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Imagine your child opening a book, turning on a tape recorder, and experiencing the lessons of Sefer Bereishis come vividly to life. Well, that's exactly what the Parshas Hashavua Series offers! The exciting tape and fully illustrated companion book gives children a full audio-visual experience. They will learn delightful songs, stories, and an extraordinary amount of material from the weekly Torah portion, in a fun and unique way. This book and tape series is the right way to get your children's interest in the weekly Torah off to a sensational start. Professional tape directed by Suki Berry. Tape and Book Set. Volume 1: Bereishis through Toldos.
The return to the study of peshat in Tanakh in recent generations has brought to the forefront a renewed interest in methods of literary analysis and in uncovering layers of conceptual depth embedded within the text. This peshat-based approach enriches Talmud Torah, strengthens our faith and draws us closer to the world of Torah. Starting Point presents hundreds of short studies in the peshat of parashat hashavua. Each parasha has about seven units. These enable a basic understanding of the parasha and serve as a basis for meaningful discussion of the central ideas within each parasha. The book is both an aid to preparing divrei Torah as well as an introduction to the study of peshat in general. Many of these studies have been presented before in different formats. They have been edited and collected here in a new, expanded edition. Rav Amnon Bazak is a Shiur Bet Ram at Yeshivat Har Etzion, and teaches Bible and Oral Law at the Herzog College and the Women's Beit Midrash in Migdal Oz. He completed his Hesder army service in the military rabbinate, was later ordained as a rabbi and received his B.Ed. degree at Herzog College for Teacher Training. Rav Bazak has authored several books on Tanakh study, including: 'Shmuel Alef: Melekh in Israel, ' 'Shmuel Bet: David's Kingship, ' and 'Nekudat Peticha - Studies in Parshat Hashavua.' In his book 'Ad HaYom HaZeh, ' he presents a comprehensive way of dealing with questions arising from biblical criticism. Hundreds of his lessons, written and recorded, are on the website of the Israel Koschitzky Virtual Beit Midrash of Yeshivat Har Etzion. Rav Bazak has also edited many books, among them Harav Amital's book 'VeHaAretz Natan Livnei Adam' and a series of Holiday books published by Herzog College.
Parsha and Yoga provides life lessons through the study of the weekly parsha and yoga. The concentration needed to do the yoga poses and the adaptability of each pose to the level of the student led me to a connection of yoga to the weekly Torah portion. Just as we understand the parshas at the level of learning we have reached, so we practice our yoga at the level of flexibility and strength of our body. Yoga is a routine for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Torah is the story of the Jewish people. All phases of human life and the foundation of ethics and morals are in the weekly parshas.
An unprecedented portrait of Moses's inner world and perplexing character, by a distinguished biblical scholar No figure looms larger in Jewish culture than Moses, and few have stories more enigmatic. Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg, acclaimed for her many books on Jewish thought, turns her attention to Moses in this remarkably rich, evocative book. Drawing on a broad range of sources—literary as well as psychoanalytic, a wealth of classical Jewish texts alongside George Eliot, W. G. Sebald, and Werner Herzog—Zornberg offers a vivid and original portrait of the biblical Moses. Moses's vexing personality, his uncertain origins, and his turbulent relations with his own people are acutely explored by Zornberg, who sees this story, told and retold, as crucial not only to the biblical past but also to the future of Jewish history.
When Vanessa Ochs begins to suspect her various physical ailments are due to her leading an ?unsanctified life,? she decides to travel to Jerusalem with her family to explore the sacred books of Judaism. Armed with a list of institutions and the names of women who specialize in teaching these sacred texts, Ochs sets out on a journey of discovery. She forges a personal relationship with her mentors, women who are determined to disprove the claim of Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus: ?The words of the Torah should be burnt rather than taught to women.? As her year in Jerusalem draws to a close, Ochs begins to find a way to reconcile her feminist views with her quest to live a life according to laws shaped by the ?sexist? views of traditional Judaism.Part scholarly investigation, part anecdotal memoir, Words on Fire is an accessible portrait of a remote world and a fascinating, firsthand account of the clash between feminism and Judaism.
The Jewish community has lost some of the most sensitive spiritual souls of this generation. They are Jews who were looking for God and found spiritual homes outside of Judaism. Their journeys traversed the Jewish community, but nothing there beckoned them. The creation of synagogue-communities in which the voices of seekers can be heard and their questions can be asked will challenge many loyalist Jews. It will upset and enrage them. But it would also enrich them. —from Chapter 18 In this fresh look at the spiritual possibilities of American Jewish life, Rabbi Sidney Schwarz presents the framework for a new synagogue model—the synagogue community—and its promise to transform our understanding of the synagogue and its potential for modern Judaism. Schwarz profiles four innovative synagogues—one from each of the major movements of Judaism—that have had extraordinary success with their approach to congregational life and presents practical ways to replicate their success. Includes a discussion guide for study groups and book clubs as well as a new afterword by the author describing developments in synagogue change projects since the book was first published.