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La ville est ici saisie par des théoriciens en sciences sociales, en arts plastiques, en littérature ainsi que par des praticiens de la ville, paysagistes, architectes ou urbanistes. A travers les différents éclairages apportés, c'est une nouvelle lecture de la ville que nous cherchons à dégager. Doit-elle continuer à osciller entre affranchissement et désenchantement, ou peut-on raisonnablement espérer la situer dans un nouvel espace - utopique? - qui impliquerait la révision des cultures?
This book considers the post-68 French city as a prism through which to understand the contemporary world and France’s specificity within it. The reader is invited to join in a series of exploratory strolls through texts, buildings, and neighborhoods, and thereby share in a process of discovery. Zeroing in on international architectural debates, a range of key Parisian exhibitions, and major urban design decisions in Paris, Montpellier, and Lille, Yaari unravels an often-acerbic French critique of both modern and postmodern positions on culture, technology, and the city. This critique—stemming from the competing claims of national identity, the ethics of architecture and display, and an anthropologically informed revision of prevailing views on the city—has sparked in France a passionate search for a third path, which the author proposes to term après-moderne. Breaking new ground in the field of French Studies through cultural analysis of the contemporary city, this study brings new insight to scholars and professionals in architecture and urbanism, and will interest all others for whom France and cities in general hold special appeal.
Definir de facon univalente la notion de mythe et celle d'utopie semble en soi une entreprise tout a fait utopique. Par ailleurs, jumeler les deux notions, celle du mythe et celle d'utopie, releve d'un processus de reflexion qui peut facilement etre a double tranchant: le mythe, construction par excellende de l'imaginaire humain, ne se situe-t-il pas ailleurs que dans un non-lieu? et l'utopie, quant a elle, ne fait-elle pas echo au mythe, a la fois s'en inspirant, le niant et le transformant? Redondance possible, et aussi, parfois, refus des deux domaines a admettre leur interdependance, cheninement parallele surtout et creation commune de ce qui, en fin de compte, s'avere mythe transforme, utopie revistee. Toutefois, mythes et utopies quels que soient la position choisie, le point de vue defendu, semblent faire bon menage, a en juger par ce projet, mavec dix-neuf textes couvrant principalement la litterature contemporaine des femmes, mais puisant parfois aux uvres anterieures qui ont deja prepare le terrain, en offrant des visions d'existences idylliques ne serait-ce que litteraires."
Item presents a complete , annotated catalogue of the designs of the Utopie architects and reflects the social events and student protests of 1968.
This book provides both an introduction to utopianism and a general perspective on radical political thought. Vigorously disputing the widespread conviction that utopianism is a fantasy with no relevance to modern political life and thought, the authors argue that it is a concept whose special virtue lies in its capacity to transcend the limitations of present circumstances, to inspire alternative thinking and to open up new directions for political action. This book develops an approach which relates social causes to political theory and practice. The first part discusses utopianism as a form of political theory with unique characteristics and the ability to transcend the present. The second part considers utopianism as an expression of fundamental social impulses and as an ingredient of modern political movements. The third part offers a defence of utopianism as both theory and practice, and argues for its use to counteract the pragmatism and narrow empiricism which often passes for political «realism» in modern societies. This reissue of a popular and well-received landmark text contains a new preface.
These ethnographically-based studies of diverse urban experiences across the world present cutting edge research and stimulate an empirically-grounded theoretical reconceptualization. The essays identify ethnography as a powerful tool for making sense of life in our rapidly changing, complex cities. They stress the point that while there is no need to fetishize fieldwork—or to view it as an end in itself —its unique value cannot be overstated. These active, engaged researchers have produced essays that avoid abstractions and generalities while engaging with the analytical complexities of ethnographic evidence. Together, they prove the great value of knowledge produced by long-term fieldwork to mainstream academic debates and, more broadly, to society.
This collective volume has been dedicated to two distinguished scholars of Neo-Latin Studies on the occasion of their retirement after a long and fruitful academic career, one at the Université catholique Louvain-la-Neuve, the other at the internationally renowned Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae of Leuven University. Both the rich variety of subjects dealt with and the international diversity of the scholars authoring contributions reflect the wide interests of the celebrated Neo-Latinists, their international position, and the actual status of the discipline itself. Ranging from the Trecento to the 21st century, and embracing Latin writings from Italy, Hungary, The Netherlands, Germany, France, Poland, the New World, Spain, Scotland, Denmark and China, this volume is as rich and multifaceted as it is voluminous, for it not only offers studies on well-known figures such as Petrarch, Lorenzo Valla, Erasmus, Vives, Thomas More, Eobanus Hessus, Lipsius, Tycho Brahe, Jean de la Fontaine and Jacob Cats, but it also includes new contributions on Renaissance commentaries and editions of classical authors such as Homer, Seneca and Horace; on Neo-Latin novels, epistolography and Renaissance rhetoric; on Latin translations from the vernacular and invectives against Napoleon; on the teaching of Latin in the 19th century; and on the didactics of Neo-Latin nowadays.