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Becca Whitla uses liberationist, postcolonial, and decolonial methods to analyze hymns, congregational singing, and song-leading practices. By way of this analysis, Whitla shows how congregational singing can embody liberating liturgy and theology. Through a series of interwoven theoretical lenses and methodological tools—including coloniality, mimicry, epistemic disobedience, hybridity, border thinking, and ethnomusicology—the author examines and interrogates a range of factors in the musical sphere. From beloved Victorian hymns to infectious Latin American coritos; congregational singing to radical union choirs; Christian complicity in coloniality to Indigenous ways of knowing, the dynamic praxis-based stance of the book is rooted in the author’s lived experiences and commitments and engages with detailed examples from sacred music and both liturgical and practical theology. Drawing on what she calls a syncopated liberating praxis, the author affirms the intercultural promise of communities of faith as a locus theologicus and a place for the in-breaking of the Holy Spirit.
Drawing upon liberationist, postcolonial, and decolonial scholarship, this thesis interrogates the colonizing forces in Western European and Anglo North Atlantic congregational singing. It is undertaken in the context of recent scholarly discourses on hymnody which have begun to uncover eurocentrism in the study of music and entails an interdisciplinary engagement with the hymnic (congregational song) inheritance of historic mainline Protestant churches in Canada, focusing on the United and Anglican churches of Canada, as well as with congregational singing and song leading practices in those traditions. It also shows how congregational singing can embody a liberating praxis by fostering an opening up to traditions from the Global South and those marginalized in the Global North, along with carefully reclaimed elements of this hymnody. The study's praxical approach privileges processes of identification and contextualization because they allow us to understand how identities, relationships, and ecclesial (church) and social contexts are conditioned by and implicated in the history of colonialism in Canada. As such, engaging decolonial thinking is a key strategy for interrogating, undoing, and identifying the coloniality lurking in hymnody. By reckoning with the complex histories of mainline denominational contexts and examining hymns from those contexts, the nineteenth century roots of hymnic canons from the peak of the British Empire are exposed and a coloniality in text and music-musicoloniality-is unmasked. Colonial hymns can also be reconfigured, or flipped, by the communities that sing them becoming expressions of forbearance, hope, and resistance. At the same time, hymns and ritual practices from the Global South offer liberating possibilities. An examination of marginalized communities has something to teach the mainstream. Through an analysis of the practices in two Toronto community settings, an Anglican congregation and a choir of Jamaican Canadian hotel workers, the possibilities and the limitations of decolonial thinking, particularly border thinking/singing, are illuminated. Inspired by liberationist theologies, especially Latin American Liberation and Latina/o theologies, the dissertation concludes by proposing initial principles for a liberating liturgical theology. Congregational singing can be both embodied and liberating, nourishing fuller expressions of complex cultural identities in present-day churches in Canada.
"This book constitutes the author's effort to provide a biblical foundation for answers to questions regarding congregational singing. The present work is broader in scope than the author's smaller book, Volumes of Praise for a Vanishing God, and unlike the earlier volume, contains full documentation and end-notes, many of which pursue topics of interest that are mentioned only briefly in the text proper. Each chapter of this book ends with a brief list of questions to spur further study and discussion. It is hoped that this book may be useful as a text for a seminary course on congregational singing, a course that the author believes to be great need for the church of the twenty-first century. Special attention is given to the issues raised in the "music wars" of the past fifty years."
In this booklet, Darryl Tippens issues a rousing call to renew our great heritage of congregational singing. First, he recalls some of the main reasons why singing is central in the life of the church. And second, he offers specific suggestions for preserving and renewing the practice of congregational singing today.
Settler churches across North America have committed to the work of conciliation and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. Worship is a space in which these commitments are expressed and nurtured. As we are embraced by God’s reconciling love in worship, we are equipped to carry that reconciling love into our relationships beyond the worship space. Worship equips us for the work of conciliation, but the liturgy itself needs to be decolonized if it is to truly honor Christian commitments to God and neighbor. This book explores the reformed liturgy in its pattern of Gathering, Word, Table, and Sending, searching it both for colonial vestiges, and spaces of new possibility. Unsettling Worship invites the reader into a conversation about reformed worship in a setting of ongoing colonization. Worship should both unsettle us, and equip us for the essential work of making things right with Indigenous neighbors.
This book is for Christians who wonder why (and how) they should retain and improve hymn singing. It lays out a detailed argument for traditional practices; they are the best means we have for doing the job Scripture assigns to us in passages like Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16.
A passionate call for a new liberation movement, this time within the church in North America.... The genius of 'The Liberation of the Laity' is not so much that it provides new information or even an entirely original thesis, but that it lays piece after piece together until the pattern emerges for us, and we have the eyes to see the repetition and extension of that pattern in our own experiences of church life. Books and Religion The author, in this deeply felt and powerfully argued book, tackles the issues of the nature of ministry, priesthood, ordination, lay theology, a spirituality of life in the world. The argument is clearly expressed, draws upon a wide range of scholarship, the example of the early church as well as the experience of the author.... I cannot be dispassionate in recommending this book. It provides a model of what a theology of the people should be like in the way it argues the case for such a theology. Zadok Perspectives - a quarterly journal of the Zadok Institute for Christianity and Society (Australia). If I could have one wish fulfilled - I'd wish that Anne Rowthorn's 'The Liberation of the Laity' would be required reading for Christians everywhere! She is a voice for the church's voiceless. Irene V. Jackson-Brown 'The Liberation of the Laity' will irritate, inform, and inspire. And it should be read by all - lay and ordained - who are willing to have their eyes, and most especially their hearts, opened a little wider. Virginia Seminary Journal 'The Liberation of the Laity' is a provocative book that challenges the clericalist culture of the church, and provides practical advice and sound counsel toward a more inclusive future. Further, the book affirms the history and theology of the ministry of all baptized persons in a deep and thought-provoking way. 'The Liberation of the Laity' will spark conversation and reflection among those most concerned about the future of ministry, and the need for the church to support the vocations of all the baptized. Sheryl A. Kujawa-Holbrook Director of Congregational Studies Associate Professor Episcopal Divinity School
Why do we search for Jesus the Galilean behind the Christ of Paul and before the politics of the earliest Christians? To recover a more humanistic, powerful healer, wondrous teacher, and courageous activist for social justice. Jesus could face the most dominant military force in his world with equanimity because he was living in God's Realm. This divine kingdom belongs to the people, especially the poor, the sick, the dispossessed, and the sinners, and it could never be conquered by the Caesars. This truth shakes the planet. It is the sublime light of freedom which streams from Yeshua when we liberate him from the superstitions and dogmas of religion. Freeing Jesus is the mission of this book. This book is also the story of Ron Mazur's experiences with Roman Catholicism, Unitarianism, Messianic Judaism, the Jesus Seminar, the Spirit of Yeshua Fellowship, and anti-war resistance. In addition it reveals the daring of Thomas Jefferson's quest for the authentic words of Jesus of Nazareth. With, Free Jesus is virtually plugged into a website and the Internet, creating online interaction with its readers. This 21st century dawns with hope for a happier humanity.
The African church should be encouraged and supported as they rediscover their rich culture in worshiping God in a relevant, yet biblical manner.