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Ces dix dernières années ont vu se multiplier les analyses et enquêtes visant à établir et mesurer les conséquences humaines, sociales ou économiques des risques psychosociaux. En suivant l’exemple du stress au travail, cet ouvrage donne une meilleure compréhension des réflexions méthodologiques et des mécanismes statistiques qui permettent d’attribuer un « prix » à une souffrance et à son lot de conséquences individuelles et collectives.
In the current crisis context, capitalism is questioned by its detractors or defended by its partisans. The concept of Socially Responsible Capitalism (SRC) is based on the entrepreneurial spirit. It encourages exemplary behaviors, such as effective, efficient and ethical behaviors, by stimulating social responsibility of companies and organizations. This is combined with the development of economic empowerment and legitimate efforts of each citizen-actor. Socially Responsible Capitalism and Management does not confuse financial capitalism and entrepreneurial capitalism. The first one improves the creation of artificial value which leads to financial bubbles that periodically burst and bankrupt the real economy. Quite the reverse, entrepreneurial capitalism creates both solid economic value and employment. This is justified by the production of goods and services that meet legitimate needs of consumer-citizens. This book shows that by putting Human Beings at the heart of action enables producing sustainable economic value, and anthropological values which are inseparable. The innovative aspect of this book lies in its analysis starting from the macro-economic level to the individual one, by presenting a detailed analysis of the micro-economic level of companies within its managerial issues. Socially Responsible Capitalism and Management is dedicated to present the different aspects of SRC for the Society, companies and organizations and also individual actors, as citizens, producers and consumers.
Evaluation at work has attracted much criticism and its damaging effects are well known, so why does it continue to gain ground in every field? Evaluation at Work: A Psychoanalytical Critique offers an original answer to this question: evaluation spreads because we want to be evaluated. Developing a critical reflection from a psychoanalytic perspective, it argues that workers are not mere victims of evaluation systems but are complicit in them. In this fascinating volume, Bénédicte Vidaillet focuses on the aspects of our subjectivity that come into play in evaluation at work —our expectations, desires, need for recognition, our conceptions of ourselves at work, as well as our relationship with others such as colleagues, managers or clients — to explore how evaluation affects us, where it gets its evocative power, and what it stirs within us to make us want it, despite its detrimental effects in its currently practiced form. Chapters draw on real-life examples, case studies from a variety of organizations, and observations from clinical practice, to provide insight into the many mechanisms that have enabled evaluation to spread unimpeded through our subjective complicity in the process, revealing how they came to seem so innocuous. This book will be of interest to scholars studying the topic of evaluation at work from a critical perspective as well as professionals who use evaluation systems or are under the pressure of evaluation in all sectors and organizations. By exposing the psychological mechanisms that evaluation uses to appeal to us, it gives each of us the tools we need to break free of its grasp.
'This book represents a significant step towards dealing with the lacuna constituted by the inadequacy of the literature on the services. And, as such, it approaches its task from a variety of directions.' From the foreword by William J. Baumol, New York University, US 'The Handbook of Innovation and Services is an exceptional volume. Its contributors, including Faïz Gallouj, William Baumol, Jean Gadrey, and Pascal Petit, are among the major thinkers in both the fields of the economics of services and the economics of innovation. Selected topics include the "cost disease", services innovation in the global economy, social innovation in the services, and innovation and employment in services. The book, I am sure, will become a standard reference volume in both these fields in the ensuing years.' Edward Wolff, New York University, US This Handbook brings together 49 international specialists to address an issue of increasing importance for the world's post-industrial economies; innovation as it relates to services. Contemporary economies have two fundamental characteristics. Firstly, they are service economies in as much as services account for more than 70 per cent of the wealth and jobs in most developed countries. Secondly, they are innovation economies as recent decades have seen an unprecedented development of scientific, technological, organisational and social innovations. This Handbook expertly links these two major characteristics in order to investigate the role of innovation in services, an issue that until now has been inadequately explored and one that poses many theoretical and operational challenges. This comprehensive volume encompasses the views of eminent scholars from a range of disciplines including economics, management, sociology and geography, and draws on a number of different analytical and methodological perspectives. With its multi-disciplinary approach this Handbook will be an invaluable reference source for academics and students in the fields of economics, management and the geography of services and innovation. Public authorities and managers in the service sector will also find this book fascinating.
Policy statements and recommendations by the Task Force on Environment and Economy. Main objective of the task force: to promote environmentally sound economic growth and development in Canada, and not to promote either economic growth or environmental protection in isolation.
Depuis les premières descriptions cliniques datant de la fin du XIXe siècle, montrant l’intérêt médical relativement récent pour l’anxiété, les symptômes anxieux et les troubles anxieux, les concepts ont considérablement évolué au cours du XXe siècle pour aboutir aux classifications syndromiques en vigueur dans la nosographie actuelle. Pourtant, un certain nombre de questions demeurent, par exemple sur l’existence d’un continuum entre une anxiété normale et adaptative et une anxiété pathologique, la nature de la réactivité émotionnelle dans les troubles anxieux par rapport à celle décrite dans les troubles bipolaires, etc... La première partie d’ouvrage présente les diverses approches actuelles pour comprendre les troubles anxieux : modèles émotionnels, approche évolutionniste, psychodynamique, théorie de l’attachement, génétique, neurobiologie, neuropsychologie, électrophysiologie et neuro-imagerie. Sont ensuite exposés les différents troubles anxieux (attaque de panique, phobie sociale, trouble anxieux généralisé, hypocondrie, état de stress post-traumatique, TOC, etc.) et les associations co-morbides (dépression, conduites suicidaires, troubles bipolaires, addictions, etc...). Réunissant plus d’une quarantaine de spécialistes reconnus, riche d’une trentaine tableaux et schémas explicatifs et d’un index détaillé, cet ouvrage offre un état des connaissances et des recherches sur les troubles anxieux. Jean-Pierre Lépine, Professeur des Universités, Praticien hospitalier, service de Psychiatrie Adultes, hôpital Lariboisière, Paris. Jean-Philippe Boulenger, Professeur des Universités, Praticien hospitalier, service de Psychiatrie Adultes, CHU, Montpellier.
This book argues for a moral consideration of animal work relations. Paying special attention to the livestock industry, the author challenges the zootechnical denigration of animals for increased productivity awhile championing the collaborative nature of work. For Porcher, work is not merely a means to production but a means of living together unity. This unique reconsideration of work envisions animals as co-laborers with humans, rather than overwrought tools for exploitative, and often lethal, employment. Readers will learn about the disjunction between those focused on productivity and profit and those who favor a more ethical work environment for animals. Porcher's text also engages environmental and political debates concerning animal-human relations.