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In John 17 the Lord Jesus uttered a most profound prayer. It is the completion of the message He gave in John chapters 14, 15, and 16, and it is a prayer that is difficult to understand. On the surface it is a prayer for oneness. But there is something deeper and more profound beneath the surface too. In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee presents the deep significance of this prayer—the glorification of the Triune God.
The Lord’s prayer in John 17 concerns the glorification of the Triune God and reveals three stages of oneness. In this booklet compiled from Life-study of John, Witness Lee uses verses in John 17 and the type of the tabernacle in Exodus 26 to show the connection between glorification and the oneness for which the Lord prayed.
A daily prayer book following the Tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church. This book is ideal for daily personal use. Included are Morning and Evening Prayers; Prayers at Meals: Akathists to our Sweetest Jesus Christ and our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God; Canon of Preparation for Holy Communion; Thanksgiving after Holy Communion; and The Order for Reading Canons and Akathists When Alone.
Although the language of the Gospel of John is simple, this book is deep and profound. In this life-study, Witness Lee shows that the Bible is a book of life and building and that the Gospel of John also is focused on life and building. The Gospel of John reveals that in Christ, the Word of God, is life; that He came that man may have life; and that He Himself is life. Furthermore, this Gospel shows that Christ is the bread of life; that He has the water of life; that He gives life to man; and that He even lives in man as life. The Gospel of John also unfolds the divine building. In 1:14, we see that Christ in the flesh was the tabernacle for God’s habitation among men on earth. In 2:19-21, Christ’s human body was also the temple of God on earth. Through His death, His body in the flesh was destroyed, and in His resurrection, He raised up His mystical body, the church, to be the enlarged temple of God. This is God’s building in the universe. Furthermore, this Gospel reveals that the believers are to be built up to be the Father’s house, the dwelling place of the Triune God. This is adequately and fully disclosed in John 14. According to that chapter, all the believers will be built together as God’s eternal habitation with many abodes. Thus, as the Lord’s last prayer in John 17 indicates, all His believers must be built up into one. The first section of the Gospel of John, composed of the first 13 chapters, is on the coming of the Lord Jesus to bring God into man and to declare God to man. The second section, composed of the last eight chapters, is on the Lord’s going in death and coming back in resurrection to bring man into God and to abide in and with man for God’s building.
This book is intended as an aid to believers in developing a daily time of morning revival with the Lord in His word. At the same time, it provides a limited review of the summer training held July 2-7, 2012, in Anaheim, California, on the “Crystallization-study of the Minor Prophets.” Through intimate contact with the Lord in His word, the believers can be constituted with life and truth and thereby equipped to prophesy in the meetings of the church unto the building up of the Body of Christ.
This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the final nine messages given during the spring 2017 term of the full-time training in Anaheim, California. The general subject of this series of messages is "The Mending Ministry of John." The overall subject of John's writings, which include his Gospel, his Epistles, and Revelation, is that the Triune God wants to dispense Himself into His chosen people as their life and life supply to make them divine so that they may express Him in full and for eternity. In Revelation John presents the consummate vision in the Bible and the ultimate fulfillment of God's eternal economy--the New Jerusalem. The mending ministry of John, carried out in the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit, is for the living out and the working out of the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is lived out by the believers becoming the New Jerusalem, and the New Jerusalem is worked out by the believers building the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is the ultimate answer to the Lord's prayer in John 17 for the glorification of the Triune God through the oneness of the believers built into the Triune God. This city is the City of Jehovah, the city of life, the holy city, and the city of glory. Even in the Old Testament the prophets describe this city as a person that is one with Jehovah. Isaiah says, "They will call you the City of Jehovah" (60:14), and Ezekiel concludes his prophecy by declaring that "the name of the city from that day shall be, Jehovah Is There" (48:35). The City of Jehovah means that Jehovah is in His redeemed, regenerated, transformed, and glorified tripartite people and that they are in Him. Jehovah Is There refers to the presence of Jehovah Himself who will be united, mingled, and incorporated with His people to be one entity--the great, corporate God-man. The New Jerusalem is also the city of life. The Christ ministered by John is for the dispensing of the Triune God as life into man's tripartite being. Out of such a ministered Christ, the children of God are brought forth by receiving the eternal life. They then partake of the fellowship of the eternal life by abiding in the Lord and walking in the light. They are taught by the anointing to enjoy the virtues of the divine birth with the divine