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Daniel Bell assesses the impact of Christian resistance to capitalism in Latin America, and the implications of theological debates that have emerged from this. He uses postmodern critical theory to investigate capitalism, its effect upon human desire and the Church's response to it, in a thorough account of the rise, failure and future prospects of Latin American liberation theology.
Two hundred years after the publication of Schleiermacher's epoch-making Speeches, The Future of Liberal Theology presents a comprehensive and critical reassessment of the past, present and future of the liberal tradition in Christian theology. In dialogue with the different forms of liberalism emerging from the Enlightenment, each of which is carefully defined, distinguished international theologians draw on a range of perspectives which represent the diversity of liberal theology. Discussing the criticisms of liberalism offered in the twentieth century, and engaging with contemporary theological debate which is often deeply hostile to liberalism, the conclusions offered for liberal theology range from the deeply pessimistic to the thoroughly optimistic. Students, clergy, and theological educators more broadly will value this critical reflection on the current state of theology and suggestions for its future course, together with the serious engagement with issues in theological education, which this book presents.
This is the credo and seminal text of the movement which was later characterized as liberation theology. The book burst upon the scene in the early seventies, and was swiftly acknowledged as a pioneering and prophetic approach to theology which famously made an option for the poor, placing the exploited, the alienated, and the economically wretched at the centre of a programme where "the oppressed and maimed and blind and lame" were prioritized at the expense of those who either maintained the status quo or who abused the structures of power for their own ends. This powerful, compassionate and radical book attracted criticism for daring to mix politics and religion in so explicit a manner, but was also welcomed by those who had the capacity to see that its agenda was nothing more nor less than to give "good news to the poor", and redeem God's people from bondage.
Drawing on both English and Spanish sources, this critical study examines the history, method, and doctrines of Liberation Theology. Sigmund considers the movement's origins in political circumstances in Latin America; provides case studies of its role in such events as the revolution and counter-revolution in Chile; and examines the thought of the major liberation theologians and the position of the Vatican.
The publication of this volume marks the Ten Year Anniversary of the Postcolonialism and Religions series. In intersectional and interdisciplinary perspectives, the chapters of this book constitute a complex whole: a volume that does justice to the justice-seeking origins of Latin American Liberation Theology, philosophy, and sociology as it emerged in the 1960s-70s and its development to the present. What drives this book is a common spirit and conviction: Liberation Theologies of the Global South remain relevant to the sociocultural and geopolitical contexts of today, which remain ensconced in the dynamics, exclusions, and resistances that gave rise to Liberation Theologies six decades ago. Today we may speak of interculturality, of borderlands, of in-betweenness, in ways that complicate, confirm, affirm, and interrogate the “underside of history”, and the spaces that are marginalized but de-centered centers of liberation struggle — within, alongside, underneath, over-against societal projects that claim and exclude them, and that represent some of the actual challenges and opportunities to liberation.
Ivan Petrella provides a bold new interpretation of liberation theology's present state and future possibilities. In so doing, he challenges a number of established pieties: Instead of staying within the accepted norm of examining liberation theologies individually as if they were closed worlds, he dares develop a framework that tackles Latin American, Black, Womanist, and Hispanic/Latino(a) theologies together; instead of succumbing to the fashionable identity politics that rules liberationist discourse, he places poverty at the forefront of concern; instead of seeking to carve out a small space for theology in a secular world, he shows that only an expansive understanding of liberation theology can deal with contemporary challenges. The end result is a wake-up call for liberation theologians everywhere and a radical new direction for liberation theology itself.
In the past twenty-five years, liberation theology has emerged as one of the most influential, challenging, and controversial movements in modern theology. Whether in its Asian, African, Latin American, or African-American forms, liberation theology has undertaken to reexamine the dimensions of Christian faith from the perspective of the marginalized and oppressed. Here, at last, is a collection of readings from a cross-section of the world's leading exponents of liberation theology, designed to offer an overview of liberation theology and its central themes. Topics included are methodology, christology, ecclesiology, and spirituality. Each chapter includes a helpful introduction and questions for discussion, making this an ideal introductory text for students, as well as scholars and other general readers. Contributors: Maria Pilar Aquino Tissa Balasuriya Dominique Barbe Clodovis Boff Leonardo Boff Ernesto Cardenal Chung Hyun Kyung James H. Cone Jean-Marc Ela Ivone Gebara Gustavo Gutierrez Mary Hunt Sallie McFague Mary John Mananzan Carlos Mesters Anne Nasimiyu-Wasike Sun Ai Park Jon Sobrino Charles Villa-Vicencio Yong Ting Jin
Liberation Theology is the first serious acknowledgment by a white theologian of the challenge of Black Theology. It invites American theology to reconsider radically its foundations and to reorder its priorities. At a time when theology is often presented piecemeal, Frederick Herzog undertakes to ground Liberation Theology in the originating events of the Christian faith as a whole - in this instance, in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ as given in the Fourth Gospel. The systematic readings in the Gospel which he makes and from which emerge the principles of Liberation Theology are the heart of this book. Throughout, the author asks: How do we understand Christ as Liberator? The answer to this question, he maintains, determines whether or not we are still able to contemplate the Word as power and action. Written with contemporary directness and free of vague abstractions, the book casts theology into a new form to meet today's needs. The method of this new theology is confrontation, not correlation; its goal is liberation, not reformation; and it strives for a new space of freedom among people captive to the dehumanizing structures of modern theology.
Liberation theology is widely referred to in discussions of politics and religion but not always adequately understood. This Companion offers an introduction to the history and characteristics of liberation theology in its various forms in different parts of the world. Authors from four continents examine the emergence and character of liberation theology in Latin America; black theology; Asian theology; and the new situation arising from the end of the apartheid regime in South Africa. The major Christian Church's attitude to liberation theology, and the extent of the movement's indebtedness to Marxism, are examined; and a political theologian writing from another perspective of Christian theology offers an evaluation. Through a sequence of eleven chapters readers are given a comprehensive description and evaluation of the different facets of this important theological and social movement. There is also an Introduction relating liberation theology to the history of theology, and a Select Bibliography.