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A defi global, reponse globale ! Telle pourrait etre la devise de l'Economie Sociale et Solidaire. Le present ouvrage realise sous la direction de Thierry Jeantet, President de l'association des Rencontres du Mont-Blanc - Forum International des Dirigeants de l'Economie Sociale et Solidaire est un recueil d'articles rediges par des acteurs de l'Economie Sociale et Solidaire de plusieurs continents. Diversite et pluralite. La diversite des auteurs de cet ouvrage, de leurs milieux professionnels, de leurs pays d'appartenance et de leurs angles d'observations - economiques, sociaux, ecologiques -, au-dela de son interet intellectuel, incarne la diversite de l'ESS, qui constitue en partie sa force.
A global challenge needs a global response! This could be the motto of the Social and Solidarity Economy. This book, produced under the direction of Thierry Jeantet, President of the Association of the Mont-Blanc Meetings-The International Forum of the Social and Solidarity Economy Entrepreneurs, is a collection of articles written by actors of the Social and Solidarity Economy coming from several continents. Diversity and plurality. The diversity of the authors of this book, of their profession and country, of their observation angles -some economic, others social or ecological- beyond an intellectual interest, embodies the diversity of the SSE which partly makes its strength.
“A thoughtful, ingenious, speculative book, a pleasure to read and to reread. No one interested in the history of women and the family, and in Victorian civilization as a whole, can afford to miss it.” —Journal of American History
This book focuses on workplace innovation, which is a key element in ensuring that organizations and the people within them can adapt to and engage in healthy, sustainable change. It features a collection of multi-level, multi-disciplinary contributions that combine theory, research and practical perspectives. In addition, the book presents new perspectives from a number of nations on policies with novel theoretical approaches to workplace innovation, as well as international case studies on the subject. These cases highlight the role of leadership, the relation between workplace innovation and well-being, as well as the do’s and don’ts of workplace innovation implementation. Whether you are an experienced workplace practitioner, manager, a policy-maker, unionist, or a student of workplace innovation, this book contains a range of tips, tools and international case studies to help the reader understand and implement workplace innovation.
This book argues that if we are to think differently about management, we must first rewrite management history.
Nonprofit organizations are all around us. Many people send their children to nonprofit day-care centers, schools, and colleges, and their elderly parents to nonprofit nursing homes; when they are ill, they may well go to a nonprofit hospital; they may visit a nonprofit museum, read the magazine of the nonprofit National Geographic Society, donate money to a nonprofit arts organization, watch the nonprofit public television station, exercise at the nonprofit YMCA. Nonprofits surround us, but we rarely think about their role in the economy, or the possibility of their competing unfairly with private enterprise. Burton Weisbrod asks the important questions: What is the rationale for public subsidy of nonprofit organizations? In which sectors of the economy are they of real importance? Why do people contribute money and time to them and why should donations be tax deductible? What motivates managers of nonprofits? Why are these organizations exempt from taxes on income, property, and sales? When the search for revenue brings nonprofits into competition with proprietary firms—as when colleges sell computers or museum gift shops sell books and jewelry—is that desirable? Weisbrod examines the raison d’être for nonprofits. The evidence he assembles shows that nonprofits are particularly useful in situations where consumers have little information on what they are purchasing and must therefore rely on the probity of the seller. Written in a clear, direct style without technicalities, The Nonprofit Economy is addressed to a broad audience, dealing comprehensively with what nonprofits do, how well they do it, how they are financed, and how they interact with private enterprises and government. At the same time, the book presents important new evidence on the size and composition of the nonprofit part of the economy, the relationship between financial sources and outputs, and the different roles of nonprofits and for-profit organizations in the same industries. The Nonprofit Economy will become a basic source for anyone with a serious interest in nonprofit organizations.
Move from feeling anxious about the oil crisis to developing a positive visions and taking traction action to create a more self-reliant existence with this ground-breaking book. We live in an oil-dependent world, and have become reliant in a very short space of time, using vast reserves of oil in the process – and without planning for when the supply is not so plentiful. Most of us avoid thinking about what happens when the oil runs out (or becomes prohibitively expensive), but the reality may not be as bad as we think. The Transition Handbook shows how the inevitable and profound changes ahead could have a positive effect. Written by permaculture expert Rob Hopkins, he discusses the possibility of a rebirth of local communities, which will generate their own fuel, food and housing. These will encourage the development of local currencies, to keep money in the local area, and unleash a local 'skilling-up', so that people have more control over their lives. The growth in interest in the Transition model continues to be exponential. There are now more than 35 formal Transition Initiatives in the UK, including towns, cities, islands, villages and peninsulas, with more joining as the idea takes off. With little proactivity at government level, communities are taking matters into their own hands and acting locally. If your community has not yet become a Transition Initiative, this upbeat guide, filled with beautiful black and white photographs, offers you the tools to get started. The Transition Handbook is the perfect manual to guide communities, as they begin this 'energy descent' journey.
The unfolding economic crisis has unequivocally proved that neoliberal policies were no better for growth than for social progress. As poverty and inequality are rising to alarming levels in Europe, the old continent seems at a loss to respond. Political leaders seem content to liquidate the social gains made by workers' struggles. A small minority, possibly even smaller than 1 per cent, associated with the financial sector, stands to benefit from a deepening of neoliberalism. This new anthology of essays from the Global Labour Column explores Europe's turmoil and challenges the deep-rooted consequences of neoliberalism in the North and the South. It sheds light on new movements and ideas which are emerging to defend and mobilise workers, and points to encouraging new policies and directions which could lay the foundations of a new order that would put decent work and life at its core. A number of these come from the South, from which the North may have much to learn. [ILO website]