seed. As a result, they become the testimony of Jesus--the lampstands as the expression of the Triune God--to be the firstfruits and the harvest as the expression of life and the bride of the Lamb as His increase and satisfaction. Moreover, the New Jerusalem is the holy city. God's living word--His breathing out as the divine breath into the believers--works within them to separate them from the world and to saturate them with the divine nature to make them a holy city, the corporate and ultimate Holy of Holies as the reality of Zion. To live out and work out the New Jerusalem, the believers partake of the divine nature of the Father by exercising their spirit to enjoy God as Spirit (the nature of God's person) and by remaining in the divine fellowship to enjoy God as love (the nature of God's essence) and as light (the nature of God's expression). Furthermore, the New Jerusalem is the city of glory. The Lord wants to occupy every room in our being, and He desires that we would be filled with His riches unto the fullness of God so that there would be glory to God in the church. The Father will be glorified when His many sons are thus filled with the Triune God. To be filled with the Triune God of glory for His corporate expression, the believers must cooperate with the Spirit, who is daily operating in them, by their allowing the Spirit to infuse and transmit all the riches of the Triune God into them. All believers need to be open to this Spirit to allow the Triune God to fill them, to flow through them, and to overflow out of them so that there would be the full expression of the Triune God in the church as the reality of the Body of Christ. This Body will in turn consummate in the New Jerusalem as the ultimate expression of the consummated Triune God in and through man. The New Jerusalem is the church as the reality of the Body of Christ in its ultimate state and consummation. To live out the New Jerusalem is to grow up into Christ, the Head, by the mingling of God with man, and to work out the New Jerusalem is to function out from the Head for the building up of the Body of Christ. Only the Body of Christ will remain forever as the unique mutual abode of God and man so that God as the Spirit and man as the bride, becoming a married couple, are mingled and incorporated together to be one entity--a great, corporate God-man. Thus, the issue of John's mending ministry is the accomplishing of the goal of God's economy, which is to obtain the enlarged, universal, divine-human incorporation of the consummated Triune God with the regenerated believers--the New Jerusalem in eternity.
"Incorporation" refers to the joint concept of the mutual indwelling of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit and Their mutual working together as one. These two concepts are not new in Christian thought, but they are overlooked by many Christian teachers and writers today and, consequently, by many Christians in general. The effect of this omission is that many common believers (if not their teachers!) fall easily into the mistaken view that the three of the Divine Trinity exist separably, act separably, and therefore are separably three Gods, even though most know better than to say so. This book is at one level a reaction to that mistaken view, because the writers of the New Testament were very far from it in their concept and utterance. But at stake is not just the Trinity as the capital teaching of the Christian faith (if that were not enough to be concerned about). The essence of true Christian experience is also greatly affected by our understanding of how the Triune God is in Himself and how He acts in Himself, for according to the New Testament the essence of the believers' life and living is the extension of the Triune God's mutual indwelling and mutual working together as one within them. Thus, at another level this book is a reaction to a merely moral and ethical view of the Christian life, because, again, the writers of the New Testament present the Christian life more profoundly as the believers' incorporation of the Triune God, who lives and operates within them. The content of this book is a careful consideration of the incorporation of the Triune God in Himself and with His believers as evidenced textually in the New Testament, particularly the Gospel of John through the Epistle of Jude.
This issue of The Ministry contains a complete record of the eight messages given during the 2008 International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones in Anaheim, California, April 2-4, 2008. The general subject of this series of messages is "The Vision, Experience, and Practice of the All-inclusive Oneness." These messages are a continuation of the messages given in the previous International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones in Mexico City, Mexico, October 4-6, 2007 (see The Ministry Magazine, vol. 12 no. 2). The final two messages of that training (Messages 8 and 9) are an introduction to this training. In this volume, we will see that the all-inclusive oneness is actually a person--the all-inclusive Christ. The all-inclusive Christ is the all-inclusive Spirit, who is the all-inclusive processed and consummated Triune God. Therefore, the all-inclusive oneness is actually the all-inclusive Spirit as the processed and consummated Triune God, united, mingled, and incorporated with all the genuine believers in Christ. Moreover, we will also see that this all-inclusive oneness is the expression of God. God is expressed as oneness because He is oneness itself. There is no oneness outside of the Triune God; hence, when He is expressed, He is expressed as a marvelous, mysterious, divine, and mystical oneness. We also include a report concerning the Lord's move in Ethiopia.