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Quelle approche théorique choisir pour analyser les effets des actions budgétaires ? Chaque courant, keynésien, néoclassique, néo-ricardien ou Supply Side, apporte son éclairage, ses solutions et conserve sa part de vérité. Comment mesurer les politiques budgétaires, en apprécier la force et le caractère intentionnel, en prévoir les effets allocatifs ? Ces problèmes, souvent éludés, revêtent une importance extrême et leur traitement s'impose en préalable à tout débat sur les politiques effectivement mises en œuvre. Qu'attendre de l'ouverture des frontières ? Diminue-t-elle ou accroît-elle l'efficacité des actions budgétaires ? Est-il possible de coordonner avec bonheur les politiques nationales pour atteindre un optimum régional ? Qu'en sera-t-il de la politique budgétaire en Union monétaire ? Enfin, quel rôle jouent l'organisation et les initiatives budgétaires, le poids de l'Etat et des prélèvements sur les performances économiques à long terme ? Les réponses à ces questions permettent-elles d'envisager la définition d'une dose optimale d'Etat ? Tels sont les thèmes traités dans cet ouvrage qui utilise les principaux résultats de la recherche macroéconomique récente. Les Leçons de politique budgétaire constituent une synthèse compréhensible, sans excès de formalisation, ouverte aux diverses opinions qui s'expriment généralement sur ces thèmes. Les réflexions de l'auteur l'amènent cependant à conclure par une évaluation personnelle des perspectives d'avenir de la politique budgétaire : un accent de plus en plus fort doit être mis sur les effets durables des actions publiques !
Alphonse Aulard (1849-1928) was the first French historian to use nineteenth-century historicist methods in the study of the French Revolution. Pioneered by German historians such as Leopold van Ranke, this approach emphasised empiricism, objectivity and the scientific pursuit of facts. Aulard's commitment to archival investigation is evidenced by the many edited collections of primary sources that appear in his extensive publication record. In these eight volumes of papers analysing the French Revolution (published 1893-1921), Aulard sought to apply the principles of historicism to reveal the truth. The work draws on earlier journal articles and lectures which Aulard delivered as Professor of the History of the French Revolution at the Sorbonne, a post he had held since 1885. Volume 7 (1913) includes essays on feudalism under Louis XVI, regionalism, centralisation, Carlyle's history of the Revolution (also reissued in this series), economic history, and Aulard's personal reflections on his teaching career.
World Bank Discussion Paper No. 290. Draws on the lessons of experience of developing countries in decentralizing infrastructure and provides new empirical evidence on the quantitative and qualitative effects of decentralization. This collection of five papers highlights the lessons of the World Bank's research and experience on the linkages between infrastructure and decentralization. The paper provides: - A summary of the lessons from World Bank experience, giving a general review of the importance of the decentralization of infrastructure - A review of the institutional aspects of decentralization and their implications for policy design - An empirical assessment of the consequences of decentralization for expenditure levels and performance in infrastructure - An outline for a research agenda on decentralization in light of recent developments in the theory of the firm. - The authors conclude that some degree of decentralization will improve performance in certain areas of infrastructure such as roads and electricity.
Que ce soit par son œuvre de comparatiste sur la généalogie du groupe des langues voltaïques ou par son approche du français d'Afrique et des créoles, Gabriel Manessy aura marqué la réflexion de son temps. Une certaine `posture' scientifique exigeante, l'analyse de concepts tels ceux de véhicularisation, de vernacularisation, d'appropriation ainsi que l'élaboration de notions comme celle de `sémantaxe' tracent ce cheminement. Ces Leçons d'Afrique qui lui sont dédiées, soulignent certaines des perspectives dans lesquelles son questionnement s'insère.
A historical reference work on Morocco must take as its subject al-maghrib al-aqsa (the far west) as the Arabic scholars have generally referred to the approximate region of present-day Morocco, roughly the north-west corner of Africa but at times including much of the Iberian peninsula, because the modern nation-state is a relatively recent creation owing much to events in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. External influences on Morocco tend to come across the narrow straits of Gibraltar to the north, from the east along the Mediterranean litoral, or up from the Sahara. In each case, access is constrained by geography and continued control from outside the region has been difficult to manage over the long term. Although many of the dynasties that came to power in Morocco conquered much broader regions, history and topology have so conspired that there is still more coherence to an historical focus on al-maghrib al-aqsa than is the case for most modern nation-states. This third edition of Historical Dictionary of Morocco contains a chronology, an introduction, a glossary, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has over 600 cross-referenced entries on important personalities, politics, economy, foreign relations, religion, and culture. This book is an excellent access point for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about Morocco.
This publication is a compilation of studies on religious instruction in state schools. As Europe goes through a "social revolution" with the influence of the church and religious instruction in state schools being opened to discussion, this book describes the diversity between states and analyzes the legislative basis of religious instruction in various countries. The comparative analyses will be of value to researchers in educational research and to educational policymakers.