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During Lent, we strive to free ourselves from all kinds of clutter—material and spiritual—in order to focus on God and turn back to him with our whole hearts. If this “turning back” is genuine, it will be a reorientation, a transformation. To help us enter into this season, Amy Ekeh guides readers in exploring three key moments in the life and ministry of Jesus. The result will be a better understanding of the authentic transformation that God calls each of us to embrace as individuals and as a community and a renewed desire to live God’s own outward-looking, self-emptying, laying-down-one’s-life kind of love.
Update of Bishop Sharma Lewis' best-selling Lenten study. Dates have been updated to correspond to each day during Lent, with a devotional for individual or group study.Thousands of individuals and hundreds of churches used Journey to Transformation as their guide during Lent 2020. Sharing her individual journey, Bishop Sharma Lewis (Virginia Conference, United Methodist Church) invites readers to observe Lent by introspection, repentance, forgiveness, renewal, prayer, fasting, and Biblical Study. A Journey to Transformation is divided into four sections: Lenten Devotional, Prayer, Reflection, and My Action. Since Lent is a time for self-examination and renewal, Bishop Lewis offers a "My Action" section each day to allow readers to continue to put into practice what they have read and reflected upon, and as an opportunity to transform someone's life.Since Sundays are not counted during the Lenten Season, this study will allow individuals and groups to further engage in introspection. On Sundays, "My Personal Reflections Notes" will ask you to reflect and journal on the past week's study with the following questions: (a) What day stood out during this Lenten journey? (b) What did you learn about yourself and your relationship with Jesus Christ? and (c) under the heading of My Action - What day brought you great joy or difficulty? Why? Finally, readers are invited to journal their own thoughts in spaces provided.
We've all been let down by so-called community. Why is it so hard for us to connect and grow together for the long haul? Veteran spiritual director Ruth Haley Barton helps us get personal and practical about experiencing transformation together. This interactive guide allows us to grow through and by the experience of transforming community.
Update of Bishop Sharma Lewis' best-selling Lenten study for 2021. Dates have been updated to correspond to each day during Lent, with a devotional for individual or group study.Thousands of individuals and hundreds of churches used Journey to Transformation as their guide during Lent 2020. Sharing her individual journey, Bishop Sharma Lewis (Virginia Conference, United Methodist Church) invites readers to observe Lent by introspection, repentance, forgiveness, renewal, prayer, fasting, and Biblical Study. A Journey to Transformation is divided into four sections: Lenten Devotional, Prayer, Reflection, and My Action. Since Lent is a time for self-examination and renewal, Bishop Lewis offers a "My Action" section each day to allow readers to continue to put into practice what they have read and reflected upon, and as an opportunity to transform someone's life.Since Sundays are not counted during the Lenten Season, this study will allow individuals and groups to further engage in introspection. On Sundays, "My Personal Reflections Notes" will ask you to reflect and journal on the past week's study with the following questions: (a) What day stood out during this Lenten journey? (b) What did you learn about yourself and your relationship with Jesus Christ? and (c) under the heading of My Action - What day brought you great joy or difficulty? Why? Finally, readers are invited to journal their own thoughts in spaces provided.
Focuses on the journey from darkness to light inherent in Lent. By using an easily accessible liturgical format, the book provides a pathway for those who walk from Ash Wednesday to the empty tomb of Easter. Chapters begin with a prayer or poetic excerpt, followed by scripture for the day or week. A narrative then expands on the themes introduced by the prayer and scripture. Exercises following the narratives are simple—mostly collage exercises using differing techniques—and are accessible to a wide audience. Soul Questions guide the spiritual exercise following the narrative, and Thoughts for the Journey, complete each chapter with suggestions for further reflection.
Spiritually hungry readers who want to breakthrough to a deeper experience of prayer and want practical help for Lent need look no further than to Martin Smith's A Season for the Spirit. Originally commissioned by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1991, A Season for the Spirit provides forty daily meditations for Lent, leading us on a journey of discovery in which we find that Christ, through the Spirit, embraces every aspect of our humanity. Each meditation concludes with a prayer and passage of scripture or quotation for further reflection and study. While it aims to assist a daily practice of personal prayer, it is also widely used by groups who pledge to meet regularly so that members can share their thoughts, reactions, and spiritual experiences.
