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Padmasambhava, the Indian mystic and tantric Buddhist master, is second only to Buddha Shakyamuni as the most famous personage in the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism. In the ninth century, he made the journey across the Himalayan Mountains to establish Buddhism for the people in that country. He also concealed timeless instructions and practices to benefit future generations. The volume presents in-depth explanations of the Tibetan Buddhist perspective. The Light of Wisdom, Vol. II will be of special interest to students of Buddhism for its clear overview from a Vajrayana perspective of teachings particular to Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism. Included is an extensive commentary by Jamgon Kongtrul the Great, one of the most prominent Buddhist masters of nineteenth-century Tibet.
This powerful book contains chapters by 22 of the world’s leading luminaries in the field of personal development and spiritual transformation, including bestselling authors Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations With God) and Don Miguel Ruiz (The Four Agreements). Covering topics from co-creating a peaceful world, forgiveness, healing, and finding purpose and happiness, to chapters about health, well-being, destiny, and the mysteries of kundalini, The Light also includes practical exercises and guidance, empowering readers to achieve their greatest potential.
The Light of Wisdom Vol. I contains the root terma ---hidden treasure text --- of Padmasambhava, The Gradual Path of the Wisdom Essence and its commentary The Light of Wisdom by Jamgon Kongtrul the Great. Annotations on the commentary Entering the Path of Wisdom spoken by Jamyang Drakpa and recorded by Jokyab Rinpoche are included as well as clarifications from other masters. Volume I presents in-depth explanations of the Vajrajana Buddhist perspective. It begins with the nature of the ground, the buddha nature present in all beings, continues with the teachings that are common to all vehicles, and concludes with the Mahayana and the link to Vajrayana. This essence of the causal and resultant vehicles, Especially the core of the realization the three sections of the inner tantras, Linking together the ground with the path, Makes you abandon the temporary defilements along with their tendencies, Realize fruition and quickly accomplish the welfare of self and others, In this way it is in conformity with each yet exalted above them all. -Padmasambhava The root text of Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, a terma revealed by the great treasure- finder Chokgyur Lingpa, and its commentary by Kongtrul Rinpoche, the great translator in person, form together a complete scripture that embodies all the tantras, statements and instructions of the Nyingma School of the early translations, which is most rare to find in the past, present, or future. -Kyabje Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche
A condensation of the Tripitaka, the philosophical backbone of the living tradition of Tibetain Buddhism.
"The most valuable aspect of religion," writes Robert Lawrence Smith, "is that it provides us with a framework for living. I have always felt that the beauty and power of Quakerism is that it exhorts us to live more simply, more truthfully, more charitably." Taking his inspiration from the teaching of the first Quaker, George Fox, and from his own nine generations of Quaker forebears, Smith speaks to all of us who are seeking a way to make our lives simpler, more meaningful, and more useful. Beginning with the Quaker belief that "There is that of God in every person," Smith explores the ways in which we can harness the inner light of God that dwells in each of us to guide the personal choices and challenges we face every day. How to live and speak truthfully. How to listen for, trust, and act on our conscience. How to make our work an expression of the best that is in us. Using vivid examples from his own life, Smith writes eloquently of Quaker Meeting, his decision to fight in World War II, and later to oppose the Vietnam War. From his work as an educator and headmaster to his role as a husband and father, Smith quietly convinces that the lofty ideals of Quakerism offer all of us practical tools for leading a more meaningful life. His book culminates with a moving letter to his grandchildren which imparts ten lessons for "letting your life speak."
The Tibetan Buddhist meditation practice known as Dzogchen is a pragmatic method for getting in touch with the pure, clear awareness that is hidden under our constant flow of anxious thoughts. Dzogchen Essentials makes available the methods to meet and utilize this rich spiritual path. Marcia Binder Schmidt, a long time, close attendant to one of the foremost Dzogchen Masters of the last century, Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, has put together the most comprehensive and accessible collection of the essential instructions vital to this subject. She has organized them into a handbook for the genuine trainee of this tradition. The book includes a useful preface an introductory teaching by a leading Dzogchen Master as well as classical and original pieces that impart crucial explanations. This is a book for the layperson as well as the scholar. For centuries, Dzogchen has been a secretly held and privately transmitted teaching, which was unknown beyond the confines of Tibetan culture. But that changed in the final decades of the last century, as many Tibetans saw the long-awaited unfolding of a famous ninth-century prophecy: "When the Dark Age is rampant, the Dzogchen teachings will blaze like wildfire."
Wisdom: Volume Two by June Jones __________________________________
The Sapiential Discourses, Book II contains more ancient wisdoms given to us from Source, which began in The Sapiential Discourses: Universal Wisdom. It is Source's ongoing conversation with humanity. As with the first book in this series, we are given information to assist us in remembering vital universal truths as we enter a new era in human history. The book begins with the spiritual revolution that is occurring on planet Earth now. It ends with the world of tomorrow and what the future brings for us all. In between we are given new information about signs and symbols, energy vortexes and portals, Indigos and starseeds, other planes of existence, and God and science. A chapter is devoted to the Wiccan way of life. This book is a gift from the highest vibration of all, and it will reinvigorate your very spirit with renewed hope. It guides you on the journey of understanding your creatorship and the true nature of your magnificent self. It will revolutionize your life.