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Brief definitions "intended to be as clear as possible to the non-expert, but accuracy has not been compromised for the sake of readability. Mathematics has been used where necessary to avoid ambiguity."--Intro. Published 1965.
In the realm of civil aviation, the sky is hardly the limit. It’s the starting line. Each day, countless professionals and enthusiasts alike engage with this dynamic sector, propelling humanity literally into new horizons. However, as we soar into these vast expanses, the necessity for a robust understanding and a shared language becomes not just beneficial, but vital. It's here that The Dictionary of Civil Aviation finds its wings, offering a solid ground of knowledge amidst the boundless skies of aviation exploration. With a reservoir of 4,681 meticulously curated entries, this dictionary stands as a testament to the colossal body of knowledge that civil aviation encompasses. It's an endeavor to foster a shared understanding, to bridge the knowledge gaps that might exist between a seasoned aviator and an aviation student, between air traffic controllers and airport managers, or between aviation policymakers and enthusiasts. The Dictionary of Civil Aviation is more than just a glossary; it’s a journey. A journey through the technicalities that ensure safety in the skies, the regulations that govern our airways, the acronyms that punctuate aviation communication, and the innovations that continue to drive this sector forward. Each term encapsulated in this dictionary is a node in the vast network that is civil aviation, offering readers a structured pathway through the complex, yet exhilarating world of flight. The objective is clear: to foster a culture of continuous learning and shared understanding within the civil aviation community. By doing so, we not only enhance the safety and efficiency of civil aviation but also honor the spirit of exploration and innovation that has always been its hallmark. As you flip through the pages of The Dictionary of Civil Aviation, you are not just encountering definitions; you are engaging with the living, evolving entity that is civil aviation. Each term is a window into a broader narrative, a narrative that you, as a reader and as a member of the civil aviation community, contribute to. We invite you to embark on this educational expedition, to delve into the nuances of civil aviation, and to emerge with a richer understanding and appreciation of the sector that makes global connectivity possible. Through this dictionary, may your curiosity take flight, and may your understanding of civil aviation soar to new heights.
Sözlükte aşağıda verilen temel konulardaki başlıca terim, kısaltma ve ifadelere yer verilmiştir: private charter aviation terminology/ özel charter havacılık terminolojisi pilot controller glossary/pilot kontrolör terimleri passenger glossary/yolcu terimleri main terms used in civil aviation statistics /sivil havacılık istatistikleri temel terimler military aviation terms/askeri havacılık terimleri historic aviation terms/tarihi havacılık terimleri code words and phrases used in radio transmissions/telsiz iletişiminde kullanılan ifade kod sözcükleri certain aviation industry related terms/havacılık endüstrisine ilişkin terimler aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics/uzay ve havacılıkla ilgili terimler aviation terms and abbreviations / havacılık terimleri ve kısaltmaları airport acronyms used in FAA documents/FAA belgelerinde kullanılan havalimanı kısaltmaları glossary of flying terms/uçuş terimleri glossary for pilots and air pilot ve hava ile ilgili terimler glossary for pilots and air traffic services personel/pilotlar ve hava trafik hizmetleri personel terimleri flightpath glossary of aviation terms/uçuş güzergahı/rotası havacılık terimleri descriptive aviation glossary/tanımlayıcı havacılık terimleri aviation insurance glossary/havacılık sigorta terminolojisi aviation communications glossary/havacılık haberleşme terimleri air traffic management terms/hava trafik yönetim terimleri aerospace terminology/uzay terminolojisi glossary of flying terms/genel uçuş terminolojisi Sözlüğün hazırlık aşamasında 200’e yakın kaynağa başvurulmuş havacılık alanının tüm yan, yakın ve alt birimlerinde yer alan terim, ifade, kısaltma ve deyimler titizlikle incelenmiş ve detaylı bir şeklide ele alınmıştır. Yaklaşık 10.000’e yakın ifade, terim, deyim ve kısaltma yer almakta olup, birçoğu açıklamalarla verilmiştir.