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"This publication describes how to estimate lime application rate and lists criteria for choosing liming materials (source), lime application method (placement), and how often to apply lime (frequency). Lime application rate is determined using the lime requirement test (SMP buffer method). For established perennial or no-till crops, a top-dress lime application (1 to 2 t/a) may be beneficial. When very different soils are present within a field, variable-rate lime application is usually advantageous. Liming materials vary in effectiveness. The carbonate in traditional aglime (calcium or magnesium carbonate) reacts with soil acidity to neutralize it. Liming materials have very limited movement into the soil without incorporation. Tillage increases effectiveness of all lime materials by mixing them into the rooting zone. Evaluate liming materials based on effectiveness (lime score) and cost. Calculate product cost per ton of 100-score lime. By-product lime products can be a cost-effective substitute for traditional aglime. Their characteristics should be evaluated carefully. For certified organic crops, use only lime approved by your certification agency. Lime application method (placement) takes two forms. Lime is either applied and left on the soil surface or incorporated. In the absence of tillage, soil pH increases only in the top inch or 2 of soil since lime's limited solubility means that the liming material must contact acidic soil before it will react and change soil pH. Frequency of lime application is determined primarily by cation exchange capacity (CEC) and crop management practices, especially N fertilizer rate. Soil pH declines faster in sandy (low CEC) soils than in soil with moderate to high clay content. The typical rate of pH decline is approximately 0.1 pH unit per year when 100 lb ammonium N/a is applied. For annual crop rotations, apply lime about a year before planting the crop that is most sensitive to soil acidity. For perennial crops, soil test and apply lime prior to tillage for crop establishment."--Page 2.
"Liming is a new practice for the inland PNW, necessitated by soil acidification caused by nitrogen (N) fertilization (Figure 2). This publication provides guidance on: (1) how to evaluate cropping systems for lime need and (2) how to determine lime application rate."--Page 2.
Acidity distribution within any given soil profile is dependent on mineralogical make-up of the parent material as well as environmental conditions prevalent during the weathering history of the soil. An experiment was designed to study the distribution pattern of exchange acidity, exchangeable aluminum, exchangeable manganese and pH of six acid soils of Western Oregon. 1N KCl extracts of four depths of each soil were obtained and the levels of the parameters mentioned above were measured. It was found that various soil series had different acidity distribution patterns within their profiles. Also, a highly significant linear correlation was observed between exchange acidity and exchangeable aluminum of each soil. Liming acid soils raises pH of the soil extract and improves its fertility status. The rise in pH is due to neutralization of acid groups or acid-producing species present in various forms and on various sites in the soil system. One group of these acid producing species is the exchangeable form of various hydrolyzable cations, especially Al3, H3O+, Mn+2, also perhaps Fe+3, and others. These cations are extracted with solutions of 1N neutral salts such as KC1 and are neutralized by hydroxyls of the applied lime. A second experiment was designed to study the effect of liming, using an incubation procedure, on exchange acidity, exchangeable aluminum, exchangeable manganese and pH of these soils. It was observed that additions of increments of Ca(OH)2 to soil resulted in progressive increase in pH of the soil extract and the relationship between pH and amounts of lime applied was curvilinear with the titration curves approximating linear patterns. As lime rates increase, there was a drop in both Al+3 and exchange acidity content of the soil extract as well as the amount of Mn+2 extracted. For all these three parameters the initial drop was much sharper than the subsequent reductions occurring due to further additions of lime. Point of zero acidity or zero exchangeable aluminum did not necessarily coincide with pH of neutrality. Applications of lime to acid soils improves their crop raising ability, especially with regard to legumes. A third experiment was set up to study the response pattern of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. var. Du Puits) to lime and phosphorous applications and the effect of such applications on aluminum, manganese, phosphorous, and calcium concentrations of plant tops. Significant yield responses were obtained in some cases but not in others. Phosphorous concentration of the tops was not significantly affected, but aluminum, manganese, and calcium concentrations were affected to varying degrees.
Soil acidity is a major factor inhibiting pasture production in western Oregon. The typical management solution to acidic soil problems is to lime. However, lime cannot be incorporated directly into the soil in established pasture. The only alternative is topdress or surface apply lime and wait for soil fauna to mix the lime through the soil profile. Unfortunately, there is little previous research to indicate if topdressed lime mixes through the soil profile, increase production, or improve quality. A lime trial was undertaken at four sites to address these problems. The four sites were in Tillamook County, Lane County, Polk County, and on campus/Benton county. Each site consisted of three replications, except the campus site which had four replications, of 0, 1, or 2 T/A lime in a randomized block or completely randomized design. The actual liming took place in the fall of 1993. In 1994 and 1995 each site was clipped on a regular basis for total production and plant nutrient analysis. At the end of the growing season, soil was sampled to measure the degree of lime mixing and the effect of lime upon soil nutrient status. In 1994, no significant production, plant tissue nutrient, lime mixing, or soil nutrient changes were observed. In 1995, the Tillamook and Polk County sites displayed significantly increased soil pH and soil Ca to a depth of two inches. The Lane County and campus sites both displayed significant lime mixing to at least four inches. Also, the Tillamook and Lane County sites demonstrated significantly increased production and N uptake. Yet, the Polk County and campus sites demonstrated no significant change in production. No relevant plant tissue nutrient changes were detected. Based upon these results, lime seemed able to mix readily through the soil, pasture production could be affected by lime, plant tissue nutrient concentrations were not affected by lime, and the increased production might be due to the effects of increased soil pH upon N cycling.