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A joke, one might think, knowing that ancient grammar famously lacked a syntactic component. Not so, say the scholars: the very absence of the category syntax calls for theoretical and historical analysis, and a scratch at the surface reveals that ancient grammarians did indeed recognize and deal with various aspects of syntax. The 16 papers, five of them in English and the others in German or French, look at syntactic description and reflection in antiquity, Alexandrian grammarians and syntax, virtues and vices of speech, and the Latin and Byzantine heritage. Distributed by the David Brown Book Company. Annotation : 2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
Qu'est-ce qu'un mot ? Comment décrire le sens lexical? De quelle façon les mots se combinent-ils dans la phrase en imposant à la grammaire leurs " caprices " de comportement ? Lexicologie et sémantique lexicale est un ouvrage formateur qui vise à répondre à ces questions. Il propose un système cohérent de notions fondamentales qui sont à la base de l'étude et de la modélisation du lexique. En progressant à travers chaque chapitre, le lecteur peut ainsi acquérir graduellement la capacité d'étudier les phénomènes lexicaux pour des applications en linguistique, en lexicographie (rédaction de dictionnaires ou de bases terminologiques), en traduction ou en enseignement de la langue. Ce manuel, organisé en dix chapitres, contient de nombreuses illustrations linguistiques des phénomènes étudiés, illustrations empruntées pour la plupart au français. Chaque chapitre se conclut par une liste de textes complémentaires suggérés et par une série d'exercices pratiques. Les corrigés d'exercices, en fin d'ouvrage, servent à illustrer les méthodes d'analyse linguistique ou à compléter le système notionnel de base présenté dans le corps de l'ouvrage.
This is the first English version of a text out of print for more than 40 years, summarising the positions and key concepts of an influential stream of linguistic thought. Using quotations as entries, J. Vachek (1909-1997), a leading advocate of the Prague School, employed more than 160 sources, papers and monographs, by well over 30 representatives of the school (Mathesius, Trnka, Skalicka, Daneš, Dokulil, Mukarovský, Jakobson, Trubetzkoy, Isachenko, and others). The dictionary both captures the pioneering efforts and achievements of the school from its foundation in 1926, and provides a framework for assessing the current state of affairs, attesting to its originality and serving as a preventive to treading paths already explored. The headword concepts are provided with French, German and Czech equivalents and Vachek's original preface is supplemented by a foreword which traces the development of the school up to the present date and puts it into perspective.
Maurice Gross, who died in December 2001, was a pioneer and leading thinker in the field of modern linguistics. Long before computers could facilitate large-scale, lexically-based language study, he and his team began building an exhaustive, empirically-based inventory of the "lexicon-grammar" of French which, thirty years later, still remains the most complete syntax-based lexicon available. Researchers all over the world have adopted the Gross model of description, which serves as a computational model for any language. As can be seen in the contributions in this volume, it has been applied to languages as different as Arabic, Chinese, English, Greek or Korean (as well as the major Romance languages, of course). In this volume the reader will also find a number of articles by eminent linguists who were close friends of Maurice Gross, and frequently in dialogue with him on linguistic issues. No matter whether they shared his theoretical views, or his particular empirical methods of description, they each had great respect for his work, especially for the close-grained linguistic analysis which has set a benchmark for future generations.
Setting out the historical national and religious characteristics of the Italians as they impact on the integration within the European Union, this study makes note of the two characteristics that have an adverse effect on Italian national identity: cleavages between north and south and the dominant role of family. It discusses how for Italians family loyalty is stronger than any other allegiance, including feelings towards their country, their nation, or the EU. Due to such subnational allegiances and values, this book notes that Italian civic society is weaker and engagement at the grass roots is less robust than one finds in other democracies, leaving politics in Italy largely in the hands of political parties. The work concludes by noting that EU membership, however, provides no magic bullet for Italy: it cannot change internal cleavages, the Italian worldview, and family values or the country’s mafia-dominated power matrix, and as a result, the underlying absence of fidelity to a shared polity—Italian or European—leave the country as ungovernable as ever.
Inventaire des problèmes théoriques et pratiques que pose la réalisation d'un dictionnaire. Et tentative pour présenter le discours lexicographique comme le résultat d'une pratique globale. Trois parties : dictionnaires, modèles et sciences du lexique, lexicologie descriptive : exercices. Alain Rey est un expert en la matière. On lui doit en particulier la conception rédactionnelle du ##Petit Robert##. A noter que le présent ouvrage, accessible au public cultivé pour l'essentiel, n'est ni un bloc pédagogique systématique, ni un manuel. Il a été composé à partir de contributions antérieures de l'auteur à des revues telles que ##Critique##, ##Meta##, ##Cahiers de lexicologie##, etc. Index des termes et notions. Index des noms propres. Index des dictionnaires analysés ou cités. Index des formes linguistiques.
Cet ouvrage présente un choix de textes du linguiste et lexicographe Jean-Claude Boulanger (1946-2018) présenté par des spécialistes de différentes disciplines dont Normand Baillargeon, Bruno Courbon, Yves Gambier, François Gaudin, John Humbley, Marie-Claude L’Homme, Pierre Martel, Gabriel Martin et Jean-François Sablayrolles.