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This book brings these questions: How any why traveller individual travelling choice won't be influenced by travelling entertainment service price only? Does it mean the travelling entertainment service providers will not reduce their traveller number when they can respect or consider above factors to avoid to bring negative influence to traveller consumers, but they still change higher travelling entertainment arrangement service fee to them? In my this part, I shall explain above factors how to influence traveller individual behavior to let readers can predict traveller individual behavior more accurately. In my this book, I shall explain above factors how to influence traveller individual behavior to let readers can predict traveller individual behavior more accurately.
What are the difference traveller psychology between space and earth tourism? In this book, I shall follow travel psychologists and space tourism entertainment businessmen support view points to give my opinions to attempt to answer above questions. My readers will learn how to apply new space travel strategic knowledge to solve and predict future space tourism leisure consumer behavior more accurately.Therefore, it brings these questions: How any why traveller individual travelling choice won't be influenced by travelling entertainment service price only? Does it mean the travelling entertainment service providers will not reduce their traveller number when they can respect or consider above factors to avoid to bring negative influence to traveller consumers, but they still change higher travelling entertainment arrangement service fee to them? In my this part, I shall explain above factors how to influence traveller individual behavior to let readers can predict traveller individual behavior more accurately.
In this book, I shall explain what is the development differences between smart city development and space city development, then I shall indicate that what challenges to space city development will encounter, next I shall research view points to argue whether space city development is value or not as well as investigate what the actual aims to this space city development. If space city development can be implemented, whether it can assist to develop our space tourism business in more success.It is suitable to any readers who have interest to acknowledge more any space exploration issues how to influence human ourselves psychological and psychological needs to order to adapt to change our daily life as well as researching whether what advantages and/or disadvantages that we can get from space exploration. In this book, I shall follow travel psychologists and space tourism entertainment businessmen support view points to give my opinions to attempt to answer above questions. My readers will learn how to apply new space travel strategic knowledge and (AI) or traditonal tourism marketing predict methods to solve and predict future space tourism leisure a.s well as cruise and destination consumer behavior more accurately.
What are the difference traveller psychology between space and earth tourism? In this book, I shall follow travel psychologists and space tourism entertainment businessmen support view points to give my opinions to attempt to answer above questions. My readers will learn how to apply new space travel strategic knowledge to solve and predict future space tourism leisure consumer behavior more accurately.Therefore, it brings these questions: How any why traveller individual travelling choice won't be influenced by travelling entertainment service price only? Does it mean the travelling entertainment service providers will not reduce their traveller number when they can respect or consider above factors to avoid to bring negative influence to traveller consumers, but they still change higher travelling entertainment arrangement service fee to them? In my this part, I shall explain above factors how to influence traveller individual behavior to let readers can predict traveller individual behavior more accurately.
Nowadays, on movie and opera art performance leisure market, our leisure businesses have many different kinds to let consumer individual choice, for example, movie, opera art management, football performance, swimming, bicycle competition performance etc. indoor leisure activities. How can persuade audiences to buy ticket to see any one of these indoor leisure performance? We need to learn audience psychological factor and indoor environment factor if leisure businessmen hope to increase their audience number easily. On future space city new tourism development market, space cities will not be science fiction, it will be achieved in possible. Whether what benefits it can bring to our future next generation. In this book, I shall explain what is the development differences between smart city development and space city development, then I shall indicate that what challenges to space city development will encounter, next I shall research view points to argue whether space city development is value or not as well as investigate what the actual aims to this space city development. How to learn space city tourism leisure to let travelers feel more attractive to compare general earth travelling leisure.
I shall apply psychology methods to attempt to predict space tourism planner individual space tourism desire in whole future space tourism leisure market development. Whether will future space tourism market development be popular to be accepted one kind of travelling leisure to any travelling consumers in global? What factors can influence traveler prefer to choose space tourism entertainment more than general Earth tourism entertainment? How to influence future space tourism traveler individual space travel entertainment desire to be more stronger? How to attract travelers to feel space tourism entertainment which is one kind of real meaning of life travel leisure at least one time spending? In this book, I shall follow travel psychologists and space tourism entertainment businessmen support view points to give my opinions to attempt to answer above questions. My readers will learn how to apply new space travel strategic knowledge to solve and predict future space tourism leisure consumer behavior more accurately.