If the Lenten journey is traversed successfully, then we can fully enter into the celebratory time of Easter. Yet, even as we observe these events we must acknowledge that the challenges of the Christian life are ever present. We should never forget British writer G.K. Chesterton's admonition in What's Wrong with the World (1910), "The Christian life has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried." The Easter season reminds us that despite the triumph of Christ there will always be challenges to our belief. We seemingly cannot believe unless we see; yet we know that faith often is beyond proof and, thus, beyond sight as well. We are also challenged to discover ways of transforming problematic situations and what appears to be defeat into triumph through the grace of God. Additionally, this great season of grace teaches us that we must continually evaluate what we do and keep our eyes fixed on Christ and his mission and message. Finally, as Jesus ascends to the Father, we come to realize that the Lord's work in not complete and, therefore, each day presents us with the opportunity to do something to complete the master's work. The cycle B second lesson sermons of Reverend Richard Gribble's Redemption to Transformation: The Journey of Lent and Easter represent an understanding of the challenges presented us through this highly significant and very special journey. The church in its wisdom gives us this opportunity annually to review where we are and, after ascertaining our present position, the challenge to move to higher realms that are more consistent with our common Christian call to holiness. It is hoped that these reflections will be helpful to you as together we travel the path from Lent to Easter, and eventually to Christ and eternal life. Redemption to Transformation: The Journey of Lent and Easter provides a second lesson sermon for every Sunday of cycle B, which will provide the following advantages: To give busy pastors ideas for their sermon creation To make the day-to-day life of being a pastor easier To free up time for counseling, visitation, or just your own leisure Some Sermon Titles Include: Suffering Leads to Victory (1 Peter 3:18-21) Enduring the Trails of Faith (Romans 4:13-25) The Cost of Discipleship (Philippians 2:5-11) Sacrifice Leads to Life (Hebrews 10:16-25) Rising to New Life (1 Corinthians 15:1-11) Richard Gribble, CSC, is a Catholic priest in the Congregation of Holy Cross. He has served at St. John Vianney in Goodyear, Arizona, and as the acting superior at Moreau Seminary at the University of Notre Dame. Father Gribble earned his Ph.D. from The Catholic University of America, and has also earned degrees from the United States Naval Academy, the University of Southern California, and the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley. He is the author of several books and over 100 articles.
From the author of the best-selling book "Rediscover Catholicism" comes an inspiring new way to rediscover Lent. In this new book, you will find: a brief citation from a daily lectionary reading; a reflection on the beauty and importance of the Catholic faith and practice; a thought-provoking questions for meditation; and a brief prayer. These timely and inspirational words will help renew your enthusiasm for being Catholic, while encouraging you to delve more deeply into the spirituality of the lenten season.
“A profound personal meditation on human existence . . . weaving together . . . historic and contemporary thought on the deepest question of all: why are we here?” —Gabor Maté M.D., author, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts As our civilization careens toward climate breakdown, ecological destruction, and gaping inequality, people are losing their existential moorings. The dominant worldview of disconnection, which tells us we are split between mind and body, separate from each other, and at odds with the natural world, has been invalidated by modern science. Award-winning author Jeremy Lent, investigates humanity’s age-old questions—Who am I? Why am I? How should I live?—from a fresh perspective, weaving together findings from modern systems thinking, evolutionary biology, and cognitive neuroscience with insights from Buddhism, Taoism, and Indigenous wisdom. The result is a breathtaking accomplishment: a rich, coherent worldview based on a deep recognition of connectedness within ourselves, between each other, and with the entire natural world. It offers a compelling foundation for a new philosophical framework that could enable humanity to thrive sustainably on a flourishing Earth. The Web of Meaning is for everyone looking for deep and coherent answers to the crisis of civilization. “One of the most brilliant and insightful minds of our age, Jeremy Lent has written one of the most essential and compelling books of our time.” —David Korten, author, When Corporations Rule the World and The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community “We need, now more than ever, to figure out how to make all kinds of connections. This book can help—and therefore it can help with a lot of the urgent tasks we face.” —Bill McKibben, author, Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?
Writing about music, far from being the specialized domain of the rock critic with encyclopedic knowledge of micro-genres or the fancy-pants star journalist flying on private planes with Led Zeppelin, has become something almost any music lover can do—and does. It’s been said, however, that writing about music is a difficult, even pointless enterprise—an absurd impossibility, like “dancing about architecture.” But aside from the fact that dancing about architecture would be awesome, what is that ineffable something that drives people to write about music at all? In this short, insightful book, Joel Heng Hartse unpacks the rock writer Richard Meltzer’s assertion that writing about music should be a “parallel artistic effort” with music itself—and argues that music and the impulse to write about it is part of the eminently mysterious desire for meaning-making that makes us human. Touching on the close resonances between music, language, love, and belief, Dancing about Architecture is a Reasonable Thing to Do is relevant to anyone who finds deep human and spiritual meaning in music, writing, and the mysterious connections between them.