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As the title suggests, this book deals with the subject of cows. Normally we see cows as docile, dumb creatures, grazing nonchalantly in some far distance. But there is a whole lot more going on in their lives. Numerous stories from around the World are presented herein to substantiate this point. Where does all the war, racism, terrorism, violence, and cruelty that’s so endemic to human civilization come from? Why do humans exploit and massacre each other so regularly? Why is our species so violence-prone? To answer these questions we would do well to think about our exploitation and slaughter of animals and its effect on human civilization.
Cows Are Cool – When you see a cow standing in the pasture blandly chewing some dreary bit of grass and staring into the middle distance you’d never guess what lies beneath that placid exterior. It may look like she doesn’t have a care in the world, but there’s a lot going on behind those big brown eyes. Cows are as diverse as people. Well… did you hear of a cow who befriended a leopard, or a cow who licked a dead child and somehow revived him? Do you know about the brave cow who escaped from a slaughterhouse and another one who saved a large chunk of Canadian territory?
Cow milk is one of our most ancient foods. It is also one of the most controversial ones. This controversy is a recent phenomenon. It stems from our disregard for animal rights and the impact of processed milk on human health.
This book (Cow Ghee – The Food Of The Gods) discusses the vital role of ghee or clarified butter in maintaining the health and vitality of the human race. Only recently we have ‘discovered” that dairy fats are bad for us. But for thousands of years, countless civilizations have survived on them. Civilizations tend to get rid of foods that are harmful, and that the dairy fats made it through these civilizations, conveys some truth in the matter.
This book (Noble Cow) deals with the ability of animals to feel, perceive, or be conscious, or to have subjective experiences. In Taiwan, a cow separated from its owner goes on a hunger strike. In rural Cambodia, a motherless child finds a mother in a cow as he suckles her. Down in Australia a flood heroine, after rescuing her owner, is leading a pampered existence. In Brazil’s Pantanal swamps, a cow was seen wandering among the crocodiles while in India, the land of holy cows, a bull hero is booked out for two years. Meanwhile, up in the Alps, the Swiss are combating stress by renting out the mountain cows while in Germany, the nation’s focus has been on Yvonne, the runaway cow. There are numerous such stories here. Cows rule and cow rock! The great blind spot of our modern Civilization is the mistreatment and disregard for non-human life in nearly every capacity.
We have taken our food for granted and most of us have no idea where it comes from. Jennifer Hill from Bristol recalls, “Several years ago I took my daughter and her friend to our allotments. As we left I dug up a couple of bunches of my prized organic carrots and offered one of them to my daughter’s friend. With a look of absolute disgust, the young girl said, ‘My mommy doesn’t get food from the dirt! She goes to Tescos!’ Still, at least she knew what a carrot was.”Ask any child where their food comes from, and the chances are he or she will say the supermarket. And most adults don’t know a lot more about how food ends up on their plate either. Civilization survives on an ample supply of food and all previous civilizations developed near a food source. When farm productivity declined, usually as a result of soil mismanagement, civilizations also declined – and occasionally vanished entirely.
We are trying to fool nature, forgetting that nature can not be fooled. Willian Lines warns, “For, although people can be fooled, tricked, and beguiled, nature can not. Material reality resists importuning, finessing, or re-negotiation. Nature’s machinery is invariant, not subject to legislation or cultural conditioning. It can not be compromised.”We need to heed the warnings and solutions presented in this book if we are at all serious about turning these trends around and building a safer, sustainable future.
Cow Dung- A Down-To-Earth Solution – Environmental crisis is for real and it’s coming around faster than you think. It’s not a brainchild of some conspiracy theorist but a tangible, perceivable fact, proven by the catastrophic events all over the world. But for most of us, caught up in the daily grind, it’s hardly a subject worth pondering over. Common man in the streets of London, New York or Delhi has very little time to worry about some ozone layer up there or some damn iceberg in the North Pole. At best, it is a snow bear’s problem.
Cow And Humanity – Made For Each Other – We have one planet to live on and all our needs have to be satisfied with whatever is in here. We can not import a thing from other planets for our survival, no matter how much we advertise our dubious moon missions by getting worthless rocks and blowing billions. This senseless exploitation of resources can not go on forever. This cradle-to-grave economics in which we turn every natural resource into toxic waste is inherently self-destructive because, in nature, there is no such thing as waste. So-called waste generated by one living being is effectively utilized by another and so on until nothing is left over. This is called the cycle of life. But today our linear system of living which is immensely destructive has replaced this natural cyclical system.
To Kill Cow Means To End Human Civilization – Today we are treating other life forms just like inert objects, as if they are devoid of any feelings whatsoever. We are showing unprecedented cruelty and callousness towards the dumb creation of God with whom we share this planet. Cruelty has been industrialized, barbarism has been institutionalized. Today the mistreatment of animals is phenomenal, unprecedented in human history. The unspeakable treatment meted out to poor animals before they become our dinner will never go unpunished by the stringent laws of nature.