Kathryn Myers
Published: 2013-07-30
Total Pages: 744
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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This comprehensive guide to modern legal research and writing offers a unique balance of traditional print research techniques with newer online methods. Throughout, LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING helps students fully understand the issues they are researching, so they can apply analytical thinking to achieve superior results. Students discover how laws are made, how to decide which law is applicable, how to read the law, how to search legal databases, and how to apply the law in a client's unique situation. The text offers insights for overcoming research obstacles, and provides many examples, figures, and reference checklists. It also offers deep insight into effective writing, including extensive coverage of case briefs, memoranda of law, external briefs, correspondence, and pleadings. A concise review of the writing process addresses everything from pre-writing to grammar and word usage. Extensive pedagogical features include opening scenarios, lists of key terms, case excerpts, media and web resources, and many forms of practice, from Quick Check quizzes to detailed Research Assignments.