction is taken at random according to some probability distribution on the unit sphere. Such stochastic motion is the basic model for describing many real finite-velocity transport phenomena arising in statistical physics, chemistry, biology, environmental science and financial markets. Markov random flights acts as an effective tool for modelling the slow and super-slow diffusion processes arising in various fields of science and technology. Features: Provides the first systematic presentation of the theory of Markov random flights in the Euclidean spaces of different dimensions. Suitable for graduate students and specialists and professionals in applied areas. Introduces a new unified approach based on the powerful methods of mathematical analysis, such as integral transforms, generalized, hypergeometric and special functions. Author Alexander D. Kolesnik is a professor, Head of Laboratory (2015–2019) and principal researcher (since 2020) at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kishinev (Chișinău), Moldova. He graduated from Moldova State University in 1980 and earned his PhD from the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev in 1991. He also earned a PhD Habilitation in mathematics and physics with specialization in stochastic processes, probability and statistics conferred by the Specialized Council at the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and confirmed by the Supreme Attestation Commission of Ukraine in 2010. His research interests include: probability and statistics, stochastic processes, random evolutions, stochastic dynamic systems, random flights, diffusion processes, transport processes, random walks, stochastic processes in random environments, partial differential equations in stochastic models, statistical physics and wave processes. Dr. Kolesnik has published more than 70 scientific publications, mostly in high-standard international journals and a monograph. He has also acted as external referee for many outstanding international journals in mathematics and physics, being awarded by the "Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing" from the journal "Stochastic Processes and their Applications." He was the visiting professor and scholarship holder at universities in Italy and Germany and member of the Board of Global Advisors of the International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts (IFNA), United States of America.
Limit theorems for random sequences may conventionally be divided into two large parts, one of them dealing with convergence of distributions (weak limit theorems) and the other, with almost sure convergence, that is to say, with asymptotic prop erties of almost all sample paths of the sequences involved (strong limit theorems). Although either of these directions is closely related to another one, each of them has its own range of specific problems, as well as the own methodology for solving the underlying problems. This book is devoted to the second of the above mentioned lines, which means that we study asymptotic behaviour of almost all sample paths of linearly transformed sums of independent random variables, vectors, and elements taking values in topological vector spaces. In the classical works of P.Levy, A.Ya.Khintchine, A.N.Kolmogorov, P.Hartman, A.Wintner, W.Feller, Yu.V.Prokhorov, and M.Loeve, the theory of almost sure asymptotic behaviour of increasing scalar-normed sums of independent random vari ables was constructed. This theory not only provides conditions of the almost sure convergence of series of independent random variables, but also studies different ver sions of the strong law of large numbers and the law of the iterated logarithm. One should point out that, even in this traditional framework, there are still problems which remain open, while many definitive results have been obtained quite recently.
This book encompasses the study of hybrid switching di usion processes and their applications. The word \hybrid" signi es the coexistence of c- tinuous dynamics and discrete events, which is one of the distinct features of the processes under consideration. Much of the book is concerned with the interactions of the continuous dynamics and the discrete events. Our motivations for studying such processes originate from emerging and - isting applications in wireless communications, signal processing, queueing networks, production planning, biological systems, ecosystems, nancial engineering, and modeling, analysis, and control and optimization of lar- scale systems, under the in uence of random environments. Displaying mixture distributions, switching di usions may be described by the associated operators or by systems of stochastic di erential eq- tions together with the probability transition laws of the switching actions. We either have Markov-modulated switching di usions or processes with continuous state-dependent switching. The latter turns out to be much more challenging to deal with. Viewing the hybrid di usions as a number of di usions joined together by the switching process, they may be se- ingly not much di erent from their di usion counterpart. Nevertheless, the underlying problems become more di cult to handle, especially when the switching processes depend on continuous states. The di culty is due to the interaction of the discrete and continuous processes and the tangled and hybrid information pattern.
Evolution of Systems in Random Media is an innovative, application-oriented text that explores stochastic models of evolutionary stochastic systems in random media. Specially designed for researchers and practitioners who do not have a background in random evolutions, the book allows non-experts to explore the potential information and applications that random evolutions can provide.