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In a fresh and timely reinterpretation, Nelson Lichtenstein examines how trade unionism has waxed and waned in the nation's political and moral imagination, among both devoted partisans and intransigent foes. From the steel foundry to the burger-grill, from Woodrow Wilson to John Sweeney, from Homestead to Pittston, Lichtenstein weaves together a compelling matrix of ideas, stories, strikes, laws, and people in a streamlined narrative of work and labor in the twentieth century. The "labor question" became a burning issue during the Progressive Era because its solution seemed essential to the survival of American democracy itself. Beginning there, Lichtenstein takes us all the way to the organizing fever of contemporary Los Angeles, where the labor movement stands at the center of the effort to transform millions of new immigrants into alert citizen unionists. He offers an expansive survey of labor's upsurge during the 1930s, when the New Deal put a white, male version of industrial democracy at the heart of U.S. political culture. He debunks the myth of a postwar "management-labor accord" by showing that there was (at most) a limited, unstable truce. Lichtenstein argues that the ideas that had once sustained solidarity and citizenship in the world of work underwent a radical transformation when the rights-centered social movements of the 1960s and 1970s captured the nation's moral imagination. The labor movement was therefore tragically unprepared for the years of Reagan and Clinton: although technological change and a new era of global economics battered the unions, their real failure was one of ideas and political will. Throughout, Lichtenstein argues that labor's most important function, in theory if not always in practice, has been the vitalization of a democratic ethos, at work and in the larger society. To the extent that the unions fuse their purpose with that impulse, they can once again become central to the fate of the republic. State of the Union is an incisive history that tells the story of one of America's defining aspirations.
What should the state look like in the third millennium? That is the question addressed in this book by Hans-Adam II, The Reigning Prince of Liechtenstein, drawing on two decades of experience as ruler of a constitutional monarchy. The State in the Third Millennium analyzes the forces that have shaped human history in the past and are likely to do so for the foreseeable future. Prince Hans-Adam explores strategies on how to realize worldwide the modern democratic constitutional state in the third millennium. He observes that citizens should no longer be viewed as servants of the state, but rather that states be converted into benevolent service companies which serve the people as their customers. Prince Hans-Adam's explorations of governance range wide, including his analysis of direct and indirect democracies via the experience of the American Revolution and the Swiss Constitution of 1848. He draws lessons on opportunities for reform derived from his own observations of Liechtenstein's paths to political reform.
History and Culture of Liechtenstein. Early history, The people, Culture and Tradition. The region that is today Liechtenstein was first inhabited in the fifth millennium before the Common Era. In the first half of the first millennium of the Common Era it formed part of the Roman Empire, with the Dominion of Schellenberg and the County of Vaduz later becoming regions of the German Empire with imperial immediacy. Archaeological finds have shown that the region that is today Liechtenstein has been inhabited since the Neolithic Age (5th millennium before the Common Era). As the freeflowing Rhine would have made it hard to live on the valley floor, first settlements were created on raised areas of land. For example, there is evidence of a settlement on the hilltop that is home to Gutenberg Castle in Balzers as well as in Eschnerberg. In the year 15 BC the Romans defeated the Rhaetians and created the Roman province of Raetia. In the first century BC an army road connecting Milan and Bregenz was built over the Luzisteig and along the right bank of the Rhine. This road led to the construction of estates and forts in the region occupied by modern-day Liechtenstein
The story of how a much-contested legal category—statelessness—transformed the international legal order and redefined the relationship between states and their citizens. Two world wars left millions stranded in Europe. The collapse of empires and the rise of independent states in the twentieth century produced an unprecedented number of people without national belonging and with nowhere to go. Mira Siegelberg’s innovative history weaves together ideas about law and politics, rights and citizenship, with the intimate plight of stateless persons, to explore how and why the problem of statelessness compelled a new understanding of the international order in the twentieth century and beyond. In the years following the First World War, the legal category of statelessness generated novel visions of cosmopolitan political and legal organization and challenged efforts to limit the boundaries of national membership and international authority. Yet, as Siegelberg shows, the emergence of mass statelessness ultimately gave rise to the rights regime created after World War II, which empowered the territorial state as the fundamental source of protection and rights, against alternative political configurations. Today we live with the results: more than twelve million people are stateless and millions more belong to categories of recent invention, including refugees and asylum seekers. By uncovering the ideological origins of the international agreements that define categories of citizenship and non-citizenship, Statelessness better equips us to confront current dilemmas of political organization and authority at the global level.