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As the baby boomer generation begins to retire, the focus shifts to the next generation of global leaders in diverse industries. Within the field of library science, succession planning has become a topic of interest to ensure the success of future libraries as the workforce shifts and enable up-and-coming leaders. Succession Planning and Implementation in Libraries: Practices and Resources provides valuable insight into the process of implementing succession planning in libraries. This book delves into the challenges and possibilities of a succession plan’s effect on the success of library organizations. Human resources officers, library administrators, academicians, and students will find this book beneficial to furthering their understanding of current practice in succession planning.
Offers advice to administrators of libraries of all sizes to dealing with succession planning and other aspects of change, detailing how to spot potential leaders, encourage professional growth, motivate employees, and develop high-quality performers.
Succession Planning in Canadian Academic Libraries explores the current Canadian academic library environment, and the need for succession planning in that environment. The literature review demonstrates the lack of reported succession planning activities in Canadian academic libraries. Site visits and in-depth interviews with professional librarians at six libraries across Canada highlight best practices and barriers to succession planning. These best practices and barriers are addressed in individual chapters, with tips and strategies for library leaders. Focuses on the Canadian academic library Includes a comprehensive literature review on succession planning in academic libraries Provides evidence-based approach to why succession planning is or is not happening in Canadian academic libraries
The Library and Information Science (LIS) literature has made clear that academic libraries in the U.S. have experienced decades of hiring freezes and budget cuts that reduced staffing overall and eliminated many middle management positions. Consequently, now that baby boomer library managers and administrators are beginning to retire, there are few qualified applicants to replace them. Thus, many in the LIS field have called for better succession planning by top-level library administrators (e.g., Deans, Directors, University Librarians). Few studies, however, have directly addressed this issue by examining these administrators' perceptions or behavior regarding succession planning. This study begins to fill this literature gap through semi-structured interviews with all 10 of the University Librarians (ULs) in the University of California (UC) system. The study employed a case study/cross-case analysis design; each participant-UL was considered a case. During data analysis, a within-case thematic analysis was conducted for each participant and then a cross-case analysis was undertaken to compare and contrast the ULs' perspectives on succession planning. A theoretical framework drawn from the field of sociology was used to better understand the perceptions and behavior of participant-ULs regarding this topic. This framework suggested examining the structure and culture of the context in which each UL worked, as well as the perceived agency of each participating UL. This study's findings suggest that structure, culture, and agency can significantly impact how and why the ULs engage or do not engage in succession planning. For example, the retirement pension for UC employees encourages long-term retention, which leads to low employee turnover. A static population may resist a ULs' attempts at cultural change. Thus, both low turnover and resistance to change can make succession planning a challenge for ULs. The results of this study contribute to both LIS literature and practice in at least two ways. First, this study's findings could be useful to other academic library administrators, given that the study identifies potentially transferable strategies that the ULs in the study are utilizing to succession plan. Second, this study helps further a conversation in the disciplinary literature about how and why to develop future library leaders.
This thought-provoking collection will challenge librarians at every kind of institution to start planning today for the library of tomorrow.
This book examines current research related to succession planning strategies and tactics. The authors compare and contrast the rationale and processes needed for effective and efficient succession planning. This is a comprehensive endeavor exploring succession planning across today’s key disciplines: business, education, and healthcare. Succession planning is examined from the commercial, government, and non-profit lens. The book features active research, broad literature reviews, and examines conceptual frameworks. From this valuable contribution to succession planning research, readers will receive a thorough assessment of the theoretical foundations of succession planning and ethical considerations for sustainable leadership.
New public library directors quickly learn what seasoned directors already know: running a library means you’ve always got your hands full—balancing the needs of staff, patrons, facilities, library boards, and other stakeholders with professional responsibilities like community interactions, legal and financial requirements, and whole lot else that wasn’t exactly in the job description. Whether you are considering becoming a public library director, are brand new to the role, or have settled in but find yourself thinking “there’s got to be a better way,” authors Hall and Parker are here to help. This book walks you through the core components of getting up to speed and then provides templates, sample documents, checklists, and other resources that will make your job easier. Gleaned from their own decades of experience in library leadership positions, in this toolkit they - cover such key topics as employees, trustees, finances, legal issues, library policies, emergency planning, and technology; - discuss strategic planning and share advice on keeping up with trends; - offer nearly two dozen ready-to-use resources, including a Director’s Report Template, a Social Media Policy, an Employee Exit Questionnaire, a Library Cleaning Checklist, a Vision Statement worksheet, and more; and - suggest additional learning opportunities in each chapter to help you continue your learning journey. Public library directors can steer clear of common pain points by relying on the expert guidance and organizational aids in this toolkit.
Plan For Your Organization's Success Linkage's Best Practices for Succession Planning provides the ultimate guide for planning, developing, implementing, and sustaining succession planning in any organization. This must-have book provides step-by-step instructions, practical advice, templates, and tools from some of the world's best companies and Linkage, a global organization development company that specializes in leadership development. Linkage Inc.'s Best Practices for Succession Planning is the comprehensive resource that includes information needed to * Ensure that succession management is owned by business leaders rather than just HR * Assess potential for future roles, not just track record of performance * Manage succession data on individuals and talent pools * Balance talent development and acquisition in achieving future objectives * Develop the processes, tools, and organizational capabilities necessary to effectively implement and sustain the system * Integrate succession planning systems with other businesses and HR systems in the organization to achieve efficiency, consistency, and impact
The PLA Results Series has long served to help public librarians envision, evaluate, and respond to community needs with distinctive programs and services. Building from this proven model, Strategic Planning for Results is the fully revised version of Planning for Results, the foundational book in this groundbreaking series. Sandra Nelson, senior editor of the Results Series, focuses on the essential steps to draft a results-driven, strategic planning process that libraries can complete over the course of four months, regardless of organizational structure or size. Reflecting on the current planning environment for public libraries, Nelson makes the case for strategic rather than long-term planning and includes a wealth of information about understanding and managing the change process to help staff Assess the change-readiness of the library and preparing staff to implement forthcoming changes Simplify data collection and decision-making processes through the use of 14 reproducible workforms Identify service priority options and reach agreement as a group Successfully present and communicate within their library Including the newly revised and adopted Public Library Service Responses, along with case studies, workforms, and tool kits, Strategic Planning for Results offers librarians a wealth of ideas to effectively meet changing community needs.