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These poems in "Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually: Bodymind Electricity Sings to Me at Harbin Hot Springs & Other Traveling Poems," many written at Harbin or on the road to or from it, travel the globe from the Harbin warm pool, with a focus on meditation, to Cuttyhunk Island ('I kissed your back' & 'The bell was sailing off Canapitsit'), to India, and back to Santa Cruz, California. Most were written in 2012 and 2013. I'd like to dedicate these poems to Sunheart, however, a friend and a main anthropological informant in my first book, "Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin" (2016) who passed away this autumn 2020. In the poem "She Dappled Sun" here, I seek to bring Sunheart a birthday torte, place one on his doorstep in the Harbin village, only to find out later that he's traveling far, far away. I'd like also to bring him alive again - with artificial intelligence and machine learning into avatar bot form - so that we might interact conversationally again, at first; see this December 18, 2020 UC Berkeley Anthropology Tourism Studies' talk in these regards - - for both video and slides. I'd like to articulate Sunheart's Harbin knowledge and memories in digital form, and interactively, so that you or I might again talk and interact with him, as a first example of what might be possible in these regards ( in this Harbin poetry project, as well as in my actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project, with its poetry, is creating a realistic virtual Harbin with realistic avatar bots.Scott MacLeodNew Year's Day 2021(scottmacleod . com) - Scott GK MacLeod
Complex mathematical and computational models are used in all areas of society and technology and yet model based science is increasingly contested or refuted, especially when models are applied to controversial themes in domains such as health, the environment or the economy. More stringent standards of proofs are demanded from model-based numbers, especially when these numbers represent potential financial losses, threats to human health or the state of the environment. Quantitative sensitivity analysis is generally agreed to be one such standard. Mathematical models are good at mapping assumptions into inferences. A modeller makes assumptions about laws pertaining to the system, about its status and a plethora of other, often arcane, system variables and internal model settings. To what extent can we rely on the model-based inference when most of these assumptions are fraught with uncertainties? Global Sensitivity Analysis offers an accessible treatment of such problems via quantitative sensitivity analysis, beginning with the first principles and guiding the reader through the full range of recommended practices with a rich set of solved exercises. The text explains the motivation for sensitivity analysis, reviews the required statistical concepts, and provides a guide to potential applications. The book: Provides a self-contained treatment of the subject, allowing readers to learn and practice global sensitivity analysis without further materials. Presents ways to frame the analysis, interpret its results, and avoid potential pitfalls. Features numerous exercises and solved problems to help illustrate the applications. Is authored by leading sensitivity analysis practitioners, combining a range of disciplinary backgrounds. Postgraduate students and practitioners in a wide range of subjects, including statistics, mathematics, engineering, physics, chemistry, environmental sciences, biology, toxicology, actuarial sciences, and econometrics will find much of use here. This book will prove equally valuable to engineers working on risk analysis and to financial analysts concerned with pricing and hedging.
Admitting you're a drug addict or alcoholic can be difficult, but when it comes to pornography addiction, the pain of betrayal can hit the addict's partner worse than the addict himself. Tony Overbay and Joshua Shea provide pertinent supportive information from the point of view of a therapist and from a former pornography addict.
NATUROPATHIC PHYSICAL MEDICINE provides a philosophical naturopathic perspective, as well as practical clinical applications, for manual and physical approaches to health care. A wide range of bodywork and movement approaches and modalities are evaluated in relation to their ability to be appropriately used in naturopathic treatment and rehabilitation settings. The model of care emphasised in this text recognizes that naturopathically oriented therapeutic interventions usually focus on achieving one or all of the following: enhancement of function so that the person, system or part, can better self-regulate in response to adaptive demands; modification or removal of adaptive load factors; and symptomatic relief without creation of significant additional adaptive changes.
Zen was popularized in the West largely through the writings of Dr. D.T. Suzuki, who followed the school of Rinzai Zen. Although it remains relatively unknown in the West, Soto Zen eventually attracted the greatest number of followers in Japan. With its gentle, more intellectual approach, Soto Zen relies on deep meditation (zazen) rather than the "sudden," direct method (using koan) of Rinzai Zen, in striving for enlightenment. The Shobogenzo Zuimonki consists largely of brief talks, horatatory remarks, and instructional and cautionary comments by the Soto Zen Master Dogen (1200-1253). Translated, shobogenzo means "the eye of the true law." Roughly translated, zuimonki means "easy for the ears to understand," or "simplified."
From nineteenth-century public baths to today's private backyard havens, swimming pools have long been a provocative symbol of American life. In this social and cultural history of swimming pools in the United States, Jeff Wiltse relates how, over the years, pools have served as asylums for the urban poor, leisure resorts for the masses, and private clubs for middle-class suburbanites. As sites of race riots, shrinking swimsuits, and conspicuous leisure, swimming pools reflect many of the tensions and transformations that have given rise to modern America.
The Shōbōgenzō (The Treasury of the True Dharma Eye) is a revered eight-hundred-year-old Zen Buddhism classic written by the Japanese monk Eihei Dōgen. Despite the timeless wisdom of his teachings, many consider the book difficult to understand and daunting to read. In Don’t Be a Jerk, Zen priest and bestselling author Brad Warner, through accessible paraphrasing and incisive commentary, applies Dōgen’s teachings to modern times. While entertaining and sometimes irreverent, Warner is also an astute scholar who sees in Dōgen very modern psychological concepts, as well as insights on such topics as feminism and reincarnation. Warner even shows that Dōgen offered a “Middle Way” in the currently raging debate between science and religion. For curious readers worried that Dōgen’s teachings are too philosophically opaque, Don’t Be a Jerk is hilarious, understandable, and wise.
Written specifically for PTAs! Develop the clinical decision-making skills you need to be a successful PTA. This easy-to-follow approach helps you learn how to successfully relate thermal, mechanical, and electrical biophysical agents to specific therapeutic goals while understanding all the physiologic ramifications. Drawing from the APTA’s Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, this text will enable you to make the connection between a physical agent and the appropriate treatment interventions as part of a comprehensive, successful physical therapy treatment program.
This important book fills a need in the developing area of Pain Medicine. It provides physicians with an up-to-date resource that details the current understanding about the basic science underlying the mechanism of action of the various CAM therapies used for pain. It summarizes the clinical evidence both for efficacy and safety, and finishes with practical guidelines about how such treatments could be successfully and safely integrated into a Pain practice.