⦁Can space tourism business bring economy benefitsIt is fact that space tourism activities have a positive and beneficial impact on eveyday life and society and this help space travelers to understand that, despite the high space ticket prices of any space tourism leisure choices. However, space tourism will bring scientific knowledge and technological knowhow and jobs to bring humn tangible or untangible both benefits. I shall indicate these benefits as below:Although, space tourism leisure seems only leisure activities to be consumed to satisfy any space tourism individual travelling need. However, it can assign space scientists to research and attempt discovery these intangible benefits: Such as tele-communications revolution, satellite weather forecasting, mapping mineral exploration, water resource management diaster mitigation, national security or other undiscovered untangible benefits. Because every spacecraft needs to plan to fly to space, and it will reach any space planet stations, e.g. Mars, Moon planet when it visits these any one planet, the space scientists can attempt to find new undiscovered space resource , e.g. mining or finding new undiscovered satellite weather forecasting method when they can reach these planets to attempt to do space scientifical investigtion to research new space resource , or find any space stones attack to our methods to avoid earth disaster occurrence ( national security mission), instead of the spacecraft catchs space passengers to visit these planets to enjoy these planets space entertainment facilities in their space trip journeys.(1)On space resource benefit aspectHence, the space tourism intangible benefits include: space exploration and international cooperation is developing sophisticted space technologies by nations. For example, the images of distant stars and glaxies using Hubble telescope, research laboratory such as international space station to conduct experiments in biology, human biology, physics, Astronomy and meteorology under microgravity environment and testing of the spacecraft systems will be required for space tourism missions to the Moon and Mars. In the future, human would be able to have unlimited and clean solar energy from space for our industries as well as heating and lighting our homes. In the near future , it would be possible to disposed-off our nuclear waste safely and unexpensively and released towards the sun using a space elevator. We many become a space tourist in earth orbit or on the Moon or Mars. We may carry and extra-terrestial mining and even introduce the development of a multi-planet economy.(2)On education benefit aspectAnother on education benefit aspect, space tourism can let space travelers to feel actual space learning experiences, during the spacecraft is flying in the space. Their space environment learning experience can include, for example: How many spacecraft have been launched by a given country? How many phone calls are made over a satellite? How many lives could be saved by resue satellites? How they feel differences when they are living in one space hotels, they are swimming in the swimming pools, they are visiting the space garden, they are running in one space sport centers, they are visiting in one space farming land, they are sitting or driving one space vehicle on planet land, or they are catching one spacecraft. These space learning experience will let they feel what the actual differences between space environment and earth environment.
I shall apply psychology methods to attempt to predict space tourism planner individual space tourism desire in whole future space tourism leisure market development. Whether will future space tourism market development be popular to be accepted one kind of travelling leisure to any travelling consumers in global? What factors can influence traveler prefer to choose space tourism entertainment more than general Earth tourism entertainment? How to influence future space tourism traveler individual space travel entertainment desire to be more stronger? How to attract travelers to feel space tourism entertainment which is one kind of real meaning of life travel leisure at least one time spending? What factors will raise space tourism leisure desire to space travelling planners? How to solve any challenges to raise space travelling planner individual space travel leisure desire?Whether economic environment changing and space tourism leisure facilities and trip planning both factors are the most influential space tourism planner individual leisure consumption desire?
I had graduated business Administration Science Degree in Common Wealth Open University. Then, I concentrate on researching whether how economic changing environment can influence our behaviors, e.g. consumer behavior in behavioral economic view. I had researched different behavioral economic topics included how artificial intelligence influences economic environment changes, how artificial intelligence influences consumer behaviors, how disease influences traveler leisure psychology, how economic changing environment influences public transport passenger choice, how e-commerce market influences consumer behavior etc. different books are published. I hoped my readers can make accurate analysis to learn how and why the economic changing environment influences consumer behavior in behavioral economic view.
IntroductionThis book researchs two questions:(1)What factors will raise space tourism leisuredesire to space travelling planners?(2)How to solve any challenges to raisespace travelling planner individual space travel leisure desire?I shall apply psychology methods to attempt to predict space tourism planner individual space tourism desire in whole future space tourism leisure market development.Whether will future space tourism market development be popular to be accepted one kind of travelling leisure to any travelling consumers in global? What factors can influence traveler prefer to choose space tourism entertainment more than general Earth tourism entertainment? How to influence future space tourism traveler individual space travel entertainment desire to be more stronger? How to attract travelers to feel space tourism entertainment which is one kind of real meaning of life travel leisure at least one time spending?In this book, I shall follow travel psychologists and space tourism entertainment businessmen support view points to give my opinions to attempt to answer above questions. My readers will learn how to apply new space travel strategic knowledge to solve and predict future space tourism leisure consumer behavior more accurately.