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Les pédagogies nouvelles se sont construites sur un renversement des valeurs qui avaient inspiré l’éducation traditionnelle. Elles partagent une conception commune du sujet : il s’agit de comprendre l’individu, d’interpréter ses attitudes, de l’aider à développer ses potentialités. Elles ont en commun de favoriser l’interdisciplinarité entre psychologie, psychanalyse, philosophie, sociologie, etc., pour enrichir le travail pédagogique. Elles développent un véritable discours des pratiques, marquant le va-et-vient permanent entre théorie et pratique.Cet ouvrage présente les fondements des pédagogies nouvelles. Il analyse les principales théories pédagogiques de référence et présente les spécificités des différentes écoles.
This book is about the tumultuous and even passionate relationship between New Education and Educational Sciences, which are regarded as an inseparable «couple», intrinsically linked and surprisingly fruitful. Yet they remain irreconcilable and are mutually contradictory in a number of their elements and characteristics. Do Educational Sciences offer a scientific base or ideological support for New Education? Do the numerous new educational initiatives and reforms provide a «laboratory» for Educational Sciences or alternatives to the new scientific paradigms? Is this at the risk of their merging? And what is the price of these tensions? Specialists in the history of Educational Sciences and New Education from various geographical, cultural and disciplinary horizons explore the complex links between this powerful reforming movement and the nascent disciplinary field that emerged during the first half of the 20th century. Cet ouvrage analyse les relations tumultueuses - passionnelles même - de l'Education nouvelle et des Sciences de l'éducation: un couple indissociable - intrinsèquement lié et d'une étonnante fécondité - autant qu'inconciliable, nombre de leurs présupposés et caractéristiques se contredisant mutuellement. Les Sciences de l'éducation offrent-elles la base scientifique ou l'appui idéologique de l'Education nouvelle ? Les nombreuses expériences et réformes éducatives constituent-elles des laboratoires des Sciences de l'éducation ou des alternatives aux nouveaux paradigmes scientifiques ? Au risque de leur fusion ? Au prix de quelles tensions ? Des spécialistes de l'histoire des Sciences de l'éducation et de l'Education nouvelle d'horizons géographiques, culturels et disciplinaires divers explorent les rapports complexes entre ce puissant mouvement réformiste et le champ disciplinaire naissant durant la première moitié du 20e siècle.
Les pédagogies nouvelles se sont construites sur un renversement des valeurs qui avaient inspiré l’éducation traditionnelle. Elles partagent une conception commune du sujet : il s’agit de comprendre l’individu, d’interpréter ses attitudes, de l’aider à développer ses potentialités. Elles ont en commun de favoriser l’interdisciplinarité entre psychologie, psychanalyse, philosophie, sociologie, etc., pour enrichir le travail pédagogique. Elles développent un véritable discours des pratiques, marquant le va-et-vient permanent entre théorie et pratique. Cet ouvrage présente les fondements des pédagogies nouvelles. Il analyse les principales théories pédagogiques de référence et présente les spécificités des différentes écoles.
Although John Dewey's ideas have been of central interest in Anglo-Saxon philosophy and history of education, it is only recently that similar interest has developed in continental Europe. Deweyan philosophy of education has had to pass through national filters, which meant that it was received in national contexts of reform. The `German Dewey' was differently construed to the French, Italian, or English Dewey. This seems to change after 1989 (and the fall of socialist education) when interest in Dewey increased. The new political and philosophical interest in Dewey has to do with the lost alternative `socialism', and thus with the opening of Eastern Europe and the new problems of education within a worldwide community. This volume stresses two points. The original interest of European education in Dewey will be presented in case studies, concerning different national contexts and thus different Dewey's. What can be called the renewal of interest will be argued from different sides. It is our intention to show that today's interest in Dewey is not the remake of the reception within the different camps of progressive education. This volume will be of interest to philosophers of education, historians of education, and people engaged in the philosophy, history and the reception of Dewey.
La pédagogie institutionnelle s'est construite à partir de la pédagogie Freinet et des Sciences Humaines. II n'est pas possible de comprendre les pédagogies "nouvelles", et "active", sans rappeler cette dramatique question toujours actuelle : éduquer à la démocratie, à la parole, au coeur de l'essence même du savoir, de la connaissance, peut-il se faire sans l'éducation "institutionnelle", institutionnalisée, c'est-à- dire décidée, discutée, arrêtée en commun ? Ce livre est un montage des contributions des groupes actuels de pédagogie institutionnelle. Il vise à montrer des pratiques de la classe, de l'école, qui ouvrent un réel espace social d'apprentissage pour la société de demain, en carence de démocratie, de relation, de savoirs partagés. Une démocratie d'apprentissage. Apprendre, oui, mais pas n'importe comment. A côté ou autour de ces groupes, des milliers d'enseignants, dans le monde « globalisé » d'aujourd'hui, sur la planète en arrivent aux mêmes pédagogies, aux mêmes nécessités : réveiller la soif d'apprendre, en groupe, pour nos "vieilles" sociétés ; ou l'éveiller, plus simplement, dans le monde ouvert du présent. Mais pas à n'importe quel prix. Le sujet est "l'appreneur". Un appreneur vaut un entrepreneur. Une force à venir. Ce livre fait suite et complément au livre : La Pédagogie Institutionnelle de Fernand Oury (Matrice, 2009) et au colloque de 2008 à Paris Ouest Nanterre.
Whether it is earning a GED, a particular skill, or technical topic for a career, taking classes of interest, or even returning to begin a degree program or completing it, adult learning encompasses those beyond the traditional university age seeking out education. This type of education could be considered non-traditional as it goes beyond the typical educational path and develops learners that are self-initiated and focused on personal development in the form of gaining some sort of education. Essentially, it is a voluntary choice of learning throughout life for personal and professional development. While there is often a large focus towards K-12 and higher education, it is important that research also focuses on the developing trends, technologies, and techniques for providing adult education along with understanding lifelong learners’ choices, developments, and needs. The Research Anthology on Adult Education and the Development of Lifelong Learners focuses specifically on adult education and the best practices, services, and educational environments and methods for both the teaching and learning of adults. This spans further into the understanding of what it means to be a lifelong learner and how to develop adults who want to voluntarily contribute to their own development by enhancing their education level or knowledge of certain topics. This book is essential for teachers and professors, course instructors, business professionals, school administrators, practitioners, researchers, academicians, and students interested in the latest advancements in adult education and lifelong learning.
Complexity theory has become a major influence in discussions about the theory and practice of education. This book focuses on a question which so far has received relatively little attention in such discussions, which is the question of the politics of complexity.
As part of e-learning, adaptive systems are more specialized and focus on the adaptation of learning content and presentation of this content. An adaptive system focuses on how knowledge is learned and pays attention to the activities, cognitive structures, and context of the learning material. The adaptive term refers to the automatic adaptation of the system to the learner. The needs of the learner are borne by the system itself. The learner did not ask to change the parameters of the system to his own needs; it is rather the needs of the learner that will be supposed by the system. The system adapts according to this necessity. Personalization and Collaboration in Adaptive E-Learning is an essential reference book that aims to describe the specific steps in designing a scenario for a collaborative learning activity in the particular context of personalization in adaptive systems and the key decisions that need to be made by the teacher-learner. By applying theoretical and practical aspects of personalization in adaptive systems and applications within education, this collection features coverage on a broad range of topics that include adaptive teaching, personalized learning, and instructional design. This book is ideally designed for instructional designers, curriculum developers, educational software developers, IT specialists, educational administrators, professionals, professors, researchers, and students seeking current research on comparative studies and the pedagogical issues of personalized and collaborative learning.