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This document, which consists of approximately 2900 lecture slides, offers a wealth of information on many topics relevant to programming in C++, including coverage of the C++ language itself, the C++ standard library and a variety of other libraries, numerous software tools, and an assortment of other programming-related topics. The coverage of the C++ language and standard library is current with the C++20 standard. C++ PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. Many aspects of the C++ language are covered from introductory to more advanced. This material includes: the preprocessor, language basics (objects, types, values, operators, expressions, control-flow constructs, functions, namespaces, and comparison), classes, templates (function, class, variable, and alias templates, variadic templates, template specialization, and SFINAE), concepts, lambda expressions, inheritance (run-time polymorphism and CRTP), exceptions (exception safety and RAII), smart pointers, memory management (new and delete operators and expressions, placement new, and allocators), rvalue references (move semantics and perfect forwarding), coroutines, concurrency (memory models, and happens-before and synchronizes-with relationships), modules, compile-time computation, and various other topics (e.g., copy elision and initialization). C++ STANDARD LIBRARY AND VARIOUS OTHER LIBRARIES. Various aspects of the C++ standard library are covered including: containers, iterators, algorithms, ranges, I/O streams, time measurement, and concurrency support (threads, mutexes, condition variables, promises and futures, atomics, and fences). A number of Boost libraries are discussed, including the Intrusive, Iterator, and Container libraries. The OpenGL library and GLSL are discussed at length, along with several related libraries, including: GLFW, GLUT, and GLM. The CGAL library is also discussed in some detail. SOFTWARE TOOLS. A variety of software tools are discussed, including: static analysis tools (e.g., Clang Tidy and Clang Static Analyzer), code sanitizers (e.g., ASan, LSan, MSan, TSan, and UBSan), debugging and testing tools (e.g., Valgrind, LLVM XRay, and Catch2), performance analysis tools (e.g., Perf, PAPI, Gprof, and Valgrind/Callgrind), build tools (e.g., CMake and Make), version control systems (e.g., Git), code coverage analysis tools (e.g., Gcov, LLVM Cov, and Lcov), online C++ compilers (e.g., Compiler Explorer and C++ Insights), and code completion tools (e.g., YouCompleteMe, and LSP clients/servers). OTHER TOPICS. An assortment of other programming-related topics are also covered, including: data structures, algorithms, computer arithmetic (e.g., floating-point arithmetic and interval arithmetic), cache-efficient algorithms, vectorization, good programming practices, software documentation, software testing (e.g., static and dynamic testing, and structural coverage analysis), and compilers and linkers (e.g., Itanium C++ ABI).
This book presents a large collection of exercises for learning to program in C++. A study plan for learning C++ based on a collection of video lectures and supplemental reading is also provided.
This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures, FOSSACS 2023, which was held during April 22-27, 2023, in Paris, France, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2023. The 26 regular papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 85 submissions. They deal with research on theories and methods to support the analysis, integration, synthesis, transformation, and verification of programs and software systems.
This book brings together some of the most impactful researchers in the field of Genetic Programming (GP), each one working on unique and interesting intersections of theoretical development and practical applications of this evolutionary-based machine learning paradigm. Topics of particular interest for this year ́s book include powerful modeling techniques through GP-based symbolic regression, novel selection mechanisms that help guide the evolutionary process, modular approaches to GP, and applications in cybersecurity, biomedicine and program synthesis, as well as papers by practitioner of GP that focus on usability and real-world results. In summary, readers will get a glimpse of the current state of the art in GP research.
Statistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse provides a pathway for learning about statistical inference using data science tools widely used in industry, academia, and government. It introduces the tidyverse suite of R packages, including the ggplot2 package for data visualization, and the dplyr package for data wrangling. After equipping readers with just enough of these data science tools to perform effective exploratory data analyses, the book covers traditional introductory statistics topics like confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and multiple regression modeling, while focusing on visualization throughout. Features: ● Assumes minimal prerequisites, notably, no prior calculus nor coding experience ● Motivates theory using real-world data, including all domestic flights leaving New York City in 2013, the Gapminder project, and the data journalism website, ● Centers on simulation-based approaches to statistical inference rather than mathematical formulas ● Uses the infer package for "tidy" and transparent statistical inference to construct confidence intervals and conduct hypothesis tests via the bootstrap and permutation methods ● Provides all code and output embedded directly in the text; also available in the online version at This book is intended for individuals who would like to simultaneously start developing their data science toolbox and start learning about the inferential and modeling tools used in much of modern-day research. The book can be used in methods and data science courses and first courses in statistics, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2022, which was held during April 2-7, 2022, in Munich, Germany, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022. The 46 full papers and 4 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 159 submissions. The proceedings also contain 16 tool papers of the affiliated competition SV-Comp and 1 paper consisting of the competition report. TACAS is a forum for researchers, developers, and users interested in rigorously based tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems. The conference aims to bridge the gaps between different communities with this common interest and to support them in their quest to improve the utility, reliability, exibility, and efficiency of tools and algorithms for building computer-controlled systems.
Here is a book devoted to well-structured and thus efficiently solvable convex optimization problems, with emphasis on conic quadratic and semidefinite programming. The authors present the basic theory underlying these problems as well as their numerous applications in engineering, including synthesis of filters, Lyapunov stability analysis, and structural design. The authors also discuss the complexity issues and provide an overview of the basic theory of state-of-the-art polynomial time interior point methods for linear, conic quadratic, and semidefinite programming. The book's focus on well-structured convex problems in conic form allows for unified theoretical and algorithmical treatment of a wide spectrum of important optimization problems arising in applications.
Propositional logic has been recognized throughout the centuries as one of the cornerstones of reasoning in philosophy and mathematics. Over time, its formalization into Boolean algebra was accompanied by the recognition that a wide range of combinatorial problems can be expressed as propositional satisfiability (SAT) problems. Because of this dual role, SAT developed into a mature, multi-faceted scientific discipline, and from the earliest days of computing a search was underway to discover how to solve SAT problems in an automated fashion. This book, the Handbook of Satisfiability, is the second, updated and revised edition of the book first published in 2009 under the same name. The handbook aims to capture the full breadth and depth of SAT and to bring together significant progress and advances in automated solving. Topics covered span practical and theoretical research on SAT and its applications and include search algorithms, heuristics, analysis of algorithms, hard instances, randomized formulae, problem encodings, industrial applications, solvers, simplifiers, tools, case studies and empirical results. SAT is interpreted in a broad sense, so as well as propositional satisfiability, there are chapters covering the domain of quantified Boolean formulae (QBF), constraints programming techniques (CSP) for word-level problems and their propositional encoding, and satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). An extensive bibliography completes each chapter. This second edition of the handbook will be of interest to researchers, graduate students, final-year undergraduates, and practitioners using or contributing to SAT, and will provide both an inspiration and a rich resource for their work. Edmund Clarke, 2007 ACM Turing Award Recipient: "SAT solving is a key technology for 21st century computer science." Donald Knuth, 1974 ACM Turing Award Recipient: "SAT is evidently a killer app, because it is key to the solution of so many other problems." Stephen Cook, 1982 ACM Turing Award Recipient: "The SAT problem is at the core of arguably the most fundamental question in computer science: What makes a problem hard?"
The Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD) is an annual conference on the theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems. FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer-aided system testing.