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In setting a boundary we may have to burn a bridge. No matter, you'll feel much better. Having to filter everything thru kings with poor character doesn't sound like America. He had the charisma to take it to that level but not the character to keep himself there or better. He started out with style--looking good--but quickly became a caricature: a fool or wolf. War is instructive: losing 95% of the time and then sudden victory: persistence! Cover design by Karen Kellock, inner art by Blaze Goldburst and Fox design
In an age when falsehoods are commonly taken as truth, Janice Raymond's new book illuminates the "doublethink" of a transgender movement that is able to define men as women, women as men, he as she, dissent as heresy, science as sham, and critics as fascists.The medicalization of gender dissatisfaction depicted by Raymond in her early visionary book, The Transsexual Empire, has today expanded exponentially into the transgender industrial complex built on big medicine, big pharma, big banks, big foundations, big research centers, some attached to big universities. And the current rise of treating young children with puberty blockers and hormones is a widespread scandal that has been named a medical experiment on children.Whereas transsexualism was mainly a male phenomenon in the past with males undertaking cross sex hormones and surgery, today it is notably young women who are self-declaring as men in large numbers. Doublethink makes us aware of the consequences of a runaway ideology and its costs -- among them what is at stake when males are allowed to compete in female sports and when pschools dupe facilitating a child's hormone treatments.
When is it OK to lie about the past? If history is a story, then everyone knows that the 'official story' is told by the winners. No matter what we may know about how the past really happened, history is as it is recorded: this is what George Orwell called doublethink. But what happens to all the lost, forgotten, censored, and disappeared pasts of world history? Cinema Against Doublethink uncovers how a world of cinemas acts as a giant archive of these lost pasts, a vast virtual store of the world’s memories. The most enchanting and disturbing films of recent years – Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall his Past Lives, Nostalgia for the Light, Even the Rain, The Act of Killing, Carancho, Lady Vengeance – create ethical encounters with these lost pasts, covering vast swathes of the planet and crossing huge eras of time. Analysed using the philosophies of Gilles Deleuze (the time-image) and Enrique Dussel (transmodern ethics), the multitudinous cinemas of the world are shown to speak out against doublethink, countering this biggest lie of all with their myriad 'false' versions of world history. Cinema, acting against doublethink, remains a powerful agent for reclaiming the truth of history for the 'post-truth' era.
Jezebel Warning: The MINUTE she gets an edge she'll take over despite your distress. When I went from an echo-chamber of adoring sycophants to a dungeon of liberal feminists I saw the radical difference. Satan is jealous, it's the devil in all of us. But life is hell when faced with it especially in feminists. Instantly the women sized me up and squeezed me out. "Have nothing to do with her" they mocked. They target a scapegoat and won't let her up her entire life. Even after death grudges remain/eternal strife. You hear of older sister wives beating the younger ones up. It's women so how could we doubt it. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inner art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
It's a funny thing but those that are full of themselves are actually empty, it's compensatory see. Sin puts us in a dark place. Sudden jealous triangles and enemies seeking to destroy the ace. Some were complicitous--going along to get along--and some were bystanders who didn't oppose at all. The sisters spread rumors and ruin the reputation of their sibling, spilling the beans to anybody. This is not what's wrong with you, it's about what happened to you from liberal abuse. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
Time to say goodbye to everything you're known. Your Time Has Come and If they're not with you 100% then good riddance to em. This is your last day down with the masses. Now your life is spectacularly above them all, the joyless. After escaping malicious attacks we rise to the top in victory and abundance. Loners live ten years longer—is it any wonder? A new vista arises after escaping the painful pugnacious matrix with relational lunatics. Cover by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst
If women can't hold the line but just conform to the norm they become immoral. Few refuse sex before marriage and they go along with their kids not teach morality to the twits. She won’t let you go if she's mad--you know what is said about a woman's wrath. Men duke it out then become best friends. Women fight thru gossip, reputation-destruction and never talking again. Communist spirit prevails in schools--girls pressured to lend out or fornicate (be cool). Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inside art by Blaze Goldburst
Why we're going down: They get their views from The View and wise women are very few. Smart: Personal freedom and truth. Dumb: Loyalty to the group. The smart think, the dumb have allegiances. See the hypocrisy within feminism: slowly poison and dumb down into intellectual confusion. The fifties’ women were cherished. They knew their place: power behind, enriched and nourished. As society implodes people gang up. We all must work together: false pitch of dividers. Inversions in late democracies: idiots rule while the smart are slaves. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inner art by Blaze Goldburst
It’s collective narcissism: a powerful groupthink. Members become defensively arrogant and cliques develop. A mob narrative grows: meanness without thought. In these family groups conformity is heavily prioritized: any disagreement with them really costs guys. Members distrust/dishonor those who differ, that’s you for sure. You talk to one and its ok but when the collective is there its the fury of the entire peanut gallery. Embrace your uniqueness cuz it's not a club you wanna be in anyway--remember that your highness. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inner art by Blaze Goldburst
Don't envy when the enemy flourishes like a green tree for just as suddenly he’s mowed down, trust me. The wicked hang together like peas in a pod but you're fortified by God. They come from good stock in looks but degenerate quickly thru sin: has-beens. When God pulls the plug on beauty it's a sudden thing--all light turns muddy-- but He restores youth as the eagle so it's not irrevocable. Chapter art by Fox Design. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst and Fox Design