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Il y a maintenant 35 ans que survenait la tragique épidémie de Philadelphie qui permit à Joseph McDade de désigner en janvier 1977 Legionella pneumophila comme responsable d'une nouvelle infection bactérienne, la légionellose. Depuis cette date, la bactérie n'a jamais cessé d'occuper le devant de la scène. Certaines épidémies comme celle qui a frappé Harnes dans le Pas-de-Calais lors de l'hiver 2003 a fortement marqué les esprits. Legionella, coordonné par Sophie Jarraud et Jean Freney, a été rédigé par des spécialistes de chacun des domaines abordés et propose un tour d'horizon complet du sujet depuis la description de l'épidémie de 1976 jusqu'à la prévention et le contrôle de la légionellose en passant par les moyens modernes de sa surveillance épidémiologique. Dans cette nouvelle édition, les différents éléments de la première édition (taxonomie, diagnostic, épidémiologie, relations avec l'environnement, traitement, prévention…) ont été repris et entièrement actualisés. De nouveaux chapitres ont été ajoutés ou largement augmentés en particulier ceux concernant la génomique, l'immunité, la multiplication intracellulaire des légionelles ainsi que les stratégies de mise en évidence de la sensibilité aux antibiotiques. Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux médecins, biologistes, hygiénistes, pharmaciens, épidémiologistes et, de façon plus large, à tous les acteurs concernés par la légionellose dans de nombreux domaines industriels. Il sera enfin d'une aide précieuse à tous les étudiants qui souhaitent approfondir leurs connaissances sur Legionella et les légionelloses.
Le préparateur en pharmacie – Guide théorique et pratique, 2e édition, aborde avec clarté et simplicité les différents aspects du savoir polyvalent que l’on attend du préparateur, appelé à seconder les pharmaciens titulaires et adjoints dans maintes tâches de l’officine : dispensation, conseil et information du public, préparation et réalisation des PDA (préparations des doses à administrer), vigilance, accueil et vente, documentation, gestion des stocks, administration, hygiène, diététique et maintien à domicile… Le personnel de l’officine doit aujourd’hui exercer sa mission de conseil avec d’autant plus de clairvoyance que le public, exposé à un discours médiatique et publicitaire à forte consonance scientifique, dispose de produits cosmétiques et de thérapeutiques « alternatives » où le naturel et le végétal jouent un très grand rôle, mais où les risques de l’automédication imposent un effort de pharmacovigilance et de toxicovigilance accru. Cette nouvelle édition, entièrement réactualisée, constitue un guide de référence pour les futurs préparateurs en pharmacie en respectant le référentiel du brevet professionnel, ainsi qu’un outil indispensable à la formation continue des préparateurs en mettant à leur disposition une somme d’informations facilement accessibles. Elle est également fort utile aux étudiants en pharmacie, dont le cursus comprend de nombreux stages : d’initiation officinale, d’application des enseignements coordonnés et de pratique professionnelle.
Drawing on theoretical and empirical insights from art teachers in Canada and Europe, this edited volume explores the question of how learning in the arts can be effectively and fairly assessed in the context of higher education. The chapters consider a rich variety of assessment practices across music, visual and plastic arts, performing arts, design, fashion, dance and music and illustrate how knowledge, competencies, skills and progress can be viably and fairly assessed. Contextual challenges to assessment are also considered in depth, and particular attention is paid to the challenges of reconciling teaching in the arts, aimed at an intuitive transformation of the student, and assessing learning that takes on its meaning in subjectivity and sensitivity. This text will benefit researchers, academics and educators in higher education with an interest in assessment in the artistic disciplines and in the topic of creativity more broadly. Those specifically interested in educational assessment policy and the visual arts will also benefit from this book.
The notion of otherness, often misused, requires important conceptualization work in order for it to be considered in all of its forms, and not simply reduced to the account of others. Although otherness certainly questions the link to the other (relation), it also questions the link to the self (reflexivity) and the link to knowledge (epistemology). Being tridimensional, the process of otherness is a paradox, the meaning of which can only be drawn thanks to ethics, psychoanalytical orientation and the history of philosophical ideas. This book, which relates to philosophy of education, seeks to explain the problematic notion of otherness, the desire for which is specific to humankind. It examines how otherness questions the limits of knowledge, transmission and language, and argues that it is in fact a value, a tool and practice for all the actors involved in the relationship between education, knowledge and care.
This volume offers one of the first systematic analyses of the rise of modern social science. Contrary to the standard accounts of various social science disciplines, the essays in this volume demonstrate that modern social science actually emerged during the critical period between 1750 and 1850. It is shown that the social sciences were a crucial element in the conceptual and epistemic revolution, which parallelled and partly underpinned the political and economic transformations of the modern world. From a consistently comparative perspective, a group of internationally leading scholars takes up fundamental issues such as the role of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution in the shaping of the social sciences, the changing relationships between political theory and moral discourse, the profound transformation of philosophy, and the constitution of political economy and statistics.
A significant driver of recent growth in the use of mathematics in the professions has been the support brought by new technologies. Not only has this facilitated the application of established methods of mathematical and statistical analysis but it has stimulated the development of innovative approaches. These changes have produced a marked evolution in the professional practice of mathematics, an evolution which has not yet provoked a corresponding adaptation in mathematical education, particularly at school level. In particular, although calculators -- first arithmetic and scientific, then graphic, now symbolic -- have been found well suited in many respects to the working conditions of pupils and teachers, and have even achieved a degree of official recognition, the integration of new technologies into the mathematical practice of schools remains marginal. It is this situation which has motivated the research and development work to be reported in this volume. The appearance of ever more powerful and portable computational tools has certainly given rise to continuing research and development activity at all levels of mathematical education. Amongst pioneers, such innovation has often been seen as an opportunity to renew the teaching and learning of mathematics. Equally, however, the institutionalization of computational tools within educational practice has proceeded at a strikingly slow pace over many years.
This book contains a series of unique international contributions that explore risk in partnerships involving education. Presenting a range of theoretical, methodological and practical perspectives, the book discusses aspects such as the role of motivation, leadership, process and context in such partnerships and provides examples of research methods for examining them. It illuminates the different histories and disciplinary backgrounds of partners, showing that risk can reside in the different expectations, understandings and interpretations that each partner brings to educational partnerships. The eighteen chapters discuss critical examinations of educational partnerships from very different perspectives, including formal learning institutions and community partners, and include the voices from children, students, teachers and policy makers. The book provides insights for everyone who is considering the challenges that can arise in partnerships and will be useful for researchers at different levels and those who are planning to forge new partnerships or think about what may present itself to be a challenge, and how to address and overcome such challenges.
"Non-contractual liability arising out of damage caused to another" is one of the three main non-contractual obligations dealt with in the DCFR. The law of non-contractual liability arising out of damage caused to another (in the Common Law known as tort law or the law of torts, but in most other jurisdictions referred to as the law of delict) is the area of law which determines whether one who has suffered a damage can on that account demand reparation (in money or in kind) from another with whom there may be no other legal connection than the causation of damage itself. Besides determining the scope and extent of responsibility for dangers of one's own or another's creation, this field of law serves to protect fundamental rights in the private law domain, that is to say horizontally between citizens inter se. Based on pan-European comparative research which annotates the work, this volume presents model rules on liability. Explanatory comments and illustrations amplify the policy decisions involved. During the drafting process, comparative material from over 25 different EU jurisdictions has been taken into account. The work therefore is not only a presentation of a future model for European rules to come but provides also a fairly detailed indication of the present legal situation in the Member States.