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Todos los verbos son prácticos y esenciales, cada uno de ellos representa una obra única. Sucede que conocemos muchos vocabularios pero no recordamos el verbo relacionado, por lo que no podríamos vincularlos para formar una oración coherente. Este libro está ahí para ayudarlo a que pueda crear fácilmente una oración significativa al conocer el verbo necesario incluso con sustantivos, adjetivos y adverbios elementales. Tener los verbos en mente puede ayudarte a adivinar el significado de otros derivados de los verbos. Todos, desde el nivel intermedio hasta el avanzado, pueden utilizar este libro como fuente de verbos. Los estudiantes, ingenieros, médicos, abogados, gerentes, contables, empresarios, psicólogos y cualquier persona interesada en el idioma inglés pueden elegir este libro para mejorar el poder de comunicación y la capacidad de búsqueda en Internet. Después de dominar este libro, es probable que muchos verbos se confundan; para resolver este problema, todos los verbos similares se juntan en el capítulo dos para aclarar el libro; muchos verbos en inglés no tienen una traducción igual y directa en otros idiomas, y he traducido la explicación al inglés de ellos para hacerlos comprensibles. Muchos verbos tienen diferentes significados, solo he mencionado el más práctico para tener una visión total de los verbos completos. Este libro es para personas que valoran los verbos más que otras partes de una oración. Conocer el significado de un verbo puede ayudarnos a adivinar el significado de otras palabras más fácilmente que conocer el significado de otras palabras y tratar de adivinar el significado del verbo. Al dominar este libro, podrá leer fácilmente otros libros relacionados con el vocabulario al distinguir los verbos que contiene.
All verbs are practical and essential, each of them representing a unique work. It happens that we know many vocabularies but not recalling the related verb, so we would be unable to link them to make a coherent sentence. This book is there to help you so that you can easily create a meaningful sentence by knowing the needed verb with even elementary nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Having the verbs in mind can help you guess the meanings of other derivatives of verbs. Everyone from the intermediate level up to the advanced level can use this book as a source of verbs. Students, engineers, doctors, lawyers, managers, accountants, business people, psychologists, and anyone interested in the English language can choose this book to enhance communication power and ability to search on the internet. After mastering this book, many verbs can probably get confused; in order to solve this problem, all similar verbs are gathered together in chapter two to make the book clear; many English verbs do not have an equal and direct translation in other languages, and I have translated the English explanation of them to make them understandable. Many verbs have different meanings that I have only mentioned the most practical one to have a total view of whole verbs. This book is for people who value verbs more than other parts of a sentence. Knowing the meaning of a verb can help us guess the meanings of other words easier than knowing the meaning of other words and trying to guess the verb's meaning. By dominating this book, you will easily read other vocabulary-related books by distinguishing the verbs inside.
All verbs are practical and essential, each of them representing a unique work. It happens that we know many vocabularies but not recalling the related verb, so we would be unable to link them to make a coherent sentence. This book is there to help you so that you can easily create a meaningful sentence by knowing the needed verb with even elementary nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Having the verbs in mind can help you guess the meanings of other derivatives of verbs. Everyone from the intermediate level up to the advanced level can use this book as a source of verbs. Students, engineers, doctors, lawyers, managers, accountants, business people, psychologists, and anyone interested in the English language can choose this book to enhance communication power and ability to search on the internet. After mastering this book, many verbs can probably get confused; in order to solve this problem, all similar verbs are gathered together in chapter two to make the book clear; many English verbs do not have an equal and direct translation in other languages, and I have translated the English explanation of them to make them understandable. Many verbs have different meanings that I have only mentioned the most practical one to have a total view of whole verbs. This book is for people who value verbs more than other parts of a sentence. Knowing the meaning of a verb can help us guess the meanings of other words easier than knowing the meaning of other words and trying to guess the verb's meaning. By dominating this book, you will easily read other vocabulary-related books by distinguishing the verbs inside.