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This book is suitable for children age 9 and above. Napoleon Bonaparte was the first emperor of France. He was a very successful military general and he led his army into many victorious battles. This is the story of how a lawyer's son rose to become a powerful emperor.
Reproduction of the original: Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Volume I by Sir Walter Scott
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Volume I. by Walter Scott is one of the greatest works in the field of literature. It is one of the vintage collections by the Walter Scott.
Europas historie, Frankrigs historie, fransk militærhistorie og krigshistorie - amerikansk biografi om Napoleon (1769-1821), den store franske kejser, hærfører, soldat, militær leder, feltherre, politiker og statsmand, som i den grad ændrede Europakortet og Frankrigs historie, og ikke mindst militærhistorien med sine forbløffende, forbavsende og brilliante sejre. Napoleon er beundret og hadet og forkætret som få, og der er skrevet så utroligt mange bøger om ham, også meget vås; dette 4-bindsværk hører til i den absolut lødige del af Napoleonslitteraturen. Stilen er fin og meget bredt fortællende, men historisk absolut korrekt, det forfriskende ved værket er den amerikanske synsvinkel, og de sidste kapitler som forsøger at beskrive Napoleon og hans betydning for Frankrig og Europa i en bredere sammenhæng. Det allerbedste ved værket er dog illustrationerne. Billedmaterialet er meget fint, smukke reproduktioner af samtidige kunstnere, dels med Napoleon selv, og hans familie og forskellige "gribende" episoder i hans brogede liv, og dels de mange krigsbilleder, med forskellige krigsepisoder og krigsoplevelser med franske soldater og den franske hær, herunder en del fine uniformsbilleder og slagscener. Værket er i 4 dele, i stort format, udkom i 1894 (denne udgave fra 1896) og er skrevet af en amerikansk historieprofessor ved Princeton Universitetet. Hvert bind har en liste over illustrationerne, og udførlige kapiteloverskrifter med mange stikordsindgange til værket, desuden samlet register til alle 4 bind bagerst i bd.4.
Reproduction of the original: The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte Vol. II. by William Milligan Sloane
This sophisticated and masterful biography, written by a respected French history scholar who has taught courses on Napoleon at the University of Paris, brings new and remarkable analysis to the study of modern history's most famous general and statesman. Since boyhood, Steven Englund has been fascinated by the unique force, personality, and political significance of Napoleon Bonaparte, who, in only a decade and a half, changed the face of Europe forever. In Napoleon: A Political Life, Englund harnesses his early passion and intellectual expertise to create a rich and full interpretation of a brilliant but flawed leader. Napoleon believed that war was a means to an end, not the end itself. With this in mind, Steven Englund focuses on the political, rather than the military or personal, aspects of Napoleon's notorious and celebrated life. Doing so permits him to arrive at some original conclusions. For example, where most biographers see this subject as a Corsican patriot who at first detested France, Englund sees a young officer deeply committed to a political event, idea, and opportunity (the French Revolution) -- not to any specific nationality. Indeed, Englund dissects carefully the political use Napoleon made, both as First Consul and as Emperor of the French, of patriotism, or "nation-talk." As Englund charts Napoleon's dramatic rise and fall -- from his Corsican boyhood, his French education, his astonishing military victories and no less astonishing acts of reform as First Consul (1799-1804) to his controversial record as Emperor and, finally, to his exile and death -- he is at particular pains to explore the unprecedented power Napoleon maintained over the popular imagination. Alone among recent biographers, Englund includes a chapter that analyzes the Napoleonic legend over the course of the past two centuries, down to the present-day French Republic, which has its own profound ambivalences toward this man whom it is afraid to recognize yet cannot avoid. Napoleon: A Political Life presents new consideration of Napoleon's adolescent and adult writings, as well as a convincing argument against the recent theory that the Emperor was poisoned at St. Helena. The book also offers an explanation of Napoleon's role as father of the "modern" in politics. What finally emerges from these pages is a vivid and sympathetic portrait that combines youthful enthusiasm and mature scholarly reflection. The result is already regarded by experts as the Napoleonic bicentennial's first major interpretation of this perennial subject.
When we look back on past events, however important, it is difficult to recall the precise sensations with which we viewed them in their progress, and to recollect the fears, hopes, doubts, and difficulties, for which Time and the course of Fortune have formed a termination, so different probably from that which we had anticipated. When the rush of the inundation was before our eyes, and in our ears, we were scarce able to remember the state of things before its rage commenced, and when, subsequently, the deluge has subsided within the natural limits of the stream, it is still more difficult to recollect with precision the terrors it inspired when at its height. That which is present possesses such power over our senses and our imagination, that it requires no common effort to recall those sensations which expired with preceding events. Yet, to do this is the peculiar province of history, which will be written and read in vain, unless it can connect with its details an accurate idea of the impression which these produced on men's minds while they were yet in their transit. It is with this view that we attempt to resume the history of France and of Europe, at the conclusion of the American war-a period now only remembered by the more advanced part of the present generation.
The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Volume I, has been acknowledged as a major work throughout human history, and we have taken precautions to assure its preservation by republishing this book in a modern manner for both present and future generations. This book has been completely retyped, revised, and reformatted. The text is readable and clear because these books are not created from scanned copies.